(CT/P-10) Physics R&D in Support of ITER/BPX Diagnostic Development
A.J.H. Donne1),
R. Boivin2),
A.E. Costley3),
R Giannella4),
D. Johnson5),
E. Hodgson6),
A. Kislyakov7),
A. Krasilnikov8),
Y. Kusama9),
T. Leonard2),
A. Malaquias10),
G. Mckee11),
P. Nielsen12),
T. Nishitani9),
W. Peebles13),
F. Orsitto14),
R.A. Pitts15),
G. Razdobarin7),
J. Sanchez6),
M. Sasao16),
F. Serra10),
T. Shikama17),
V. Strelkov18),
T. Sugie3),
G. Vayakis3),
V. Voitsenya19),
K. Vukolov18),
C. Walker20),
G.A. Wurden21),
K. Young5),
V. Zaveriaev18)
1) FOM-Institut voor Plasmafysica, Rijnhuizen - BE Nieuwegein, Netherlands
2) GA, San Diego, USA
3) ITER IT, Naka Joint Work Site, Japan
4) CEA, Cadarache, France
5) PPPL, Princeton, USA
6) CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
7) Ioffe Inst., St. Petersburg, Russia
8) TRINITY, Troitsk, Russia
9) JAERI, Naka, Japan
10) IST, Lisbon, Portugal
11) Uni. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
12) CNR/RFX, Padova, Italy
13) UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
14) JET-EFDA/CSU, Abingdon, England
15) CRPP/EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
16) NIFS, Toki, Japan
17) Tohoku Uni., Sendai, Japan
18) Kurchatov Inst., Moscow, Russia
19) IPP, Kharkov, Ukraine
20) ITER IT, Garching Joint Work Site, Germany
21) LANL, Los Alamos, USA
Abstract. The development of diagnostics for a next step burning plasma
device (BPX) will be a major challenge. Within the International Tokamak
Physics Activities, a Topical Group (TG) specialises in diagnostics and aims
to support the development of the needed systems. The work of the group
includes the identification and development of the requirements for
measurements, advising on the selection and design of techniques and on
their implementation on BPXs, and development of appropriate
databases. Several tasks have been identified as ‘high priority' and
form the focus of current work. In the paper the work on the determination
of the measurement requirements will be summarised, the progress with the
high priority research topics will be outlined, and the work of Specialists
Working Groups, which work on specific topics entirely in the electronic
domain, will be summarised.
IAEA 2003