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(Updated 2009)


1.1  General Overview


Romania is situated in geographical center of Europe (south-east of Central Europe) at north of Balkan Peninsula at the half of distance between Atlantic Coast and The Urals, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch, on the Danube (1075 km) lower course and has exit to the Black Sea. Otherwise, parallel 45°N with the meridian 25°E intersects near the geometrical center of the country, 100 km N-W of the country capital, Bucharest. Romania is the twelfth largest country of Europe, having an area of 238391 km2.

The exit to the sea enables the connections with the countries in the Black Sea basin, in the Mediterranean Sea basin and, by means of this, rest of the world.Romanian seaside of the Black Sea is lying on 245 km, between Musura stream (at the border with Ukraine) and Vama Veche locality (at the border with Bulgaria).

Romania's relief consists of three major levels: the highest one in the Carpathians (the highest peak Moldoveanu 2544 m), the middle one which corresponds to the Sub-Carpathians, to the hills and to the plateaus and the lowest one in plains, meadows and Danube Delta. The Danube Delta, the youngest relief unit under permanent formation, has the average height of 0.52 m.Main features of relief units are proportionality (31% mountains, 36% hills and plateaus, 33% plains and meadows) and concentric display of the relief major levels.

Romania’s climate is temperate-continental of transition, with oceanic influences from the West, Mediterranean ones from South-West and continental-excessive ones from the East. Multiannual average temperature is latitudinally different, 8°C in the North and over 11°C in the South, and altitudinally, with values of -2.5°C in the mountain floor (Omu peak - Bucegi massif) and 11.6°C in the plain (Zimnicea town - Teleorman county).

Yearly precipitations decrease in intensity from west to east from over 600 mm to less 500 mm in the East Romanian Plain, under 450 mm in Dobrogea and about 350 mm by seaside, in the mountainous areas they reach 1000-1500 mm.

Romanian running waters are radially displayed, most of them having the springs in the Carpathians. Their main collector is the Danube river, which crosses the country in the south on 1075 km length and flows into the Black Sea.The lakes are represented by natural lakes (numerous genetic types) spread in all major units of relief, from glacial ones in the alpine floor (Mioarelor Lake - Fagaras 2282 m) to river-maritime banks (Techirghiol Lake at 1.5 m) and anthropic lakes, as well in all relief units.

The vegetation is determined by the relief and by pedoclimatic elements, being displayed in floors. Mountainous regions are covered by coniferous forests (especially spruce fir), mixture forests (beech, fir-tree, spruce fir) and beech forests. Higher peaks are covered by alpine lawns and bushes of dwarf pine, juniper, bilberry, red bilberry a.s.o.

In the hills and plateaus regions there are broad-leaved forests, prevailing beech, common oak or durmast oak; the main forest species often met on low hills and high plains are Quercus cerris and Quercus frainetto.

The steppe and silvosteppe vegetation, which covered the areas of low humidity in Dobrogea Plateau, Romanian Plain, Moldova Plateau, Banat and Crisana Plain has been mostly replaced by agricultural crops.

Romania's fauna is grouped by different areals according to each species biotype. Relict elements as black goat (chamois) and mountain vulture live in the alpine area. In the Carpathian forests live various animals: bear, buck, lynx, wolf, wild boar, roebuck, squirrel and several species of birds. In a few mountainous areas both mountain cock and birch cock are still met. In the hill and field areas there are hares, moles, hedgehogs, various birds, lizards, batrachia a.s.o.; rodent animals as gopher and hamster are characteristic for the steppe areas. Water fauna is represented especially by trout in the mountainous waters (huck which was mostly spread in the past has become quite rare); dace and barbel in the hill region; carp, perch, pike, sheat fish, crucian in the field region and Danube Delta; sturgeon species are also met in the marine territorial waters and on the downstream Danube.

Romania's useful minerals resources are various. Among the main useful minerals resources we can mention: crude oil, with old exploitation traditions; natural gas; coal, especially coking pitcoal, brown coal and lignite; ferrous and nonferrous ores, gold, silver and bauxite ore deposits; vast reserves of salt as well as numerous nonmetalliferrous resources. A special category of subsoil riches is constituted by over 2000 mineral water springs, with consumption and medical treatments valences.

Romanian territory is divided from administrative viewpoint into: villages, communes, towns, municipalities and counties.

As territorial (non-administrative) units, 8 regions of development were created, gathering several counties.

County represents traditional administrative-territorial unit in Romania, including towns and communes, depending on geographical, economical and social-political conditions and population cultural and traditional relations. Romanian territory is organized into 42 counties (including Bucharest Municipality).

