United States of America


Year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2013 Average Annual Growth Rate 2000 - 2013
Population (millions)(1) 205.1 227.2 249.5 282.2 295.5 316.4 0.89%
Population Density (inhabitants/km2) 21.9 24.2 25.4 28.7 30.0 32.1 0.86%
Urban Population as % of Total(2) 74% 74% 78% 79% 81% 81% 0.16%
Area (1000 km2)(3) 9,372.6 9,372.6 9,809.1 9,826.6 9,857.3 9,857.3 0.02%


Year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2013 Average Annual Growth Rate 2000 – 2013
GDP (millions of current USD) 1,075,900 2,862,500 5,979,600 10,289,700 13,095,400 16,799,700 3.84%
GDP (millions of 2000 USD) 3,863,346 5,276,530 7,325,429 10,289,700 11,657,598 12,907,001 1.76%
GDP per capita (PPP USD/capita)(1) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
GDP per capita (current USD/capita) 5,247 12,598 23,970 36,467 44,314 53,091 2.93%


Fossil Fuels Nuclear Renewables
Solid(1) Liquid(2) Gas(3) Uranium(4) Hydro Other Renewable
Million metric tons Million metric tons Billion m3 Metric tons U3O8 TW TW
Total amount in specific units 233,747 4,556 9,132 129,900 N/A N/A
Total amount in Exajoule (EJ) NA NA NA N/A N/A N/A


Year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2013(1) Average Annual Growth Rate 2000 - 2013
Energy Consumption
Total 716 823 891 1,041 1,057 1,025 -0.11%
Solids(2) 145 189 231 270 273 237 -0.99%
Liquids(3) 311 361 354 404 426 370 -0.66%
Gases 230 214 207 251 238 281 0.86%
Nuclear 3 29 64 83 86 87 0.39%
Hydro 28 31 32 30 29 27 -0.71%
Other Renewables(4) 0 1 3 3 4 23 16.70%
Energy production    
Total 670 709 746 753 733 864 1.06%
Solids(2) 169 222 266 272 277 261 -0.30%
Liquids(3) 242 216 187 158 140 203 1.95%
Gases 229 210 193 207 196 263 1.83%
Nuclear 3 29 64 83 86 87 0.39%
Hydro 28 31 32 30 29 27 -0.71%
Other Renewables(4) 0 1 3 3 4 23 16.70%
Net Imports    
Total 60 128 148 263 318 134 -5.04%


Year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2013(1) Average Annual Growth Rate 2000 - 2013
Capacity of electrical plants (GWe)(6)
Thermal(2) 265.5 444.2 512.6 580.9 738.9 793.8 2.43%
Hydro(3) 63.8 81.7 92.8 97.8 98.2 101.4 0.28%
Nuclear 7.0 51.8 99.6 97.9 100.0 99.1 0.10%
Wind NA NA 1.8 2.4 8.7 60.4 28.25%
Geothermal 0.1 0.9 2.7 2.8 2.3 2.7 -0.29%
Other Renewables(4) NA NA 0.3 0.4 0.4 6.2 23.83%
Total(5) 336.4 578.6 709.9 782.1 948.6 1,065.3 2.41%
Electricity production (TWh)    
Thermal(2) 1,261.8 1,754.2 2,019.6 2,597.5 2,819.7 2,648.2 0.15%
Hydro(3) 247.7 276.0 286.2 265.8 260.5 261.3 -0.13%
Nuclear 21.8 251.1 576.9 753.9 782.0 789.0 0.35%
Wind NA NA 2.8 5.6 17.8 167.6 29.89%
Geothermal 0.5 5.1 15.4 14.1 14.7 16.5 1.23%
Other Renewables(4) NA NA 0.4 0.5 0.6 8.9 24.94%
Total(5) 1,531.9 2,286.4 2,901.3 3,637.5 3,902.2 3,898.8 0.53%
Total Electricity Consumption (TWh) 1,392.3 2,094.4 2,837.1 3,592.4 3,811.0 3,831.2 0.50%


