A02 |
New Opportunities for Enhanced RR Utilization through Networks and Coalitions |
Keynote Paper |
D. Ridikas, P. Adelfang, K. Alldred, E. Bradley, N. Peld, I. Videnovic, A.J. Cardoso, M. Putineanu, M.S. Abdullah
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
This paper will give an overview of the IAEA activities related to research reactor (RR) networks and coalitions during the last four years. Both recent achievements and planned actions will be reported with a major emphasis on enhanced RR utilization through facilitated access to neighboring Member States without a RR, the creation of new capabilities leading to potential revenue generation, the revision and implementation of strategic and business plans, as well as self-monitoring and self-evaluation using comprehensive performance indicators. Some new initiatives also will be introduced and described.
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Presentation |