Municipality is a town, with an important economic, social,political and cultural role, usually having administrative function.

Town represents a human concentration with administrative function and a life specific to urban areas and with a population professional structure where the population employed in nonagricultural branches prevails.

Commune is a territorial-administrative unit which comprises rural population united by interest and traditional community, including one or several villages (from which one is commune residence).

Village is the smallest territorial unit, having characteristics of rural settlements.

Main cities: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Timisoara, Craiova, Galati, Brasov, Ploiesti, Braila, Oradea, Bacau, Pitesti, Arad, Sibiu.

Main harbours:

– at the Black Sea: Constanta, Mangalia;

– at the Danube: Moldova Noua, Orsova, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Magurele, Zimnicea, Giurgiu, Oltenita, Calarasi, Cernavoda, Hârsova, Macin, Braila, Galati, Tulcea, Sulina.

Main airports: Bucharest (“Henri Coanda”-Otopeni and Baneasa), Constanta (“Mihail Kogalniceanu“), Timisoara (“Traian Vuia”), Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Arad, Oradea, Baia Mare, Târgu Mures, Suceava, Bacau, Deva, Sibiu, Craiova, Tulcea.

The capital: Bucharest Municipality (1931236 inhabitants on July 1, 2006), organized into six administrative sectors. The first documentary mention was on 20.IX.1459, as residence of Vlad Tepes. Capital of Tara Romaneasca (Valahia) since the second half of the XVIIth century and Capital of Romania since 1862, Bucharest Municipality is the most important political, economic and cultural-scientific center of the country.

Official language: Romanian.

Flag of Romania: is three - coloured; the colours are placed vertically in the following order from the lance: blue, yellow, red.

National day of Romania: December, 1.

National anthem of Romania is “Wake up, Romanian”.

Government form in Romania is the republic, according to the Constitution adopted in 1991 and modified in 2003;

– Legislative power is represented by a two chambers - Parliament (Chamber of Deputies and Senate), and executive power is carried out by Government led by Prime Minister appointed by the country’s President;

– President of the country is elected based on general elections results by universal vote for a 5 years mandate.

National currency: "RON" (Romanian Leu), “Ban“ subdivision.

The exchange rate is set on the interbank currency market on a daily basis, reference currency being euro.

Country code: +40

Bucharest code: +40 21

UE membership from 1st of January, 2007

NATO membership from 29th of March, 2004

Emergency number: 112 ( police and ambulance, fire figthers)

Source: National Institute of Statistics


         Average Annual Growth Rate (%)
 19701980 19902000 20072008 2000 to 2008
Population (millions)20.322.2 23.222.45 21.56  21.52  0.52
Population density (inhabitants/km2) 85.393.5 97.7  94.3 90.4390.26  -0.54
Urban population (% of total) 36.945.854.3 54.655.1 55  0.05
Area(1000 km2) 238.4

 Source: National Institute of Statistics

1.1.1  Economic Indicators

Table 2 shows the historical GDP data.


        Average annual growth rate(%)
   19801990   2000  2007 20082000  to  2008
GDP (billions of current US$) 34.3 38.237166 200 23,4
GDP (billions of constant 2000 US$) 35.4 35.537185.9 232.3 25,8
GDP per capita (current US$) 1544 164816777703 9300 23,8

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators

1.1.2.  Energy Situation

Among the various main useful minerals we can mention: crude oil, with old exploitation traditions; natural gas; coal, especially cocking pit coal, lignite and brown coal; ferrous and non-ferrous ores, gold, silver and bauxite ore deposits; great reserves of salt as well as numerous non-metalliferrous resources. Table 3 shows the energy reserves, and Table 4 the historical energy statistics.


  Solid(1)  Liquid(2) Gas(3)  Uranium(4)Hydro(5) 
 Million tons Million tonsBillion m3 Metric tonsTW.h per year
 Total amount in place(*) 10.28 4.54 13.74 3.77  5.40 

(*) Sources: 20th WEC Survey of Energy Resources, 2004 and Uranium 2005: Resources, Production and Demand ("Red Book") (1) Coal including Lignite: proved recoverable reserves, the tonnage within the proved amount in place that can be recovered in the future under present and expected local economic conditions with existing available technology (2) Crude oil and natural gas liquids (Oil Shale, Natural Bitumen and Extra-Heavy Oil are not included): proved recoverable reserves, the quantity within the proved amount in place that can be recovered in the future under present and expected local economic conditions with existing available technology (3) Natural gas: proved recoverable reserves, the volume within the proved amount in place that can be recovered in the future under present and expected local economic conditions with existing available technology (4) Reasonably Assured Resources (RAR) under < USD 130/kgU (5) Hydropower: technically exploitable capability, the amount of the gross theoretical capability that can be exploited within the limits of current technology Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Database.


