A05 |
Development of Education and Training Programs Using ISIS Research Reactor |
Paper Presentation |
F. Foulon1, B. Lescop1, X. Wohleber2
1) National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, CEA, Saclay Research Center, Gif-sur-Yvette, France 2) Nuclear Reactors and Services Department, CEA, Saclay Research Center, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
As a part of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN) carries out various education and training programs on nuclear reactor theory and operation. These programs take advantage of the use of an extensive range of training tools that includes software applications, simulators, as well as the use of research reactors. After a presentation of ISIS reactor, we present the training courses that have been developed on ISIS reactor and their use in education and training programs developed by INSTN. We report on how the training courses carried out on ISIS research reactor ensure a practical and comprehensive understanding of the reactor principle and operation, bringing tremendous benefit to the trainees. We also discuss the future development of education and training programs using the ISIS research reactor as a very powerful tool for the development of the human resources needed by the nuclear industry and the nuclear programs.
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Presentation |