Year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2013
Energy Consumption per capita (GJ/capita) 349 362 357 369 358 324
Electricity Consumption per capita (TWh/capita) 6,790 9,218 11,373 12,732 12,896 12,115
Electricity production/Energy Production (%) 8.23% 11.61% 14.00% 17.40% 19.18% 16.25%
Nuclear/Total electricity (%) 1.42% 10.98% 19.88% 20.73% 20.04% 20.24%
Ratio of external dependency (%) 8.42% 15.50% 16.65% 25.27% 30.06% 13.09%


Reactor Unit Type Net
Status Operator Reactor
First Grid
ANO-1 PWR 836 Operational ENTERGY B&W 1968-10-01 1974-08-06 1974-08-17 1974-12-19 61.8
ANO-2 PWR 993 Operational ENTERGY CE 1968-12-06 1978-12-05 1978-12-26 1980-03-26 86.0
BEAVER VALLEY-1 PWR 921 Operational FENOC WH 1970-06-26 1976-05-10 1976-06-14 1976-10-01 89.4
BEAVER VALLEY-2 PWR 885 Operational FENOC WH 1974-05-03 1987-08-04 1987-08-17 1987-11-17 96.6
BRAIDWOOD-1 PWR 1178 Operational EXELON WH 1975-08-01 1987-05-29 1987-07-12 1988-07-29 94.0
BRAIDWOOD-2 PWR 1152 Operational EXELON WH 1975-08-01 1988-03-08 1988-05-25 1988-10-17 97.9
BROWNS FERRY-1 BWR 1101 Operational TVA GE 1967-05-01 1973-08-17 1973-10-15 1974-08-01 97.2
BROWNS FERRY-2 BWR 1104 Operational TVA GE 1967-05-01 1974-07-20 1974-08-28 1975-03-01 85.9
BROWNS FERRY-3 BWR 1105 Operational TVA GE 1968-07-01 1976-08-08 1976-09-12 1977-03-01 96.4
BRUNSWICK-1 BWR 938 Operational PROGRESS GE 1970-02-07 1976-10-08 1976-12-04 1977-03-18 96.8
BRUNSWICK-2 BWR 920 Operational PROGRESS GE 1970-02-07 1975-03-20 1975-04-29 1975-11-03 80.6
BYRON-1 PWR 1164 Operational EXELON WH 1975-04-01 1985-02-02 1985-03-01 1985-09-16 100.0
BYRON-2 PWR 1136 Operational EXELON WH 1975-04-01 1987-01-09 1987-02-06 1987-08-02 93.1
CALLAWAY-1 PWR 1215 Operational AmerenUE WH 1975-09-01 1984-10-02 1984-10-24 1984-12-19 80.0
CALVERT CLIFFS-1 PWR 866 Operational EXELON CE 1968-06-01 1974-10-07 1975-01-03 1975-05-08 100.0
CALVERT CLIFFS-2 PWR 850 Operational EXELON CE 1968-06-01 1976-11-30 1976-12-07 1977-04-01 87.4
CATAWBA-1 PWR 1146 Operational DUKEENER WH 1974-05-01 1985-01-07 1985-01-22 1985-06-29 100.0
CATAWBA-2 PWR 1146 Operational DUKEENER WH 1974-05-01 1986-05-08 1986-05-18 1986-08-19 90.7
CLINTON-1 BWR 1065 Operational EXELON GE 1975-10-01 1987-02-27 1987-04-24 1987-11-24 89.7
COLUMBIA BWR 1107 Operational ENERGYNW GE 1972-08-01 1984-01-19 1984-05-27 1984-12-13 87.7
COMANCHE PEAK-1 PWR 1209 Operational LUMINANT WH 1974-12-19 1990-04-03 1990-04-24 1990-08-13 93.7
COMANCHE PEAK-2 PWR 1197 Operational LUMINANT WH 1974-12-19 1993-03-24 1993-04-09 1993-08-03 99.6
COOK-1 PWR 1030 Operational AEP WH 1969-03-25 1975-01-18 1975-02-10 1975-08-28 85.3
COOK-2 PWR 1077 Operational AEP WH 1969-03-25 1978-03-10 1978-03-22 1978-07-01 88.0
COOPER BWR 768 Operational ENTERGY GE 1968-06-01 1974-02-21 1974-05-10 1974-07-01 100.0
DAVIS BESSE-1 PWR 894 Operational FENOC B&W 1970-09-01 1977-08-12 1977-08-28 1978-07-31 96.5