 1970 19801990 2000 20072008
 Total Energy Requirements TWh         
       - Total1.942.58 1.761.3659.297* 60.338*
       - Solids0.330.47 0.370.4   
       - Liquids0.580.48 0.330.26   
       - Gases1.011.51 0.960.51   
       - Hydro 0.030.12 0.110.19   
       - Nuclear-- - 6.967* 11.225*
       - Wind        
- Other renewables and waste -- -    
 Final Energy Consumption        
       - Total1.913.1 2.591.7253.209** 54.219**
       - Solids0.420.62 0.550.48   
       - Liquids0.460.79 0.640.42   
       - Gases11.56 1.20.64   
       - Electricity0.030.13 0.20.18   
       - Other-- -    
 Net Energy Balance (Import - Export)        
       - Total -0.040.510.75 0.36-2.098-4.434
       - Solids0.080.15 0.190.08   
       - Liquids-0.110.31 0.310.15   
       - Gases-0.010.05 0.240.13   
       - Other renewables and waste        

* Gross consumption   

** Values represent net consumption that doesn’t include auxiliary services and losses in transmission network

Source:  IAEA Energy and Economic Database (1970-2000), Transelectrica SA (2007-2008)

1.2.  Energy policy

As part of economic reform measures passed in 1990, the energy sector was reorganized by establishing two types of autonomous state enterprises: Regies Autonomous (RAs) for the production and supply of energy products, and Commercial Companies (CCs) for support services and activities. This enabled the government to separate policy and regulation from operational functions, to bring accountability, and to institute commercial practices in the energy sector. RAs are state holding companies for sectors considered strategic by the Government of Romania including electric power, oil, natural gas, lignite, and coal. CCs are joint stock companies established under commercial law.

The energy sector is under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy, which formulates policies and strategy.

The Government is trying to cope with the current global economic circumstances and with the increased demand of energy and more clear requirements for a clean and safe environment. The economic context is characterized by deregulation and competition, supported by the industry.

The current government policy is to develop an energy sector that promotes a market-oriented economy, in accordance with the relevant EU Directives. Following the general elections of December 2008, the new Government Program for 2009-2012 states the updating of the national energy strategy, according to the new evolutions and priorities. Therefore, a new energy strategy is to be accomplished by the Ministry of Economy in the near future.

Furthermore, since the beginning of 2009 following the decision of the Romanian Government the energy institutional framework restructuring process is still in progress.

The Romanian environment authorities sent the European Commission updated information on the implementation of the “Energy – climate change” package that was adopted by the European Union by 2008. For Romania this plan will come into force as of January 2013.

According to the official statistical data for 2007, there were 244 certified environment installations in Romania and the country’s annual carbon dioxide emissions stood at 74 million tons. A decrease in the number of the said facilities and of emissions was found over the interval 2008-2009. The national greenhouse gas emissions cap is currently set at 300 million tons a year.

1.3.  The Electricity System

The first power plant was commissioned in Bucharest in 1882. The plant provided the exterior lighting for the "National" Theatre and the "Cismigiu" Garden.The power plant was located in the "Calea Victoriei" road in the heart of Bucharest downtown. During the same year, the first power transmission between the power plant and the Royal Palace Cotroceni was performed on a 3 km overhead electric line with cooper conductors and porcelain insulators.

All those projects were carried out the same year when Thomas Alva Edison commissioned the world's first power plant in New York.

In 1884, Timisoara, one of the major cities of Romania situated in the Western side of Romania was the first city in Europe in which the electric street lighting was introduced.

In 1958, the National Power System was created through the interconnection of the local systems. In 1963, the completion of the first parallel - synchronous interconnection of the National Power System with the East European interconnected power system, through commissioning of the 220 kV overhead electric grid.


1.3.1.  Policy and decision making process-including planning the electricity system.

National Energy Sector Strategy (2007-2020)

In 2007 the Romanian government approved a long term Energy Strategy, building up on the National Energy Strategy on Medium Term (see below.

The government's strategy emphasizes on :

  1. increasing energy efficiency

  2. boosting renewable energy

  3. diversifying import sources and transport routes

  4. modernizing lines

  5. protecting critical infrastructure.

To achieve its policy objectives in the electricity sector, the strategy also recommends the creation of a national power sector champion. The state will hold 25-40 % of the new holding company, investment fund “Fondul Proprietatea” will hold 20 %, and the remaining shares will be listed on the Bucharest stock exchange.

