(EX5/1) Physics of Confinement Improvement of Plasmas with Impurity
Injection in DIII-D
M. Murakami1), G. R. McKee2),
G. L. Jackson3), G. M. Staebler3),
D. A. Alexander4), D. R. Baker3),
G. Bateman5), L. R. Baylor1),
J. A. Boedo6), N. H. Brooks3),
K. H. Burrell3), J. R. Cary4)7),
R. H. Cohen8), R. J. Colchin1),
J. C. DeBoo3), E. J. Doyle9),
D. R. Ernst10), T. E. Evans3),
C. Fenzi2), C. M. Greenfield3),
D. E. Greenwood1), R. J. Groebner3),
J. Hogan1), W. A. Houlberg1),
A. W. Hyatt3), R. J. La Haye3),
R. Jayakumar8), T. C. Jergigan1),
R. A. Jong8), J. E. Kinsey5),
A. H. Kritz5), L. L. Lao3),
C. J. Lasnier8), M. A. Makowski8),
A. Messiaen11), J. Mandrekas12),
R. A. Moyer6), J. Ongena11),
A. Pankin5), T. W. Petrie3),
C. C. Petty3), C. L. Rettig9),
T. L. Rhodes9), B. W. Rice8),
D. W. Ross13), J. C. Rost14),
S. Shasharina4), W. M. Stacey12),
H. E. St John3), P. Strand1),
R. D. Sydora15), T. S. Taylor3),
D. M. Thomas3),
M. R. Wade1), R. E. Waltz3),
W. P. West3), K. L. Wong10), L. Zeng9),
and the DIII-D Team
1) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA
2) University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin USA
3) General Atomics, P.O. Box 85608, San Diego, California USA
4) Tech-X Corporation, Boulder, Colorado USA
5) Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania USA
6) University of California, San Diego, California USA
7) University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado USA
8) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California USA
9) University of California, Los Angeles, California USA
10) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey USA
11) KMS/ERM, Brussels, Belgium
12) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia USA
13) University of Texas, Austin, Texas USA
14) Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
15) University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Abstract. External impurity injection into L-mode edge discharges in
DIII-D has produced clear increases in confinement (factor of 2 in energy
confinement and neutron emission), reduction in all transport channels
(particularly ion thermal diffusivity to the neoclassical level), and
simultaneous reduction of long-wavelength turbulence. Suppression of the
flux wavelength turbulence and transport reduction are attributed to
synergistic effects of impurity-induced enhancement of ExB shearing rate and
reduction of toroidal drift wave turbulence. A prompt reduction of density
fluctuations and local transport at the beginning of impurity injection
appears to result from an increased gradient of toroidal rotation enhancing
the ExB shearing. Transport simulations carried out using the National
Transport Code Collaboration Demonstration Code with a GyroLandau fluid
model, GLF23, indicate ExB shearing suppression is the dominant transport
suppression mechanism.
IAEA 2001