(ITERP/02) ITER-FEAT Magnetic Configuration and Plasma Position/Shape Control
in the Nominal PF Scenario
Y. V. Gribov1), R. Albanese2),
G. Ambrosino2), M. Ariola2),
R. H. Bulmer3), M. Cavinato1),
E. Coccorese2), H. Fujieda4),
A. Kavin1), R. Khayrutdinov5),
K. Lobanov6), V. Lukash7),
L. Makarova6), A. Mineev6),
P. L. Mondino1), A. Pironti2),
A. Portone8), E. Rumyantsev6),
I. Senda4), T. Shoji4), V. Vasiliev6)
1) ITER Joint Central Team, Naka Joint Work Site,
Naka-machi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
2) Association EURATOM/ENEA/CREATE, Reggio Calabria, Italy
3) LLNL, Livermore, California, USA
4) JAERI Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Naka-machi, Ibaraki-ken,
5) TRINITI, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia
6) Efremov Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
7) Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia
8) EFDA, CSU, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching,
Abstract. The capability of the ITER-FEAT poloidal field system to support
the four ``design'' scenarios and the high current ``assessed'' scenario have
been studied. To operate with highly elongated plasma, the system has
segmentation of the central solenoid and a separate fast feedback loop for
plasma vertical stabilisation. Within the limits imposed on the coil
currents, voltages and power, the poloidal field system provides the
required plasma scenario and control capabilities. The separatrix deviation
from the required position, in scenarios with minor disruptions is within
less than about 100 mm.
IAEA 2001