(OV2/2) Overview of Alcator C-Mod Recent Results
I. H. Hutchinson1), R. L. Boivin1),
P. T. Bonoli1), C. Boswell1),
R. Bravenec3), N. Bretz2),
R. Chatterjee3), T. Chung1),
E. Eisner3), C. Fiore1),
S. Gangadhara1), K. Gentle3),
J. A. Goetz1), R. S. Granetz1),
M. J. Greenwald1), J. C. Hosea2),
A. Hubbard1), J. Hughes1), Y.In) 5),
J. Irby1), B. LaBombard1), Y. Lin1),
B. Lipschultz1), R. Maqueda6),
E. S. Marmar1), A. Mazurenko1),
E. Nelson-Melby1), D. R. Mikkelsen2),
D. Mossessian1), R. Nachtrieb1),
R. Nazikian2), D. Pappas1),
R. R. Parker1), T. Pedersen1),
P. Phillips3), C. S. Pitcher1),
M. Porkolab1), J. Rice1), W. Rowan3),
G. Schilling2), J. A. Snipes1),
G. Taylor2), J. L. Terry1),
J. R. Wilson2), S. Wolfe1),
S. Wukitch1), H. Yuh1), S. Zweben2),
P. Acedo10), M. Brambilla4),
B. A. Carreras8), R. Gandy5),
G. A. Hallock3), W. Dorland7),
D. Johnson2), N. Krashennikova1),
C. K. Phillips2), T. Tutt1), C. Watts9),
M. Umansky1)
1) MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA,
USA 02139
2) Princeton Plasma Physics Lab., Princeton, NJ, USA 08543
3) University of Texas, Fusion Research Center, Austin, TX, USA 78712
4) Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany
5) University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA
6) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA 87545
7) University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA 20742-3511
8) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Fusion Energy Division, Oak Ridge,
TN, USA 37831
9) Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA 36849
10) Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 28911 Leganes Madrid, Spain.
Abstract. Research on Alcator C-Mod tokamak focusses on exploiting
compact, high density plasmas to understand core transport and heating, the
physics of the H-mode transport barrier, and the dynamics of the
scrape-off-layer and divertor. Rapid toroidal acceleration of the plasma
core is observed during ohmic heated H-modes and indicates a momentum pinch
or similar transport mechanism. Core thermal transport observations support
a critical gradient interpretation, but with gradients that disagree with
present theoretical values. High resolution measurements of the H-mode
barrier have been obtained including impurity and neutral densities, and the
instability apparently responsible for the favorable ``Enhanced D-alpha''
regime has been identified. Divertor bypass dynamic control experiments have
directly addressed the important questions surrounding main chamber
recycling and the effect of divertor closure on impurities and confinement.
Future plans include quasi-steady-state Advanced Tokamak plasmas using Lower
Hybrid current drive.
IAEA 2001