Abstract. Neoclassical tearing modes (NTM) can be responsible for beta limitation in long-pulse ITER discharges. The excitation and growth of NTM are governed by the competing bootstrap current, polarization current and so-called effects. Also, the magnetic well and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive (ECCD) can stabilize the NTM. We study analytically and numerically all the effects with a particular emphasis on the polarization current in the analytical part of our study. We show that the polarization current description requires a generalized transport theory including the hyperviscosity, electron pressure gradient and, as well, the finite ion Larmor radius effects in the perpendicular current. The profile function nonstationarity must be taken into account for calculation of the island rotation frequency. Results of numerical simulation of NTM suppression by modulated ECCD in ITER are presented.
IAEA 2001