(EX/P4-02) Investigation of High Density Regimes in FTU by Pellet Injection and Impurity Seeding.
D. Frigione1),
P. Buratti1,
M. De Benedetti1),
B. Esposito1),
L. Gabellieri1),
L. Garzotti2),
E. Giovannozzi1),
M. Leigheb1),
M. Marinucci1),
M. Mattioli3),
L. Pieroni1),
M. Romanelli1),
B. Angelini1),
M.L. Apicella1),
G. Apruzzese1),
E. Barbato1),
A. Bertocchi1),
G. Bracco1),
G. Buceti1),
A. Cardinali1),
C. Castaldo1),
C. Centioli1),
R. Cesario1),
V. Cocilovo1),
F. Crisanti1),
R. De Angelis1),
F. De Marco1),
G. Gatti1),
C. Gormezano1),
F. Gravanti1),
M. Grolli1),
F. Iannone1),
H. Kroegler1),
G. Maddaluno1),
G. Maffia1),
G. Mazzitelli1),
F. Mirizzi1),
D. Pacella1),
L. Panaccione1),
M. Panella1),
V. Pericoli-Ridolfini1),
S. Podda1),
F. Poli1),
G.B. Righetti1),
F. Romanelli1),
F. Santini1),
S.E. Segre4),
P. Smeulders1),
E. Sternini1),
N. Tartoni1),
B. Tilia1),
A.A. Tuccillo1),
O. Tudisco1),
V. Vitale1),
V. Zanza1),
M. Zerbini1)
1) Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla Fusione, C. R. Frascati - Rome, Italy
2) Consorzio RFX, Padova Italy
3) ENEA guest
4) Dipartimento di Fisica, II Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy
Abstract. High field pellet fuelled discharges in FTU have achieved good
energy and particle confinement properties in ohmic quasi-steady
regime. Peak densities close to
1×1021m- 3 have been
obtained, showing a post pellet decay time of several energy confinement
times. Preliminary experiments in combination with LH power (up to 1 MW)
have shown that good coupling is possible due to the deep penetration of
pellets, which leaves the SOL density almost unperturbed. An extension of
experiments to full LH power regime is under way in order to better clarify
confinement properties at a more relevant input power level. Experiments
aimed at obtaining Radiative Improved Modes (RIM) at high field have also
been carried out using Neon injection. We have observed an increase of
average density with respect to the reference discharge, which cannot be
explained by the contribution of Neon. The neutron yield increases also by a
factor 3-6. The increase of the global energy confinement time is being
analysed to understand if the Neo-Alcator scaling is recovered as observed
on other machines.
IAEA 2003