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(CD1/5) Plasma Heating and Sustainment in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies on the Stellarator W7-AS

D. Hartmann , G. Cattanei , ICRH-Group , W7-AS Team 
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, Garching, Germany

On the stellarator  W7-AS  resonant and non-resonant ICRF heating scenarios were successful both in increasing the ion and electron temperature of ECRH or NBI target plasmas and in sustaining the plasmas under steady-state conditions . The investigated scenarios were: D(H), $\rm ^4He(H)$ minority heating (minority species in brackets), D/H mode conversion heating and second harmonic H heating. In all cases density control  was possible and no significant increase in impurities was observed. The heating efficiencies were comparable to tokamaks.


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IAEA 1999