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(ITER/1) ITER Physics Basis and Physics Rules

ITER Physics Expert Groups , ITER Physics Basis Editors , ITER Joint Central Team , and ITER Home Teams , presented by D. J. Campbell 
The NET Team, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 85748 Garching, Germany

In the course of the ITER EDA , an extensive collaboration amongst the major communities in the international magnetic confinement fusion programme has assembled a comprehensive description of the physics of tokamak plasmas. The ITER Physics Basis provides rules and methodologies for the extrapolation of plasma behaviour to the ITER scale and underpins both projections of plasma performance in, and the engineering design of, ITER . The major focus of the work has been the development of scalings and models for core, edge, and divertor plasmas in the ITER reference scenario, the ELMy H-mode . In addition, data relevant to ITER's ultimate goal of steady-state operation  has been incorporated. Here the major elements of the ITER Physics Basis  are summarized in terms of the understanding developed in the areas of plasma confinement, mhd stability and operational boundaries, the physics of edge and divertor plasmas, and energetic particle behaviour.


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IAEA 1999