The strategy aims at creating public private partnerships in different sectors, for example in the nuclear field, such as building two additional units (3 and 4) of Romania's nuclear power plant in Cernavoda.

Romania's overall goal is to become an important electricity exporter and to double the power output to approximately 100 TWh by 2020, which will be more than domestic consumption.

Furthermore Romania is focusing on renewable energies and plans to increase the share up to 33 % of overall power consumption by 2010.

A new energy strategy is to be accomplished by the Ministry of Economy in the near future.

At present the energy institutional framework is subject of important changes in the next months.

As regards the alternative to the establishment of a National Energy Corporation, the officials reiterated the idea of setting up two or three energy companies.

1.3.2.  Structure of electric power sector - generation, transmission and distribution network

Operational responsibility rests with the RAs and CCs. In June 1998 a restructuring program was adopted by RENEL, the Romanian Regie Autonomous for Electricity. This resulted in the creation of CONEL, the National Electricity Company. In October 1998, the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) was set up as an independent institution to regulate the electricity market.

On July 31, 2000, the Romanian Government published a decision to divide CONEL into four companies.

The generation, transmission and distribution network consists of the following companies:

  1. Termoelectrica S.A which is the Commercial Company for Electricity and Heat Generation for the production of electrical and thermal energy - electricity generation from thermal power plants, district heating, and related fuel supplies. The reorganization process at SC Termoelectrica SA continued in a dynamic rhythm, being sustained also by the government decision 1524/2002 regarding the creation of competitiveness conditions in the sector of energy production.

  2. Hidroelectrica S.A. which is Commercial Company for Electricity Generation and for the production and delivery of hydroelectric power.

  3. Electrica S.A. which is Commercial Company for Electricity Distribution and Supply. 2002 SC Electrica S.A. has been reorganized, as it became a group of companies which includes 8 branches for the supply and for the distribution of electric energy and 8 branches for maintenance and for energetic services.   5 out of 8 distributors have been privatized by 2007.

  4. Nuclearelectrica S.A.  (SNN) which carries out as its main mission the production of nuclear power, of nuclear fuel and the project development at the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant site. Nuclearelectrica SA  has two branches:

    -          Cernavoda NPP Division operating the Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 and Unit 2 and the auxiliary services

    -          FCN - Pitesti, the Nuclear Fuel Plant - manufacturing nuclear fuel for Cernavoda NPP Units 1 & 2

In addition Nuclearelectrica SA is associated within the recently settled EnergoNuclear SA Project Company, responsible for Cernavoda NPP Unit 3 and Unit 4 completion. EnergoNuclear S.A is a company consisting of six investors: Arcelor Mittal, CEZ, ENEL, GDF SUEZ, Iberdrola, RWE Power and by SN Nuclearelectria SA. The company will be responsible for the construction, commissioning and operation of Cernavoda NPP Units 3 and 4. The Investors Agreement and Association Documents, were approved by the Government Decision no. 1565/2008.

  1. Transelectrica S.A which is the Romanian Transmission and System Operator (TSO) which plays a key role in the Romanian electricity market. It manages and operates the National Power Transmission System and provides electricity exchanges among Central and South - Eastern countries, as a member of UCTE (Union for Coordination of Transmission of Electricity) and ETSO (Association of European Transmission and System Operators). The part of Transelectrica which administers the energy market is called Opcom, S.A. Opcom processes electricity proposals from market participants, analyzes the bids, and determines the merit order of power unit loading. Transelectrica is responsible for electricity transmission, system and market operation, grid and market infrastructure development ensuring the security of the Romanian power system. It also serves as the main link between electricity supply and demand, matching all the times power generation with demand.

The whole economic and technical operation and development of the electricity sector will be regulated, ruled, supervised and monitored by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority ANRE created according to the new Electricity Law, set up by a Government Emergency Ordinance, in October 1998, as a public institution, independent and autonomous.

Electricity grid

Romania has an extensive interconnected power transmission and distribution network with an overall length of about 600,000 km, and a total transformer capacity of about 172,000 MVA. The national grid operates on 750 kV, 400 kV, and 220 kV for transmission and 20 kV, 10 kV, 6 kV, 1 kV and 0.4 kV for distribution.

Transelectrica SA is a member of the Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE) and observer in the regional group of four transmission system operator companies CENTREL.

