T. Hirai 1, T. Fujiwara , K. Tokunaga ,
N. Yoshida , S. Itoh and the TRIAM Group
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University,
1 Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences,
Kyushu University, Japan
Plasma irradiation experiments have been carried out in
TRIAM-1M . Thin foil specimens were exposed to a high ion temperature plasma
(hydrogen plasma, limiter configuration) and the microstructural evolution was
examined by means of transmission electron microscopy. The anisotropic
radiation damage due to charge exchange (CX) hydrogen neutrals was clearly
shown. This anisotropy could be explained as the effect of gradient B
drift. By the comparison with the areal density obtained from hydrogen beam
irradiation experiments, the angular dependence of the CX neutrals fluence was
estimated quantitatively. The localized formation of energetic CX neutrals at
the lower half of the plasma indicates stronger sputtering and radiation
damage at the bottom of the torus.
IAEA 1999