Abstract. The 6 beam 2nd harmonic X-mode (X2), 3MW, ECH/ECCD system of the TCV tokamak allows a fine tailoring of the deposition profiles in the plasma. The sensitivity of the sawtooth period to the deposition location is used to increase the equilibria reconstruction and ray-tracing accuracy. Off-axis ECH, followed by on-axis counter-ECCD produces improved central confinement regimes in which exceeds RLW scaling by a factor of 3.5. The PRETOR transport code (incorporating an RLW local transport model but constrained by the experimental density profiles) predicts an extreme sensitivity of to the deposition location of the counter-ECCD. This is confirmed by experiments. Sawtooth simulations using PRETOR, including the effects of current drive with inputs from the TORAY ray-tracing code, are in good agreement with experimental results. These results are an initial benchmark for the package of analysis codes, LIUQE / TORAY / PRETOR used during ECH/ECCD experiments on TCV.
IAEA 2001