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(FTP/03) LHD-Type Compact Helical Reactors

A. Sagara, K. Y. Watanabe, K. Yamazaki, O. Motojima, M. Fujiwara, O. Mitarai1, S. Imagawa, H. Yamanishi, H. Chikaraishi, A. Kohyama2, H. Matsui3, T. Muroga, T. Noda4, N. Ohyabu, T. Satow, A. A. Shishkin5, S. Tanaka6, T. Terai6, T. Uda

National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-52, Japan
1 Kyushu Tokai University, Kumamoto 862, Japan
2 Kyoto University, Uji 611, Japan
3 Tohoku University, Sendai 980, Japan
4 National Research Institute for Metals, Tsukuba 305, Japan
5 Kharkov Physics and Technology Institute, Kharkov, Ukraine
6 University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan

Abstract.  From the point of view of D-T fusion demonstration reactors, the LHD-type helical reactor designs are studied to clarify design issues for realizing compact reactors, where the major radius R should be as small as possible. The LHD concept is characterized by two advantages; (1) simplified superconducting continuous-coil system and (2) efficient closed helical divertor. Therefore, on the basis of physics and engineering results established in the LHD project, which has already started plasma confinement experiments, two possible approaches on reactor designs are investigated: increasing the toroidal field B0 in the concept of Force-Free Helical Reactor (FFHR) with a continuous-coil system, and increasing the plasma minor radius ap in the concept of Modular Heliotron Reactor (MHR) with an efficient closed divertor. Physics and engineering results are presented, including new proposals.

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IAEA 2001