Equipe Tore Supra, presented by
A. Bécoulet
Association EURATOM-CEA sur la Fusion, CEA Cadarache,
13108 St Paul lez Durance cédex, FRANCE
The Tore Supra tokamak was given the
main mission to investigate the route towards long pulse plasma
discharges. This includes the problem of heat exhaust and particle control
(via the development of performant plasma facing components), and in parallel
the physics of fully non inductive discharges and its optimisation with
respect to the confinement. Tore Supra is thus equipped with a superconducting
toroidal magnet (maximum magnetic field on axis 4.5T), a full set of actively
cooled plasma facing components (PFC), and a heating & current drive
capability based on high power RF systems connected to actively cooled
antennas. The encouraging results already obtained, as well as recent progress
in PFC, allowed us to envisaged a significant improvement in the heat exhaust
capability of Tore Supra. The so-called CIEL-project consists in a
complete upgrade of the inner chamber of Tore Supra, planned to be installed
during the year 2000. The present paper deals with the experimental and
modelling activity linked to the preparation of the long-pulse high-power
discharges using the present Tore Supra equipment: heating and current drive
scenarios, power coupling, confinement and transport studies, discharge
control,... An overview of the results obtained in that field is presented, as
well as the progress required in the coming years, and the expected
performance, for the CIEL phase, in terms of current drive and confinement.
IAEA 1999