Personnel protection guidelines


All responders
When to apply:
Always when responding to a radiological emergency unless directed otherwise by radiological assessor.

General personnel protection guidelines:

Caution: Female workers who become aware that they may be pregnant should notify the appropriate authority and must be excluded from emergency duties.

  1. Follow standard safety procedures for your professional area
  2. Be visually identifiable and ensure you are in the accountability system when within the inner cordoned area
  3. Do not touch/hold suspected radioactive items including bomb fragments (shrapnel)
  4. Perform only life saving actions within:
    • 1 metre of suspected dangerous radioactive materials/source
    • 100 metres of fire or explosion unless equipped with respiratory protection
  5. Minimize time spent within 10 metres of suspected dangerous radioactive materials/source
  6. When dispersion of radioactive material (dust/smoke) and contamination are suspected or confirmed:
    1. Use available respiratory protection equipment or cover mouth with a mask or handkerchief
    2. Keep hands away from mouth, do not smoke, eat or drink and wash hands regularly
    3. When treating or transporting contaminated persons use normal barrier methods (standard precautions) such as surgical gloves and masks. Keep hands away from mouth and wash hands regularly
  7. Ensure your name and activities performed are recorded — for possible follow-up and dose reconstruction
  8. Get monitored for radioactive contamination after being within inner cordoned area. If not immediately possible, shower and change clothing as soon as possible
  9. Once emergency operations have ended, other activities (source recovery, cleanup, waste disposal, etc.) should follow occupational radiation protection guidance directed by radiological assessor
  10. As soon as possible have work areas monitored (see personnel protection guidelines when gamma dose rate is known below)

Personnel protection guidelines when gamma dose rate is known:

  1. Follow general personnel protection guidelines
  2. If ambient dose rate in a particular area is greater than 100 mSv/h:
    • Perform only life saving actions
    • Limit total time of staying there to < 30 minutes
  3. Do not proceed into area with an ambient dose rate of greater than 1000 mSv/h unless directed by radiological assessor

Personnel protection guidelines when self-reading dosimeters are being used:

Caution: Self-reading dosimeters do not measure the dose from inhalation, ingestion or skin contamination; consequently responders must also follow all general personnel protection guidelines to limit the dose from these pathways.

  1. Follow general personnel protection guidelines
  2. Make all reasonable efforts not to exceed emergency worker turn-back dose guidance.