DIABLO CANYON-1 PWR 1122 Operational PG&E WH 1968-04-23 1984-04-29 1984-11-11 1985-05-07 98.2
DIABLO CANYON-2 PWR 1118 Operational PG&E WH 1970-12-09 1985-08-19 1985-10-20 1986-03-13 85.6
DRESDEN-2 BWR 883 Operational EXELON GE 1966-01-10 1970-01-07 1970-04-13 1970-06-09 94.4
DRESDEN-3 BWR 867 Operational EXELON GE 1966-10-14 1971-01-12 1971-07-22 1971-11-16 98.1
DUANE ARNOLD-1 BWR 601 Operational NEXTERA GE 1970-06-22 1974-03-23 1974-05-19 1975-02-01 100.0
FARLEY-1 PWR 874 Operational SOUTHERN WH 1970-10-01 1977-08-09 1977-08-18 1977-12-01 91.7
FARLEY-2 PWR 883 Operational SOUTHERN WH 1970-10-01 1981-05-05 1981-05-25 1981-07-30 92.9
FERMI-2 BWR 1037 Operational DTEDISON GE 1972-09-26 1985-06-21 1986-09-21 1988-01-23 92.0
FITZPATRICK BWR 813 Operational ENTERGY GE 1968-09-01 1974-11-17 1975-02-01 1975-07-28 97.7
FORT CALHOUN-1 PWR 482 Operational OPPD CE 1968-06-07 1973-08-06 1973-08-25 1973-09-26 2.8
GINNA PWR 580 Operational EXELON WH 1966-04-25 1969-11-08 1969-12-02 1970-07-01 98.9
GRAND GULF-1 BWR 1419 Operational ENTERGY GE 1974-05-04 1982-08-18 1984-10-20 1985-07-01 91.2
HARRIS-1 PWR 928 Operational PROGRESS WH 1978-01-28 1987-01-03 1987-01-19 1987-05-02 84.4
HATCH-1 BWR 876 Operational SOUTHERN GE 1968-09-30 1974-09-12 1974-11-11 1975-12-31 94.2
HATCH-2 BWR 883 Operational SOUTHERN GE 1972-02-01 1978-07-04 1978-09-22 1979-09-05 88.2
HOPE CREEK-1 BWR 1172 Operational PSEG GE 1976-03-01 1986-06-28 1986-08-01 1986-12-20 88.5
INDIAN POINT-2 PWR 1020 Operational ENTERGY WH 1966-10-14 1973-05-22 1973-06-26 1974-08-01 99.0
INDIAN POINT-3 PWR 1040 Operational ENTERGY WH 1968-11-01 1976-04-06 1976-04-27 1976-08-30 91.6
LASALLE-1 BWR 1137 Operational EXELON GE 1973-09-10 1982-06-21 1982-09-04 1984-01-01 100.0
LASALLE-2 BWR 1140 Operational EXELON GE 1973-09-10 1984-03-10 1984-04-20 1984-10-19 92.9
LIMERICK-1 BWR 1130 Operational EXELON GE 1974-06-19 1984-12-22 1985-04-13 1986-02-01 100.0
LIMERICK-2 BWR 1134 Operational EXELON GE 1974-06-19 1989-08-12 1989-09-01 1990-01-08 93.0
MCGUIRE-1 PWR 1158 Operational DUKEENER WH 1971-04-01 1981-08-08 1981-09-12 1981-12-01 88.7
MCGUIRE-2 PWR 1158 Operational DUKEENER WH 1971-04-01 1983-05-08 1983-05-23 1984-03-01 100.0
MILLSTONE-2 PWR 869 Operational DOMINION CE 1969-11-01 1975-10-17 1975-11-09 1975-12-26 99.4
MILLSTONE-3 PWR 1218 Operational DOMINION WH 1974-08-09 1986-01-23 1986-02-12 1986-04-23 89.0
MONTICELLO BWR 578 Operational NSP GE 1967-06-19 1970-12-10 1971-03-05 1971-06-30 61.9
NINE MILE POINT-1 BWR 621 Operational EXELON GE 1965-04-12 1969-09-05 1969-11-09 1969-12-01 90.6
NINE MILE POINT-2 BWR 1276 Operational EXELON GE 1975-08-01 1987-05-23 1987-08-08 1988-03-11 98.4
NORTH ANNA-1 PWR 943 Operational DOMINION WH 1971-02-19 1978-04-05 1978-04-17 1978-06-06 90.4
