T. Honda1, H.-W. Bartels2,
N. A. Uckan3, M. Sugihara4, Y. Seki5,
T. Okazaki1
1Power & Industrial Systems R&D Division, Hitachi Ltd.,
Ibaraki-ken, Japan
2 ITER Joint Central Team (JCT) , San Diego, CA, USA
3 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
4 ITER Joint Central Team (JCT), Garching, Germany
5 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research
Establishment, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
Abstract. A plasma-safety assessment model has been provided on the basis of
the plasma physics database of the International Thermonuclear Experimental
Reactor (ITER) to analyze events including plasma behavior. The model was
implemented in a safety analysis code (SAFALY), which consists of a 0-D
dynamic plasma model and a 1-D thermal behavior model of the in-vessel
components. Unusual plasma events of ITER, e.g., overfueling, were
calculated using the code and plasma burning is found to be self-bounded by
operation limits or passively shut down due to impurity ingress from
overheated divertor targets. Sudden transition of divertor plasma might lead
to failure of the divertor target because of a sharp increase of the heat
flux. However, the effects of the aggravating failure can be safely handled
by the confinement boundaries.
IAEA 2001