(FTP2/02) The KTM Tokamak and Studies of Construction Materials for
Thermonuclear Reactors
E. A. Azizov1), O. I. Buzhinskij1),
E. P. Velikhov2), G. G. Gladush1),
V. A. Glukhikh3), N. Ya. Dvorkin4),
V. N. Dokouka1), I. A. Kovan1),
V. Krylov3), I. N. Leykin4),
A. Mineev3), N. A. Obysov5),
Yu. M. Semenets1), V. S. Shkolnik6),
V. Shestakov7), I. Tazhibayeva7),
L. N. Tikhomirov8), Yu. S. Cherepnin8),
R. Khayrutdinov1), O. G. Filatov3),
V. A. Yagnov1)
1) Troitsk Institute for Innovation's and Thermonuclear
Researches, Troitsk, Russia
2) Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia
3) Efremov Institute, St-Petersburg, Russia
4) State Enterprise ``Leningradsky Severny Zavod'', St-Petersburg,
5) Minatom of RF
6) Ministry of fuel, energy, trade, science and technologies of
Kazakhstan Republic
7) NII ETPh of Kazakh State University, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan
8) National Nuclear Centre of Kazakhstan Republic
Abstract. The Kazakh Tokamak for Material studies (KTM) is
designed for modeling plasma-material interactions in divertor region under
conditions expected for ITER. KTM is a tokamak with low aspect ratio A=2.
The device enables divertor plates to be changed without disturbance of
vacuum. Optimization of power supply sources of equilibrium coils and
inductor has been done. The influence of various plasma parameters (density,
temperature, effective charge) and final shape of plasma configuration on
volt-second of inductor has been studied. Plasma equilibrium has been
analyzed with respect to vertical stability. The characteristic times of
passive stabilization were obtained and ``active'' coils were selected
for active vertical stabilization. Recommendations were given on passive
stabilization coils. A system of position and shape control has been
IAEA 2001