International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators

4-8 May 2009, Vienna


Low Voltage, Hermetically Sealed Electron Beam Accelerator for Industrial Applications

A.L. Testoni, S. Walther, and S. Norasetthekul

Advanced Electron Beams, Inc., Wilmington, United States of America

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Three types of hermetically sealed, low voltage electron beam accelerators and novel solid state power supply/control systems have been developed by Advanced Electron Beams. These accelerators produce uniform, unscanned electron beams through the unique management of the thermionic emitter profile and vacuum body shape. The power density of the accelerators range from 0.02 to 0.2 kW per square centimetre with accelerating voltages ranging from 60 to 150 kV and extracted electron currents of 1 to 30 mA. A wide variety of in-process-line industrial applications have been implemented and continue to be developed for these accelerators including: curing of high density and/or high opacity thin films; cross-linking or chain scission of thermoplastic films; pre-fill disinfestation of food and beverage packaging; sterilization of medical devices and pharmaceutical container surfaces; and the active treatment of air streams for pollution abatement and bioburden remediation. This paper will describe the design of the three emitters and the methods of application implementation.