A04 |
EERRI Coalition as a Platform for Close Cooperation — An Enhanced Utilization of Research Reactors in Central and Eastern Europe |
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L. Sklenka1, J. Rataj1, H. Böck2, M. Villa2, L. Snoj3, J. Jaroszewicz4, R. Baranyai5, V. Broz6
1) Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic 2) Vienna University of Technology/Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria 3) Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 4) Institute of Atomic Energy, Otwock Swierk, Poland 5) KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary 6) Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc, Rez, Czech Republic
One the most visible trend in nuclear education and training which became visible during the last few years is networking and closer co-operation between universities at national and international level in nuclear education. Research reactors, which are mainly part of a research institute or university, had the same evolution in networking as universities but with a few years delay — research reactors started to create reactor coalitions. The first impulse towards reactor coalitions was done at the IAEA International Conference on Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization, held in Sydney in November 2007, where research reactor coalitions and centres of excellence were two of the key topics of the conference. At this conference functioning and future sustainability of such reactor coalitions were widely discussed. As a result of those discussions, the first reactor coalition was established three months later. In the January 2008 the Eastern European Research Reactor Initiative (EERRI) was born in Budapest, Hungary. The EERRI reactor coalition now covers nine research reactors from seven European countries. The main purpose why reactor coalitions have been born is the chance to offer complex services in a wide range of activities which a single reactor cannot offer and synergy benefits from joint efforts of the coalition. The next reasons for coalitions cover sharing the irradiation and experimental capacities, coordination of the reactor operation for potential shutdown one of the coalition reactors, etc. A good example how the reactor coalition could work is the oldest coalition - EERRI. Wide power range and various reactors’ use allow EERRI to offer to solve any type of the experimental work usually performed at research reactors from beam experiments through various types of neutron activation analysis, fuel investigation, material science, radioisotope production to education and training. All EERRI activities are focused in the four main areas: Neutron beam applications, Radioisotope production, Fuel and material testing and Education and training. Soon after its establishment, the EERRI in collaboration with IAEA organised and successfully carried out the first two training courses dedicated for the Members States aiming to build their first research reactor. The next two training courses were carried out in 2011.
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