(ITER/6) Status of R&D of the Plasma Facing Components for the ITER
I. V. Mazul1), M. Akiba2),
I. Arkhipov3), V. Barabash4),
S. Chiocchio4), K. Ezato2),
G. Federici4), G. Janeschitz4),
C. Ibbott4), A. Makhankov1),
A. Markin3), M. Merola5), S. Suzuki2),
R. Tivey4), M. Ulrickson6),
G. Vieider5), C. H. Wu5)
1) Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus,
189631, St. Petersburg, Russia
2) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka-machi, Naka-gun,
Ibaraki-ken, Japan
3) Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
4) ITER Joint Central Team, Garching, Germany
5) EFDA Close Support Unit, Garching, Germany
6) Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA
Abstract. The paper reports the progress made by the ITER Home Teams in
the development of robust carbon and tungsten armoured plasma facing
components for the ITER divertor. The activities on the development and
study of armour materials, joining technologies, non-destructive evaluation
techniques, high heat flux testing of manufactured components and neutron
irradiation resistance studies are presented. The results of these
activities confirm the feasibility of the main divertor components. Examples
of the fruitful collaboration between Parties and future R&D needs are also
IAEA 2001