T. S. Taylor for the DIII-D Team
DIII-D National Fusion Facility, General Atomics, San Diego, California 92186-5608
Abstract. The DIII-D research program is aimed at developing the scientific
basis for advanced modes of operation which can enhance the commercial
attractiveness of the tokamak as an energy producing system. Features that
improve the attractiveness of the tokamak as a fusion power plant include:
high power density (which demands high ), high ignition margin (high
energy confinement time), and steady state operation with low recirculating
power (high bootstrap fraction), as well as adequate divertor heat removal,
particle and impurity control. This set of requirements emphasizes that the
approach to improved performance must be an integrated approach, optimizing
the plasma from the core, through the plasma edge and into the divertor. We
have produced high performance ELMing H-mode plasmas with
H98y 6 for
5( 1s) and demonstrated that core
transport barriers can be sustained for the length of the 5-s neutral
beam pulse in
L-mode plasmas. We have demonstrated off-axis electron cyclotron current drive
for the first time in a tokamak, discovering an efficiency above theoretical
expectations. Edge stability studies have shown that the H-mode edge pressure
gradient is not limited by ballooning modes; the self-consistent bootstrap
provides second stable regime access. Divertor experiments have provided a new
understanding of convection and recombination in radiative divertors and have
produced enhanced divertor radiation with scrape off layer plasma flows and
impurity enrichment.
IAEA 2001