As a limited member of the Interconnected Power System-Central Dispatching Organization, Romania has strong interconnections with Ukraine and Bulgaria, substantial interconnections with the former Yugoslavia, and weaker links to the Republic of Moldavia and Hungary. The Romanian grid operator, Transelectrica, is currently cooperating with the electric power systems of Greece and the former Yugoslavia (both UCPTE members) and is working to become more fully integrated into the UCPTE system. The transmission network is interconnected with those of neighboring countries -- by 750 kV (4,000 MWe capacity), 400 kV (2,500 MWe capacity), and two 110 kV tie-lines with Ukraine; a 400 kV line with Hungary (currently operating at 220 kV, with a planned capacity of 1,200 MWe); 750 kV (4,000 MWe capacity), 400 kV (2,500 MWe capacity), and 220 kV (260 MWe capacity) lines to Bulgaria; and one 400 kV (1,200 MWe capacity) and two 110 kV lines with Yugoslavia; and two 110 kV lines with Moldavia. In 2001, Transelectrica received a $51.5 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to upgrade the Romanian transmission system and make it more compatible with the western European power network.



         Average Annual Growth Rate (%)
 1970 19801990 2000 20072008 2000 to 2008
 Electricity Production (TW.h)         
       - Total 35.09 67.49  64.31 51.53 61.39  64.77 2,8 
       - Nuclear5.05 7.708  11.22 10,4 
       - Hydro2.77 12.64  10.98 14.78 15.92  17.10  
       - Geothermal
       - Wind0.007  0.011 
       - other renewables
       - Thermal33.52  54.85 53.33 31.70  37.76 36.43 1,7 
 Capacity of electrical plants (GWe)         
       - Total 7.35 16.11  22.48 21.85 20.236  20.383 -0,8 
       - Nuclear0.66 1.413  1.413 9,9 
       - Hydro1.20 3.46  5.67 6.12 6,352  6,377 0,5 
       - Geothermal -
       - Wind 0.008 0.011 
       - other renewables
       - Thermal6.15 12.65  16.81 15.08 12.463  12.582 -2,2 

Total energy requirement = production of primary energy plus net trade (import-export) minus international bunkers and stock exchanges

Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Databese (1970-2000),  Transelectrica SA (2007-2008)


 19701980 199020002007 2008
 Energy consumption per capita (GJ/capita)5.86 10.29 10.67 7.61  9.03 9.23 
 Electricity consumption per capita (kW.h/capita) 1630 2860 2966  2114 2509 2564 
 Nuclear/Total electricity (%)10  12.5 17.28 
 Load factor of electricity plants*        
       - Total (%)**55 48  33 27 70.42  72.02 
       - Thermal(%)60 49  36 24 68.93  67.45 
       - Hydro(%)26 42  22 28 45.95  44.17 
       - Nuclear(%)88 61.3  88.85 
       - Wind(%)   
       - Geothermal(%)   
       - other renewable(%)   




2.1.  Historical Development and current nuclear power organizational structure

2.1.1.  Overview

Dates of reference in the Romanian nuclear energy field

Source: Nuclearelectrica S.A.

2.1.2.Current organizational chart(s)


The three main institutional pillars of the Romanian nuclear field are:

-    Nuclear Agency is a specialized authority of the central public administration, acting as a legal person, coordinated by the Ministry of Economy. The main object of the activity of the Nuclear Agency is to provide technical assistance to the Government in devising politics in the nuclear field as well as to promote and monitor nuclear activities in Romania. The Nuclear Agency elaborates and monitors the implementation of:

·         National Strategy for Nuclear Field Development

·         National Nuclear Program

-    National Commission for Nuclear Activities (CNCAN) is the national competent authority in the nuclear field, exercising the attributions of regulating, authorization and control of nuclear activities,

-    National Agency for Radioactive Waste (ANDRAD) is the national competent authority coordinating at the national level the safe management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, including final disposal, under the authority of the Ministry of Economy.

The national nuclear operator is Nuclearelectrica SA. Nuclearelectrica SA has as shareholders: Romanian State – 90.28% & „Fondul Proprietatea” – 9.72% and the main activity the electrical power and heat production, NPP construction and commissioning and nuclear fuel fabrication.

