(EX/C1-2) Overview of Quasi Single Helicity Experiments in Reversed Field Pinches
P. Martin1),
L. Marrelli1),
G. Spizzo1),
P. Franz1),
P. Piovesan1),
I. Predebon1),
T. Bolzonella1),
S. Cappello1),
A. Cravotta1),
D.F. Escande1),
L. Frassinetti1),
S. Ortolani1),
R. Paccagnella1),
D. Terranova1),
RFX Team1),
B.E. Chapman2),
D. Craig2),
S.C. Prager2),
J.S. Sarff2),
MST Team2),
P. Brunsell3),
J.-A. Malmberg3),
J. Drake3),
EXTRAP T2R Team3),
Y. Yagi4),
H. Koguchi4),
Y. Hirano4),
TPE-RX Team4),
R.B. White5),
C. Sovinec6),
C. Xiao7),
R.A. Nebel8),
D.D. Schnack9)
1) Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-Enea sulla fusione, Padova, Italy
2) Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
3) Division of Fusion Plasma Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Association Euratom-VR, Stockholm, Sweden
4) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan
5) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, USA
6) Center for Plasma Theory and Computation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
7) University of Saskatchewan, Canada
8) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
9) Science Applications International Corporation, San Diego, CA, USA
Abstract. We compare Quasi-Single Helicity (QSH) states obtained in RFX
with those observed in other three RFPs: EXTRAP T2R at Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, TPE-RX at AIST, Tsukuba, MST at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. QSH is the closest experimental approximation of the
theoretical SH state, where the RFP dynamo is driven by an individual
helical m=1 perturbation. The SH state would naturally be resilient to the
magnetic chaos implicit in the standard multi-mode dynamo. Experimental QSH
differs from SH because of the quality of magnetic spectra of m=1
modes. While one m=1 mode dominates the QSH spectra, the other modes still
have non-zero amplitude. We analyse QSH observed in the four devices to
study it in a variety of regimes and to get information on the experimental
parameters and operating conditions that facilitate the transition to QSH
spectra and their optimisation. The results show that the QSH regime can be
considered as a general feature of the RFP. Several parameters influence the
probability of obtaining QSH spectra and their quality. Experiments agree on
the importance of the mode spectrum purity for the exploitation of QSH
potential in terms of confinement.
IAEA 2003