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Experience of Ageing Management at 14 MW TRIGA Research Reactor from INR Pitesti, Romania |
Paper Presentation |
M. Ciocanescu, C. Paunoiu
Institute for Nuclear Research, Pitesti, Romania
The 14 MW TRIGA Research Reactor designed in the early 70s is a relative new research reactor with an operational experience of 30 years.The specific design of reactor core objectives, were to manufacture, build and operate a flexible structure which incorporate previous experience of pool type research reactors. Aluminum alloy 6061 and stainless steel are only materials used for core structural components, which are all easily remotely removable and replaceable by simple hand tools. Properties of those categories of materials were well characterized / known for many other reactors predecessors, and no special criteria or preliminary tests were performed. In spite of well known materials properties, the behavior uncertainties of those materials in each reactor case may have special aspects related to design of components, manufacturing technologies, surface finishing and processing, quality control methods, price of specific components, complex conditions in core and vicinity, history of operation, inspection and verification of components, radioactive waste characterization at the end of life of components. Limited assessment of materials properties and suitability for certain application without considering the each individual component load, exposure and life time, may produce limited information on material itself in fact the issue is the selection criteria for a standard material suitable for a certain application and consequent failure of components. The degradation and ageing are specific to components starting from design, manufacturing technology and expected life when the component should be replaced. The paper presents the practical experience on maintenance requirements specific to TRIGA core components and some techniques of material investigations available at Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti Post Irradiation Laboratory as well as in the Materials Development and Research Department. Some consideration concerning correlation between the reactor safety and materials or component conditions are also presented.
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