2.2. Nuclear power plant: status and operations

2.2.1. Cernavoada NPP Status


Station TypeNet
OperatorStatus Reactor
PHWR706.5SNN OperationalAECL2 Dec 199711 Jul 199616 Apr 199601Jul 1982 
706.5SNN OperationalAECL5 Oct 200707 Aug 200706 May 200701 Jul 1983 

2.2.2.Performance of CERNAVODA NPP



Year19961997 199819992000 200120022003  
TotalU 1 U 1U 1U 1 U 1U 1U 1 U 1 
Gross 506,8325,400,856 5,307,1815,198,083 5,455,7515,445,900 5,513,4104,905,663MWh
462,0394,968,837 4,918,9514,813,027 5,053,3555,049,871 5,106,2254,451,418MWh
Capacity Factor99.67 87.2786.1984.51 88.3088.2589.37 79.52%


Year20042005 20062007 Lifetime Statistics 
TotalU 1U 1 U 1U 1U 2    
Gross5,548,082 5,554,9595,631,510 6,005,175961,986 65,701,3786,959,818
Net 5,142,3055,114,677 5,177,9575,518,346 887,239 
89.71 90.0891.3797.62 93.2388.16

Source: Nuclearelectrica S.A.

The electricity annually generated by the Cernavoda NPP Units 1 and 2 represents approximately 18% of the overall electricity production of Romania.

In April 2009, Cernavoda NPP Units 1 and 2 have produced 990,073 MWh out of which it delivered 912,760 MWh in the National Power Grid, at a capacity factor of 100,11%. In 2008, Cernavoda NPP, with both units in operation, produced a total quantity of 11.225.808 MWh, out of which it delivered 10.333.584 to the National Power Grid, at an average capacity factor of 84,83% for Unit 1 and 96,92% for Unit 2. The lower capacity factor of Unit 1 is due to the fact that during June 2008, Unit 1 was in planned shutdown. In addition, Unit 1 annually supplied 60,000 to 80,000 Gcal for the heating of the town of Cernavoda and for the industrial consumers in the industrial area near the plant (approximately 50% of the necessary amount); the supplied heat did not decrease the electrical output below the unit designed capacity.

2.2.3.  Plant upgrading and plant life management

Cernavoda Unit 1 having been in operation since December 1996, started the development of Plant Life Management (PLiM) Programme. Due to its complexity, the programme plan has been divided in several subprogrammes and pilot projects and integrated with other initiatives for improvement in the long term strategy of Cernavoda NPP (2004–2008), and managed effectively by annual Station Technical Programmes.

The overall PLiM programme is designed to meet the needs of Cernavoda Unit 1 for a structured work programme and will be implemented in phases. This phased approach will provide the information required to input to its cost model for plant economic assessments.

Source:  IAEA TECDOC 1503

 2.2.4.  Nuclear power development: projections and plans 

Further nuclear power capacity

In 2002 efforts got under way to resume work on Cernavoda unit 3, and Nuclearelectrica SA commissioned a feasibility study from Ansaldo, AECL and KHNP (S.Korea) in 2003.

In August 2004 the government advertised for companies interested in completion of Cernavoda unit 3 - a 700 MWe Candu 6 unit - through a public-private partnership arrangement. This proved impractical, and a feasibility study in March 2006 analyzed further options for both units 3 & 4.

However, it was decided to proceed with creating a project joint venture with Nuclearelectrica SA to complete both 720 MWe units and then operate them. Twelve potential investors were selected from 15 initial bidders, and in November 2007 binding offers from six companies were accepted: ArcelorMittal (steel maker) of Romania, CEZ of the Czech Republic, Electrabel of Belgium, Enel of Italy, Iberdrola of Spain and RWE Power of Germany.

The new project company EnergoNuclear SA, which was established by the Governmental Decision no. 1565/2008 consisting of Nuclearelectrica SA and six investors: ArcelorMittal, CEZ, Gaz de France (GDF) SUEZ, ENEL, Iberdrola, and RWE Power.

Cernavoda NPP Units 3 & 4 foreseen main characteristics are:

Reactor Type:                      CANDU 6

Installed Output:                   2 x 720 MWe

Delivered Power: 2 x 5,239 TWh/year

Schedule:                              64 months per unit

Unit Life:                                 30 years, possible 40

Electricity Price:                   28,2 - 32,5 Euro/MWh


New Nuclear Power Plant in Romania

As for May 2009 the site selection for the second nuclear power plant is under consideration by the group of analysis consisting of experts belonging to the R&D  and design institutes and representatives of the central public administration.

2.2.5.  Decommissioning: information and plans


The Unit 2 (CANDU 6 PHWR) from Cernavoda NPP started operation at the end of 2007. Because it is a difference in operation of eleven years and to finalize the decommissioning at the same time, for Unit 1 was considered the SAFESTORE (31 years from shut down to release from CNCAN control) strategy for decommissioning and for Unit 2 the DECON (20 years from shut down to release from CNCAN control) strategy for decommissioning. It is considered the operation for about 40 years for each unit. The decommissioning of Unit 2 is scheduled to begin in 2054 after 7 years of preparation in transition period from operation to decommissioning. In 2067 it is considered to be finalized the site restoration for both units.

