(EX6/3) ECRH Results during Current Ramp-Up and Post-Pellet Injection in
FTU Plasma
G. Bracco1), A. Bruschi1),
P. Buratti1), S. Cirant2),
F. Crisanti1), B. Esposito1),
D. Frigione1), E. Giovannozzi1),
G. Giruzzi4), G. Granucci2),
V. Krivenski5), C. Sozzi2),
O. Tudisco1), V. Zanza1), F. Alladio1),
B. Angelini1), M. L. Apicella1),
G. Apruzzese1), E. Barbato1),
L. Bertalot1), A. Bertocchi1),
G. Buceti1), A. Cardinali1),
S. Cascino6), C. Castaldo1),
C. Centioli1), R. Cesario1),
P. Chuillon1), S. Ciattaglia1),
V. Cocilovo1), R. De Angelis1),
M. De Benedetti1), E. de la Luna5),
F. De Marco1), B. Francioni6),
L. Gabellieri1),
G. Gatti1), C. Gormezano1),
F. Gravanti1), M. Grolli2),
F. Iannone1), H. Kroegler2),
M. Leigheb1), G. Maddaluno1),
G. Mafia1), M. Marinucci1),
G. Mazzitelli1), P. Micozzi1),
F. Mirizzi1), S. Nowak2),
F. P. Orsitto1), D. Pacella1),
L. Panaccione1), M. Panella1),
F. Papitto1), V. Pericoli-Ridolfini1),
L. Pieroni1), S. Podda1), F. Poli1),
G. Pulcella6), G. Ravera1),
G. B. Righetti1), F. Romanelli1),
M. Romanelli1), A. Russo6),
F. Santini1), Sassi 1), S. E. Segre3),
A. Simonetto2), P. Smeulders1),
S. Sternini1), N. Tartoni1),
P. E. Travisanutto1), A. A. Tuccillo1),
V. Vitale1), G. Vlad1), M. Zerbini1),
F. Zonca1)
1) Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, CR Frascati,
CP 65, Frascati, Roma, Italy
2) Associazione Euratom-ENEA-CNR, Istituto di Fisica del Plasma,
Milano, Italy
3) INFM and Dipartimento di Fisica, II Universitŕ di Roma ``Tor
Vergata'', Roma, Italy
4) Association Euratom-CEA sur la Fusion, DRFC/STPF, CEA/Cadarache,
5) Asociación Euratom/CIEMAT para Fusión, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
6) ENEA Fellow
Abstract. Recent ECRH experiments in FTU have provided new results in two
plasma scenarios, both characterized by the absence of the sawtooth activity
and by flat or reversed q profiles. The first is the current ramp-up phase
where low density plasmas have been heated up to high electron temperature.
When the heating is localized on the plasma axis, the high additional power
density has produced the evidence of a deformation of the bulk of the local
electron distribution function, which is in agreement with the results of a
detailed kinetic simulation. When off-axis heating is applied, no clear
evidence of non-diffusive energy transport has been found. In the second
scenario, ECRH has been applied on the high density plasma produced by
pellet injection, resulting in strong ion heating as shown by the increase
of the neutron yield. The analysis of this scenario shows that, when the
post pellet phase is MHD quiescent, an enhanced energy confinement regime
can be obtained with ECRH as found previously in ohmically heated
post-pellet plasmas.
IAEA 2001