NORTH ANNA-2 PWR 943 Operational DOMINION WH 1971-02-19 1980-06-12 1980-08-25 1980-12-14 87.2
OCONEE-1 PWR 846 Operational DUKEENER B&W 1967-11-06 1973-04-19 1973-05-06 1973-07-15 94.3
OCONEE-2 PWR 846 Operational DUKEENER B&W 1967-11-06 1973-11-11 1973-12-05 1974-09-09 85.1
OCONEE-3 PWR 846 Operational DUKEENER B&W 1967-11-06 1974-09-05 1974-09-18 1974-12-16 99.3
OYSTER CREEK BWR 619 Operational EXELON GE 1964-12-15 1969-05-03 1969-09-23 1969-12-01 95.0
PALISADES PWR 793 Operational ENTERGY CE 1967-03-14 1971-05-24 1971-12-31 1971-12-31 86.4
PALO VERDE-1 PWR 1311 Operational APS CE 1976-05-25 1985-05-25 1985-06-10 1986-01-28 91.8
PALO VERDE-2 PWR 1314 Operational APS CE 1976-06-01 1986-04-18 1986-05-20 1986-09-19 96.9
PALO VERDE-3 PWR 1312 Operational APS CE 1976-06-01 1987-10-25 1987-11-28 1988-01-08 85.7
PEACH BOTTOM-2 BWR 1125 Operational EXELON GE 1968-01-31 1973-09-16 1974-02-18 1974-07-05 100.0
PEACH BOTTOM-3 BWR 1138 Operational EXELON GE 1968-01-31 1974-08-07 1974-09-01 1974-12-23 87.4
PERRY-1 BWR 1256 Operational FENOC GE 1974-10-01 1986-06-06 1986-12-19 1987-11-18 79.9
PILGRIM-1 BWR 677 Operational ENTERGY GE 1968-08-26 1972-06-16 1972-07-19 1972-12-01 81.2
POINT BEACH-1 PWR 591 Operational NEXTERA WH 1967-07-19 1970-11-02 1970-11-06 1970-12-21 91.1
POINT BEACH-2 PWR 591 Operational NEXTERA WH 1968-07-25 1972-05-30 1972-08-02 1972-10-01 100.0
PRAIRIE ISLAND-1 PWR 522 Operational NSP WH 1968-06-25 1973-12-01 1973-12-04 1973-12-16 99.7
PRAIRIE ISLAND-2 PWR 518 Operational NSP WH 1969-06-25 1974-12-17 1974-12-21 1974-12-21 72.1
QUAD CITIES-1 BWR 908 Operational EXELON GE 1967-02-15 1971-10-18 1972-04-12 1973-02-18 92.2
QUAD CITIES-2 BWR 911 Operational EXELON GE 1967-02-15 1972-04-26 1972-05-23 1973-03-10 99.6
RIVER BEND-1 BWR 967 Operational ENTERGY GE 1977-03-25 1985-10-31 1985-12-03 1986-06-16 90.2
ROBINSON-2 PWR 741 Operational PROGRESS WH 1967-04-13 1970-09-20 1970-09-26 1971-03-07 85.0
SALEM-1 PWR 1168 Operational PSEG WH 1968-09-25 1976-12-11 1976-12-25 1977-06-30 87.8
SALEM-2 PWR 1158 Operational PSEG WH 1968-09-25 1980-08-08 1981-06-03 1981-10-13 100.0
SEABROOK-1 PWR 1246 Operational NEXTERA WH 1976-07-07 1989-06-13 1990-05-29 1990-08-19 100.0
SEQUOYAH-1 PWR 1152 Operational TVA WH 1970-05-27 1980-07-05 1980-07-22 1981-07-01 89.4
SEQUOYAH-2 PWR 1125 Operational TVA WH 1970-05-27 1981-11-05 1981-12-23 1982-06-01 97.2
SOUTH TEXAS-1 PWR 1280 Operational STP WH 1975-12-22 1988-03-08 1988-03-30 1988-08-25 94.1
SOUTH TEXAS-2 PWR 1280 Operational STP WH 1975-12-22 1989-03-12 1989-04-11 1989-06-19 60.9
ST. LUCIE-1 PWR 982 Operational FPL CE 1970-07-01 1976-04-22 1976-05-07 1976-12-21 81.1
ST. LUCIE-2 PWR 987 Operational FPL CE 1977-06-02 1983-06-02 1983-06-13 1983-08-08 99.1
SUMMER-1 PWR 971 Operational SCE&G WH 1973-03-21 1982-10-22 1982-11-16 1984-01-01 97.0
SURRY-1 PWR 838 Operational DOMINION WH 1968-06-25 1972-07-01 1972-07-04 1972-12-22 91.1
