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(TH3/5) Boundary Plasma Control with the Ergodic Divertor

Ph. Ghendrih , M. Becoulet , P. Beyer *, X. Garbet , A. Grosman , S. Feron , F. Laugier , J. Gunn , B. Meslin , P. Monier-Garbet , C. Grisolia , T. Loarer , R. Guirlet 
Association Euratom-CEA, DRFC, CEA Cadarache, 13108 St Paul lez Durance, France
* present address: Equipe Turbulence Plasma, LPIIM, Centre Universitaire de Saint-Jérôme, Marseille, France

Ergodic divertor experiments on Tore Supra  provide evidence of significant control of plasma-wall interaction. Theoretical investigation of the laminar region (i.e. governed by parallel transport) indicates that control of the plasma state at the target plate can be achieved with plasma states similar to that observed with the axisymmetric divertor. Analysis of the temperature field with a 2-D test particle code allows one to recover the observed spatial modulation and shows that an intrinsic barrier  appears to develop at the separatrix. Energy deposition peaking, analysed with a 3-D code, is strongly reduced when moderate transverse transport is considered. Possible control of upstream parameters can thus be achieved in the ergodic region, for instance a lowering of the parallel energy flux by cross field transport.


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IAEA 1999