D07 |
Enhancing Safety Performance of Research Reactors at Trombay |
Paper Presentation |
C.G. Karhadkar, D.K. Shukla, S. Duraisamy
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Based on various national requirements of basic research, material testing, isotope production, criticality experiments and research related to future power reactor program, Indian research reactor program encompasses a variety of reactors from simple pool type reactor Apsara to complex 100 MW reactor like Dhruva. To meet the varied and complex safety requirements of research reactors, a strong safety management system has also been evolved and nurtured. With over 150 reactor years of operating feedback, wealth of experience has been gained and safety enhancement has been kept as a continuously evolving process at Trombay. The 100 MWth research reactor Dhruva has now completed more than two and half decades of operation. Based on a systematic In-Service Inspection (ISI) program, structured system performance monitoring & review and Periodic Safety Review (PSR) certain incipient failures in the system could be noted and corrected in time. Based on these reviews, certain mid-term safety upgrades in various systems of Dhruva were carried out. This paper will provide an overview of overall safety enhancement of research reactors, through refurbishment, and engineering changes.
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Presentation |