(CT/P-08) Possibility of Q
5 Stable Steady-state Operation in ITER with Moderate
and H-factor
A.R. Polevoi1),
S.Yu. Medvedev2),
V.D. Pustovitov3),
V.S. Mukhovatov1),
M. Shimada1),
A.A. Ivanov2),
Yu.Yu. Poshekhonov2),
M.S. Chu4)
1) ITER IT, ITER Naka JWS, Naka-Machi, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki, Japan
2) Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russian Federation
3) Nuclear Fusion Institute, Russian Research Center``Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russian Federation
4) General Atomics, San Diego, USA
Abstract. Operational window for the ITER steady state scenarios with
fusion gain Q exceeding 5 is analyzed. The ideal MHD mode stability analysis
is carried out for different shapes of plasma current profile taking into
account the ITER design wall position. Possible range of plasma parameters
with stable operation is found with moderate normalized beta (about 2.6) and
moderate enhancement factor HH (about 1.3).
IAEA 2003