A16 |
Production and Supplies of 99Mo: Lessons Learnt and New Options within Research Reactors and Neutron Sources Community |
Invited Paper |
N. Ramamoorthy
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Mumbai, India
During the past few years, the research reactor (RR) topic has occupied the centre stage being the major factor in the crisis faced world over in the supplies of medical isotopes, molybdenum-99 in particular. It is therefore an important aspect for discussion at the quadrennial international conference on research reactors organised by the IAEA. The November 2011 IAEA conference at Rabat, Morocco comes at a time when the international availability of 99Mo has fairly stabilised following the excellent technological efforts in terms of repairs done in the two large reactors, in Canada (NRU) and The Netherlands (HFR), serving the bulk of 99Mo users. The author, who had led and coordinated the IAEA activities in addressing the various issues and extending support to international efforts and initiatives during the period until March 2011, shares in this article his professional analysis of the field of 99Mo production, lessons and experience from the crisis as well as the aspects to be addressed to securing sustainable supplies of both 99Mo and 99mTc in future. In line with the suggestion of the International Programme Committee of the IAEA Conference, the scope of coverage is confined to sourcing 99Mo and 99mTc from RR and other neutron sources, while accelerator-based options are not included in this article.
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