(ITER/4) Progress of the ITER Central Solenoid Model Coil Program
H. Tsuji1), K. Okuno2),
R. Thome3), E. Salpietro4), S. Egorov5),
N. Martovetsky6), M. Ricci7),
R. Zanino8), G. Zahn9), A. Martinez10),
G. Vecsey11), K. Arai12),
T. Ishigooka13), T. Kato1), T. Ando1),
Y. Takahashi1), H. Nakajima1),
T. Hiyama1), M. Sugimoto1),
N. Hosogane1), M. Matsukawa1),
Y. Miura1), T. Terakado1), J. Okano1),
K. Shimada1), M. Yamashita1),
T. Isono1), N. Koizumi1), K. Kawano1),
M. Oshikiri1), Y. Nunoya1), K. Matsui1),
Y. Tsuchiya1), G. Nishijima1),
H. Kubo1), T. Shimba1), E. Hara1),
K. Imahashi1), Y. Uno1), T. Ohuchi1),
K. Ohtsu1), J. Okayama1), T. Kawasaki1),
M. Kawabe1), S. Seki1), K. Takano1),
Y. Takaya1), F. Tajiri1), F. Tsutsumi1),
T. Nakamura1), H. Hanawa1),
H. Wakabayashi1), T. Shimizu1),
K. Kuramochi1), T. Omine1), T. Tamiya1),
J. Harada1), K. Nishii1), M. Huguet2),
N. Mitchell2), D. Bessette2),
J. Minervini3), R. Vieira3),
P. Michael3), M. Takayasu3),
G. Bevilacqua4), R. Maix4),
R. Manahan6), R. Jayakumar6),
L. Savoldi8), W. Herz9), A. Ninomiya13)
1) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI),
Naka, Japan
2) ITER Joint Central Team, Naka, Japan
3) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
4) European Fusion Development Agreement, Garching, Germany
5) D. V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute, St. Petersburg,
6) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA
7) ENEA C. R. Frascati, Frascati, Italy
8) Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
9) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe , Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
10) CEA Cadarache, St-Paul-Lez-Durance, France
11) Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Villigen, Suisse
12) Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan
13) Seikei University, Musashino, Japan
Abstract. The world s largest pulsed superconducting coil was successfully
tested by charging up to 13 T and 46 kA with a stored energy of 640 MJ. The
ITER Central Solenoid (CS) Model Coil and CS Insert Coil were developed and
fabricated through an international collaboration and their cool down and
charging tests were successfully carried out by international test and
operation teams. In pulsed charging tests, where the original goal was
0.4T/s up to 13T, the CS Model Coil and the CS Insert Coil achieved ramp
rates of 0.6T/s and 1.2T/s up to 13T, respectively. In addition, the CS
Insert Coil was charged and discharged 10,003 times in the 13-T background
field of the CS Model Coil and no degradation of the operational temperature
margin directly coming from this cyclic operation was observed. These test
results fulfilled all the goals of CS Model Coil development by confirming
the validity of the engineering design and demonstrating that we are now
ready to construct the ITER coils with confidence.
IAEA 2001