SURRY-2 PWR 838 Operational DOMINION WH 1968-06-25 1973-03-07 1973-03-10 1973-05-01 100.0
SUSQUEHANNA-1 BWR 1257 Operational PPL_SUSQ GE 1973-11-02 1982-09-10 1982-11-16 1983-06-08 89.7
SUSQUEHANNA-2 BWR 1257 Operational PPL_SUSQ GE 1973-11-02 1984-05-08 1984-07-03 1985-02-12 82.8
THREE MILE ISLAND-1 PWR 819 Operational EXELON B&W 1968-05-18 1974-06-05 1974-06-19 1974-09-02 92.1
TURKEY POINT-3 PWR 802 Operational FPL WH 1967-04-27 1972-10-20 1972-11-02 1972-12-14 90.7
TURKEY POINT-4 PWR 802 Operational FPL WH 1967-04-27 1973-06-11 1973-06-21 1973-09-07 73.4
VERMONT YANKEE BWR 605 Operational ENTERGY GE 1967-12-11 1972-03-24 1972-09-20 1972-11-30 92.7
VOGTLE-1 PWR 1150 Operational SOUTHERN WH 1976-08-01 1987-03-09 1987-03-27 1987-06-01 100.0
VOGTLE-2 PWR 1152 Operational SOUTHERN WH 1976-08-01 1989-03-28 1989-04-10 1989-05-20 88.5
WATERFORD-3 PWR 1168 Operational ENTERGY CE 1974-11-14 1985-03-04 1985-03-18 1985-09-24 93.3
WATTS BAR-1 PWR 1123 Operational TVA WH 1973-01-23 1996-01-01 1996-02-06 1996-05-27 100.0
WOLF CREEK PWR 1195 Operational WCNOC WH 1977-05-31 1985-05-22 1985-06-12 1985-09-03 70.9
SUMMER-2 PWR 1117 Under Construction SCE&G WH 2013-03-09
SUMMER-3 PWR 1117 Under Construction SCE&G WH 2013-11-02
VOGTLE-3 PWR 1117 Under Construction SOUTHERN WH 2013-03-12
VOGTLE-4 PWR 1117 Under Construction SOUTHERN WH 2013-11-19
WATTS BAR-2 PWR 1165 Under Construction TVA WH 1972-12-01 2015-08-01
BIG ROCK POINT BWR 67 Permanent Shutdown CPC GE 1960-05-01 1962-09-27 1962-12-08 1963-03-29 1997-08-29
BONUS BWR 17 Permanent Shutdown DOE/PRWR GNEPRWRA 1960-01-01 1964-04-13 1964-08-14 1965-09-01 1968-06-01
CRYSTAL RIVER-3 PWR 860 Permanent Shutdown PROGRESS B&W 1968-09-25 1977-01-14 1977-01-30 1977-03-13 2013-02-05 0.0
CVTR PHWR 17 Permanent Shutdown CVPA WH 1960-01-01 1963-03-01 1963-12-18 1967-01-10
DRESDEN-1 BWR 197 Permanent Shutdown EXELON GE 1956-05-01 1959-10-15 1960-04-15 1960-07-04 1978-10-31
ELK RIVER BWR 22 Permanent Shutdown RCPA AC 1959-01-01 1962-11-01 1963-08-24 1964-07-01 1968-02-01
FERMI-1 FBR 61 Permanent Shutdown DTEDISON UEC 1956-12-01 1963-08-23 1966-08-05 1972-11-29
FORT ST. VRAIN HTGR 330 Permanent Shutdown PSCC GA 1968-09-01 1974-01-31 1976-12-11 1979-07-01 1989-08-29
GE VALLECITOS BWR 24 Permanent Shutdown GE GE 1956-01-01 1957-08-03 1957-10-19 1957-10-19 1963-12-09
HADDAM NECK PWR 560 Permanent Shutdown CYAPC WH 1964-05-01 1967-07-24 1967-08-07 1968-01-01 1996-12-05
HALLAM X 75 Permanent Shutdown AEC/NPPD GE 1959-01-01 1963-01-01 1963-09-01 1963-11-01 1964-09-01
HUMBOLDT BAY BWR 63 Permanent Shutdown PG&E GE 1960-11-01 1963-02-16 1963-04-18 1963-08-01 1976-07-02
INDIAN POINT-1 PWR 257 Permanent Shutdown ENTERGY B&W 1956-05-01 1962-08-02 1962-09-16 1962-10-01 1974-10-31
KEWAUNEE PWR 566 Permanent Shutdown DOMINION WH 1968-08-06 1974-03-07 1974-04-08 1974-06-16 2013-05-07 100.0
