Abstract. Neoclassical tearing mode islands are one of the main causes of reduced performance at high in standard ELMy sawtoothing H-mode. The leading candidate for the threshold is the helical polarization/inertial current which arises from mode propagation at frequency in the Er = 0 guiding center frame of plasma flow. A threshold island width wpol is predicted, which is proportional to the ion banana width and also depends on . The polarization current is predicted to be stabilizing only for 0 , the ion diamagnetic drift frequency, and yields a minimum (below which the helically perturbed bootstrap current is too small to excite NTMs) that gives critical scaling linearly with . A database compiled from the tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), DIII-D and JET shows such a is indeed observed for the m/n=3/2 NTM induced by a sawtooth crash. Typically, unstable seed island widths that grow are observed to be of the order wpol. Detailed measurements of mode propagation in the Er = 0 frame are also consistent with a polarization current threshold.
IAEA 2001