A. Fukuyama
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
K. Itoh
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu, Japan
S.-I. Itoh , M. Yagi
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University,
Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan
A theoretical model of internal transport barrier (ITB) is
developed. The transport model based on the self-sustained turbulence theory
of the current-diffusive ballooning mode is extended to include the effects of
rotation shear. Delayed formation of ITB is observed in transport
simulations. The influence of finite gyroradius is also discussed. Simulation
of the current ramp-up experiment successfully described the radial profile of
density, temperature and safety factor. A model of ITB collapse due to
magnetic braiding is proposed. Sudden enhancement of transport triggered by
overlaping of magnetic islands terminates ITB. The possibility of destabilizing
global low- modes is also discussed.
IAEA 1999