LACROSSE BWR 48 Permanent Shutdown DPC AC 1963-03-01 1967-07-11 1968-04-26 1969-11-07 1987-04-30
MAINE YANKEE PWR 860 Permanent Shutdown MYAPC CE 1968-10-01 1972-10-23 1972-11-08 1972-12-28 1997-08-01
MILLSTONE-1 BWR 641 Permanent Shutdown DOMINION GE 1966-05-01 1970-10-26 1970-11-29 1971-03-01 1998-07-01
PATHFINDER BWR 59 Permanent Shutdown NMC AC 1959-01-01 1964-01-01 1966-07-25 1967-10-01
PEACH BOTTOM-1 HTGR 40 Permanent Shutdown EXELON GA 1962-02-01 1966-03-03 1967-01-27 1967-06-01 1974-11-01
PIQUA X 12 Permanent Shutdown CofPiqua GE 1960-01-01 1961-01-01 1963-07-01 1963-11-01 1966-01-01
RANCHO SECO-1 PWR 873 Permanent Shutdown SMUD B&W 1969-04-01 1974-09-16 1974-10-13 1975-04-17 1989-06-07
SAN ONOFRE-1 PWR 436 Permanent Shutdown SCE WH 1964-05-01 1967-06-14 1967-07-16 1968-01-01 1992-11-30
SAN ONOFRE-2 PWR 1070 Permanent Shutdown SCE CE 1974-03-01 1982-07-26 1982-09-20 1983-08-08 2013-06-07 0.0
SAN ONOFRE-3 PWR 1080 Permanent Shutdown SCE CE 1974-03-01 1983-08-29 1983-09-25 1984-04-01 2013-06-07 0.0
SAXTON PWR 3 Permanent Shutdown SNEC GE 1960-01-01 1967-01-01 1967-03-01 1967-03-01 1972-05-01
SHIPPINGPORT PWR 60 Permanent Shutdown DOE DUQU WH 1954-01-01 1957-01-01 1957-12-02 1958-05-26 1982-10-01
SHOREHAM BWR 820 Permanent Shutdown LIPA GE 1972-11-01 1985-02-01 1986-08-01 1989-05-01
THREE MILE ISLAND-2 PWR 880 Permanent Shutdown GPU B&W 1969-11-01 1978-03-27 1978-04-21 1978-12-30 1979-03-28
TROJAN PWR 1095 Permanent Shutdown PORTGE WH 1970-02-01 1975-12-15 1975-12-23 1976-05-20 1992-11-09
YANKEE NPS PWR 167 Permanent Shutdown YAEC WH 1957-11-01 1960-08-19 1960-11-10 1961-07-01 1991-10-01
ZION-1 PWR 1040 Permanent Shutdown EXELON WH 1968-12-01 1973-06-19 1973-06-28 1973-12-31 1998-02-13
ZION-2 PWR 1040 Permanent Shutdown EXELON WH 1968-12-01 1973-12-24 1973-12-26 1974-09-17 1998-02-13
BELLEFONTE-1 PWR 1235 Suspended Constr. TVA B&W 1974-09-01
BELLEFONTE-2 PWR 1235 Suspended Constr. TVA B&W 1974-09-01
BAILLY BWR 660 Cancelled Constr. NIPS GE 1974-01-01 1981-08-01
BLACK FOX-1 BWR 1150 Cancelled Constr. PSCO GE 1978-07-01 1982-02-01
BLACK FOX-2 BWR 1150 Cancelled Constr. PSCO GE 1978-07-01 1982-02-01
CALLAWAY-2C PWR 1120 Cancelled Constr. UNION WH 1975-10-01 1981-10-01
CHEROKEE-1 PWR 1280 Cancelled Constr. DUKE CE 1976-07-01 1983-04-01
CHEROKEE-2 PWR 1280 Cancelled Constr. DUKE CE 1976-07-01 1982-11-01
CHEROKEE-3 PWR 1280 Cancelled Constr. DUKE CE 1976-07-01 1982-11-01
CLINTON-2 BWR 933 Cancelled Constr. IPC GE 1975-10-01 1983-10-01
FORKED RIVER PWR 1070 Cancelled Constr. JCPL CE 1973-08-01 1980-11-01
GRAND GULF-2 BWR 1250 Cancelled Constr. MP&L GE 1974-05-01 1990-12-01
HARRIS-2C PWR 900 Cancelled Constr. CPL WH 1978-01-01 1983-12-01
HARRIS-3C PWR 900 Cancelled Constr. CPL WH 1978-01-01 1981-12-01
HARRIS-4C PWR 900 Cancelled Constr. CPL WH 1978-01-01 1981-12-01
