(EX/P5-13) Overview of TEXTOR Results
F.C. Schuller1),
S.S. Abdullaev2),
C.J. Barth1),
W. Biel2),
A.J.H. Donne1),
P. Dumortier3),
D. van Eester3),
K.H. Finken2),
J.C. van Gorkom1),
M. von Hellerman1),
J.A. Hoekzema2),
G.M.D. Hogeweij1),
M. Jakubowski2),
R.J.E. Jaspers1),
D. Kalupin2),
M. Kobayashi2),
H.R. Koslowski2),
A. Kraemer-Flecken2),
M. Lehnen2),
N.J. Lopes Cardozo1),
H.J. van der Meiden1),
A. Messiaen3),
T. Oyevaar1),
V. Philipps2),
A. Pospieszczyk2),
D. Reiser2),
D. Reiter2),
M.Z. Tokar2),
V.S. Udintsev1),
B. Unterberg2),
G. van Wassenhove3),
E. Westerhof1),
1) Trilateral Euregio Cluster, FOM Institute of Plasma Physics, Nieuwegein, Netherlands
2) Trilateral Euregio Cluster, Institut für Plasmaphysik, Forschingszentrum Juelich, Germany
3) Trilateral Euregio Cluster, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas - Laboratorium voor Plasmafysica, ERM-KMS, Brussels, Belgium
Abstract. Since March 2001 TEXTOR undergoes a rebuild to install the
Dynamic Ergodic Divertor (DED). TEXTOR will come into operation in August.
During the campaigns before the shutdown new results were obtained on:
-Internal electron transport barriers found in NCS- but also in normal
L-mode plasmas related to specific q-values; -Further improvements of the
RI-mode with central ECRH and extension towards trans-Greenwald densities;
-Magnetic islands giving enhancement/reduction of turbulent fluctuations and
transport around X-/O-points respectively; -Fast ion dynamics during
sawtooth crashes measured with Collective Thomson Scattering; -Impurity
transport analysis gave diffusion coefficients and inward convection values
to be compared with gyro-Bohm/ITG-model predictions; -Erosion/deposition of
carbon, fuel retention and hydrogen recycling near limiters.
IAEA 2003