Field triage for mass casualties


Fire brigade until relieved by emergency medical service.
When to apply:
In case of a radiological emergency resulting in mass casualties.


  1. Establish the triage/first aid area outside the inner cordoned area and within the outer cordoned area
  2. Consider using a flashing blue light to draw people towards the triage/first aid area
  3. Categorize people:
    • Priority 1: need immediate treatment
    • Priority 2: need early treatment
    • Priority 3: can wait for treatment
    • No actions: no need for treatment
  4. Tag victims with their medical conditions and category using a registration form.

    Note: Serious medical problems always have priority over radiological concerns.
    Those who are able to respond to a voice announcement to come to the gathering point most probably may wait for medical attention.
    Keep families together.

  5. Provide first aid as required
  6. Obtain an estimate on the number of victims the transport unit and hospital can handle
  7. Take actions to limit the spread of contamination, if there is an indication that people could be contaminated:
    • Persons with life-threatening injuries should be wrapped in blankets or sheets and transported to the hospital immediately
    • Persons with non-life threatening injuries and non-injured persons should undergo field decontamination/full decontamination, as appropriate (see instructions for public decontamination)
  8. Inform the transport unit and the receiving medical facilities on the nature of event, number of injured people, nature of injuries, and cases of suspected or confirmed contamination or radiation exposure
  9. Arrange for transportation of injured depending on their injuries:
    • Life-threatening injuries should be transferred to the nearest hospital
    • Non-life threatening injuries should be transferred to the secondary hospital or designated hospital (for radiation induced injuries)
  10. Coordinate activities with law enforcement/security team and FEMT when possible and if required
  11. Have PIO make a public announcement to reduce the number of worried-well (self presenters) going to the local hospital unless they are injured. Indicate the place where they can go for monitoring and reassurance
  12. Ask national EOC for additional resources or activate needed support at the national level