HARTSVILLE A-1 BWR 1233 Cancelled Constr. TVA GE 1976-04-01 1984-08-01
HARTSVILLE A-2 BWR 1233 Cancelled Constr. TVA GE 1976-04-01 1984-08-01
HARTSVILLE B-1 BWR 1233 Cancelled Constr. TVA GE 1976-04-01 1982-08-01
HARTSVILLE B-2 BWR 1233 Cancelled Constr. TVA GE 1976-04-01 1982-08-01
HOPE CREEK-2 BWR 1067 Cancelled Constr. PSEG GE 1976-03-01 1981-12-01
MARBLE HILL-1 PWR 1030 Cancelled Constr. PSI WH 1977-07-01 1984-01-01
MARBLE HILL-2 PWR 1130 Cancelled Constr. PSI WH 1977-07-01 1984-01-01
MIDLAND-1 PWR 491 Cancelled Constr. CPC B&W 1973-03-01 1986-07-01
MIDLAND-2 PWR 816 Cancelled Constr. CPC B&W 1973-03-01 1986-07-01
NORTH ANNA-3C PWR 907 Cancelled Constr. VEPCO B&W 1971-06-01 1982-11-01
NORTH ANNA-4C PWR 907 Cancelled Constr. VEPCO B&W 1971-12-01 1980-11-01
PERRY-2 BWR 1205 Cancelled Constr. CEI GE 1974-10-01 1984-04-01
PHIPPS BEND-1 BWR 1233 Cancelled Constr. TVA GE 1977-10-01 1982-08-01
PHIPPS BEND-2 BWR 1233 Cancelled Constr. TVA GE 1977-10-01 1982-08-01
RIVER BEND-2 BWR 934 Cancelled Constr. GSU GE 1975-08-01 1984-01-01
SEABROOK-2 PWR 1149 Cancelled Constr. FPL WH 1976-07-01 1988-01-01
SURRY-3 PWR 859 Cancelled Constr. VEPCO WH 1974-01-01 1977-03-01
SURRY-4 PWR 859 Cancelled Constr. VEPCO WH 1974-01-01 1977-03-01
WNP-1 PWR 1259 Cancelled Constr. WPPSS B&W 1975-08-01 1983-01-01
WNP-3 PWR 1240 Cancelled Constr. WPPSS CE 1977-04-01 1983-01-01
WNP-4 PWR 1250 Cancelled Constr. WPPSS B&W 1975-08-01 1982-01-01
WNP-5 PWR 1240 Cancelled Constr. WPPSS CE 1977-04-01 1982-01-01
YELLOW CREEK-1 PWR 1285 Cancelled Constr. TVA CE 1978-02-01 1984-08-01
YELLOW CREEK-2 PWR 1285 Cancelled Constr. TVA CE 1978-02-01 1984-08-01
ZIMMER-1 BWR 810 Cancelled Constr. CG&E GE 1972-10-01 1984-01-01
Data source: IAEA - Power Reactor Information System


Station/Project Name Type1 Units Capacity
Application Submitted Application Status COL Issued Expected Commercial Year
Bell Bend US-EPR 1 1,600 10/10/2008 Under Review
Bellefonte, Units 1 & 2 (2) AP 1000 2 2,520 5/14/1973 Deferred
Bellefonte, Units 3 & 4 AP 1000 2 2,234 10/30/2007 Review Suspended
Callaway, Unit 2 US-EPR 1 1,600 7/24/2008 Review Suspended
Calvert Cliffs, Unit 3 US-EPR 1 1,600 7/13/2007 Under Review
Comanche Peak, Units 3 & 4 US-APWR 2 3,400 9/19/2008 Under Review
Fermi, Unit 3 ESBWR 1 1,520 9/13/2008 Under Review
Grand Gulf, Unit 3 ESBWR 1 1,520 2/27/2008 Review Suspended
Levy County, Units 1 & 2 AP 1000 2 2,234 7/30/2008 Under Review
Nine Mile Point, Unit 3 US-EPR 1 1,600 9/30/2008 Review Suspended
North Anna, Unit 3 US-APWR 1 1,500 11/27/2007 Under Review
River Bend Station, Unit 3 ESBWR 1 1,520 9/25/2008 Review Suspended
Shearon Harris, Units 2 & 3 AP 1000 2 2,234 2/18/2008 Review Suspended
South Texas Project, Units 3 & 4 ABWR 2 2,700 9/20/2007 Under Review
Turkey Point, Units 6 & 7 AP 1000 2 2,234 6/30/2009 Under Review