Source: ANDRAD

2.3.  Supply of Cernavoda NPP

Within former RENEL was developed an industrial support structure for the Cernavoda Project, represented by the Nuclear Fuel Plant in Pitesti, and the Heavy Water Plant, located in the southwest of Romania, near Drobeta-Turnu Severin. The “brain” support for the Romanian Nuclear Programme was provided by the Nuclear Research Institute - SCN for specific Research and Development (R&D) activities and by the Center for Nuclear Projects Engineering and Technologies - SITON for design-engineering activities.

Romania also implemented a dedicated nuclear infrastructure, beginning with an educational system to industry and research-engineering capabilities.  From the industrial sector can be mentioned: General Turbo Bucuresti, Petrotub Roman, Electroputere Craiova, Titan Nuclear Equipment TEN Bucuresti, FECNE Bucuresti, SCN Pitesti, FCN Pitesti, Aversa Bucuresti, UZUC Ploiesti, ARIO Bistrita, CONDEM Bucuresti, Ductil Buzau, TEPRO Iasi, Sarma Campia Turzii, Ventilatorul Bucuresti, Vulcan Bucuresti, CASTUMAG, Automatica, etc. from construction-erection sector: Nuclear Montaj, Trustul de Montaj Utilaj Chimic, CNE SA (Nuclear Civil Works Company), etc. from design-erection sector: Power Studies and Design Institute, EUROTEST, Institute for Thermopower Components Research and Design, etc. Specialized industries such as uranium mining, milling and concentrating in Compania Nationala a Uraniului (CNU) were also developed.

Cernavoda NPP Units 3&4  -   Project Development Activities

For the completion of Cernavoda NPP Units 3&4, the new project company EnergoNuclear SA, established through the Governmental Decision no. 1565/2008, stated the two phases of the project:

- the pre-project phase, which is estimated to last 18 months from the registration of the Project Company, with a budget of 30 million Euro, as a result of the shareholders subscriptions and payments. During this period, the investors will conclude the commercial arrangements for the construction of the reactors, the long term operation and the financing methods; also during the 18 months, the necessary approvals from the European Commission for the construction must be obtained

- the project phase, when each of the investors will contribute to covering the costs of the project with sums according to the share owned in the social capital of the company.

2.4.  Operation of NPP

National Company Nuclearelectrica S.A., the owner and operator of Cernavoda NPP, was founded by the Governmental Decision no. 365 in July 1998. CNE PROD Cernavoda, a subsidiary of Nuclearelectrica SA, has the responsibility for operating the Cernavoda Unit 1 & 2.

There is another subsidiary of Nuclearelectrica SA, the Nuclear Fuel Plant in Pitesti - Mioveni, the local manufacturer of CANDU type nuclear fuel for the Cernavoda Unit 1 & 2. CNE PROD has its own maintenance division and a Training Center with a full scope simulator.

2.5. Fuel cycle and waste management

Uranium exploration, exploitation and processing are State run activities.    

 Nuclear fuel cycle policy: Open nuclear fuel cycle


 Uranium mining activities started in Romania in 1952 The National Uranium Company (CNU) is the representative of the State in this activity and has three uranium mining branches (EM) : Bihor - EM Bihor, Banat - EM Banat and Suceava - EM Crucea.

 Milling and conversion

 Uranium ores are processed by the Feldioara plant, which is operated by CNU. The Feldioara processing plant has two modules:

- ‘R’ type module for uranium milling and concentration (nominal capacity 300 t U(U3O8)/y)

-  ‘E’ type module for uranium refining and conversion to nuclear grade UO2 (nominal capacity 300 t U(UO2)/y).

Both modules are in operation but the production capacity is reduced to about 100 t U(U3O8)/y for the R plant and on request (by the Pitesti Fuel Fabrication Plant (FCN Pitesti)) for the E plant. The Feldioara processing plant has been qualified by AECL as a CANDU UO2 fuel supplier.

 Enrichment: NONE- Spent Fuel produced by Cernavoda NPPs shall not be reprocessed


The Nuclearelectrica SA operates FCN Pitesti. The present capacity of FCN Pitesti (110 t U/y) will be increased in accordance with Cernavoda NPP requirements. FCN Pitesti has been qualified by AECL as a CANDU fuel supplier.

The nuclear fuel needed for the Cernavoda NPP – Unit 1&2 operation is supplied by the Nuclear Fuel Plant from Pitesti. In 2007, FCN has obtained the TUV EN ISO 14001:2004 certificate for its management system.The capacity of the plant provides the annual amount of the fuel necessary for the Unit 1 & 2 operation, being able, with small investment to extend its production capacity in order to assure the operation of four units.

