International Conference on Research Reactors:
Safe Management and Effective Utilization

14-18 November 2011, Rabat, Morocco

The IAEA Collaborating Centre for Neutron Activation Based Methodologies of Research Reactors

P. Bode
Delft University of Technology, Reactor Institute Delft, Delft, The Netherlands


The Reactor Institute Delft was inaugurated in May 2009 as a new IAEA Collaborating Centre for Neutron Activation Based Methodologies of Research Reactors. The collaboration involves education, research and development in (i) Production of reactor-produced, no-carrier added radioisotopes of high specific activity via neutron activation; (ii) Neutron activation analysis with emphasis on automation as well as analysis of large samples, and radiotracer techniques; and, as a cross-cutting activity, (iii) Quality assurance and management in research and application of research reactor based techniques and in research reactor operations.

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