Virgil C. Summer, Units 2 & 3 AP 1000 2 2,200 3/27/2008 Under Construction 2012 2017, 2018
Vogtle, Units 3 & 4 AP 1000 2 2,200 3/28/2008 Under Construction 2012 2016, 2017
Watts Bar, Unit 2 (2) PWR 1 1,218 N/A Under Construction 2015
William States Lee III, Units 1 & 2 AP 1000 2 2,234 12/12/2007 Under Review


Reactor Name Type Net Summer Capacity (MWe) Operator License Terminated License Status1, 2, 3 Reactor Supplier Construction Date Grid Date Shutdown Date
Big Rock Point BWR 67 Consumers Power Co. Yes ISFSI Only General Electric 5/1/1960 12/8/1962 8/29/1997
Crystal River-3 PWR 860 Progress Energy SAFSTOR Babcock&Wilcox 6/1/1967 1/30/1977 2/20/2013
Dresden-1 BWR 197 Exelon SAFSTOR General Electric 5/1/1956 4/15/1960 10/31/1978
Enrico Fermi-1 FBR 65 Detroit Edison Co. SAFSTOR UEC 8/1/1956 8/5/1966 11/29/1972
Fort St. Vrain HTGR 330 Public Service Co. of Colorado Yes ISFSI Only General Atomics 9/1/1968 12/11/1976 8/29/1989
Haddam Neck PWR 560 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Yes ISFSI Only Westinghouse 5/1/1964 8/7/1967 12/5/1996
Humboldt Bay BWR 63 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. DECON General Electric 11/1/1960 4/18/1963 7/2/1976
Indian Point-1 PWR 257 Entergy Nuclear South SAFSTOR Babcock&Wilcox 5/1/1956 9/16/1962 10/31/1974
Kewaunee PWR 556 Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc. SAFSTOR Westinghouse 8/1/1968 4/8/1974 5/7/2013
Lacrosse BWR 48 Dairyland Power Cooperative DECON Allis-Chalmers 3/1/1963 4/26/1968 4/30/1987
Maine Yankee PWR 860 Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co. Yes ISFSI Only Combustion Eng. 10/1/1968 11/8/1972 8/1/1997
Millstone-1 BWR 641 Dominion Generation SAFSTOR General Electric 5/1/1966 11/29/1970 7/1/1998
Peach Bottom-1 HTGR 40 Exelon SAFSTOR General Atomics 2/1/1962 1/27/1967 11/1/1974
Rancho Seco-1 PWR 873 Sacramento Municipal Utility District Yes ISFSI Only Babcock&Wilcox 4/1/1969 10/13/1974 6/7/1989
San Onofre-1 PWR 436 Southern California Edison Co. SAFSTOR Westinghouse 5/1/1964 7/16/1967 11/30/1992
San Onofre-2 PWR 1,160 Southern California Edison Co. SAFSTOR Combustion Eng. 3/1/1974 9/20/1982 6/7/2013
San Onofre-3 PWR 1,080 Southern California Edison Co. SAFSTOR Combustion Eng. 3/1/1974 9/25/1983 6/7/2013
Shoreham BWR 820 Long Island Power Authority Yes License Terminated General Electric 11/1/1972 8/1/1986 5/1/1989
Three Mile Island-2 (4) PWR 880 General Public Utilities SAFSTOR 1 Babcock&Wilcox 11/1/1969 4/21/1978 3/28/1979
Trojan PWR 1,095 Portland General Electric Co. Yes ISFSI Only Westinghouse 2/1/1970 12/23/1975 11/9/1992
Yankee NPS PWR 167 Yankee Atomic Electric Co. Yes ISFSI Only Westinghouse 11/1/1957 11/10/1960 10/1/1991
Zion-1 PWR 1,040 Exelon DECON Westinghouse 12/1/1968 6/28/1973 1/1/1998
Zion-2 PWR 1,040 Exelon DECON Westinghouse 12/1/1968 12/26/1973 1/1/1998