D. Pacella , F. Romanelli , B. C. Gregory 1,
M. Leigheb , G. Mazzitelli , L. Gabellieri , R. de
Angelis , M. Finkenthal 2, M. May 2,
K. Fournier 3, W. H. Goldstein 3
Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla Fusione, CR Frascati, 00044
Frascati, Rome, Italy
1 Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Montreal, Canada
2 The John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218
3 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 9450
In this work, the radial profile of the diffusion coefficient D
and the convective velocity V in the plasma core (0 r/a 0.7) are
obtained directly by the measurements of the absolute fluxes of a few
molybdenum charge states (intrinsic impurity). The fluxes are derived from
the measured ion density profiles and application of the continuity
equation in stationary conditions. The peak values of these coefficients
in the intermediate region of the plasma are
. A model for the anomalous transport induced by
electrostatic turbulence is developed. With a typical fluctuation spectrum
Hz), calculations can reproduce very well the
experimental results. To inestigate the impurity behaviour in a non-stationary
phase, Kr gas was injected into the plasma. It is found that the total flux
of Kr gas flowing into the core is also driven by diffusion but the magnitude
is much lower than the single ion fluxes derived for Mo ions. The effect of
the turbulence on the single ion is very strong but it is reduced when
averaged over many charge states.
IAEA 1999