Heavy water production: the Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities operates the ROMAG PROD Heavy Water Plant (design capacity 360 t/y).

 Spent fuel management

Romania objective is to ensure the safe management of radioactive waste, including spent fuel according to the provision of laws and regulations assuring the protection of human health and environment – including the protection of future generation.

Romanian radioactive waste producers are:

  1. Cernavoda NPP:

- Unit 1 - in operation since December 1996;

- Unit 2 – commissioned in 2007;

- Unit 3 & 4 - to be commissioned by 2016.

  1. Research reactors:

    -       Nuclear Research Institute (SCN) from Pitesti and

    -       Nuclear Research Institute “Horia Hulubei”(IFIN- HH) from Bucharest – Magurele

  -       Medicine, agriculture, industry, etc.

Cernavoda NPP current waste management :

-   the gaseous and aqueous liquid waste is collected, filtered/purified by designed systems and then safely released/discharged into environment,

-   organic liquid waste is pretreated (collection and segregation by interim storage criteria), treated (absorption into polymeric structure), packaged in stainless steel drums and stored in interim storage facility,

-   solid radioactive waste management at CNE Cernavoda includes the pretreatment (collection, segregation), treatment (volume reduction by compaction or shredding) and safe storage of waste.

The current capacity of the concrete building that accommodates solid radioactive waste storage facility at Cernavoda NPP) is for 46 reactor-years.

After the extraction from the nuclear reactor, during the first “cooling down” stage, the spent fuel is stored on racks under water in the spent fuel bay, placed near the reactor building. After 6 years, the spent fuel can be transferred in a dry place, the Intermediate Spent Fuel Storage (DICA).

The Cernavoda NPP Spent Fuel Interim Dry Storage facility (DICA) has been constructed based on  AECL technology implemented at the Cernavoda conditions. The first module was commissioned in May 2003, and at present there are 3 modules already erected on the site. The site is licensed so that the total storage capacity (27 MACSTOR modules) to accommodate the spent  fuel produced by Unit 1 and Unit 2 for a 50 years storage period. The site could be extended to accommodate the spent fuel produced by all 4 units from Cernavoda NPP.

Research reactors radioactive waste:

-          Nuclear Research Institute (SCN) from Pitesti: According to the Agreement signed between Romania and USA, the HEU type fuel was already returned to USA.

-           IFIN-HH - Bucuresti – Magurele: According to the contract, the fuel has to be returned to Russian Federation.

Institutional radioactive waste:

The processing and conditioning of the institutional radioactive waste is done by IFIN-HH and SCN Pitesti on the sites of the research reactors at Bucharest and Pitesti, in the respective Treatment and Conditioning facilities. IFIN-HH is responsible for the transports of conditioned institutional radioactive waste, towards the National Repository for Radioactive Waste (DNDR) which is located at Baita Bihor. The first waste disposals were made in 1986 and the current estimate is that disposals will continue until 2040.  

The repository is operated now by IFIN HH.

The National Strategy on Medium and Long Term Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste, including the Disposal and the Decommissioning of Nuclear and Radiological Facilities, provides:

-          L&ILW Surface Repository by the end of 2014,

-          HLW Deep Geological Repository Facility by the end of 2055.

-          safety and technical characteristics of BAITA – BIHOR Repository improvement.

For long term the liability concerning the final repository of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel rests with the National Agency for Radioactive Waste (ANDRAD), set up in December 2003.

Source: IAEA, Nuclearelectrica SA, SITON, IFIN-HH, ANDRAD, SCN Pitesti

2.6.    Research and development


NuclearFacilitiesTypeGross CapacityStatus
VVR-S Nuclear Research Reactor2 MW(th)
Shutdown state with nuclear fuel out of the core
TRIGANuclear Research Reactor 14 MW(th) (Steady State Core) 20.000 MW(th) per pulse (Pulsating Core) Operating
Nuclear Fuel Plant CANDU-6 Nuclear FuelNuclear Fuel needs for Cernavoda 1 NPP operationOperating
Natural Uranium Concentration PlantNatural Uranium Uranium for Nuclear Fuel PlantOperating
Heavy Water Plant-Heavy water needs for Cernavoda NPPOperating
National final repositoryL & IL Radwaste 20,000 Standard (200 l) drums capacityOperating


2.6.1.  R&D organizations and institutes

In the new Governmental organization, the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation coordinates the activity of the most R&D organizations and institutes through the National Authority Scientific Research Technology. The Ministry of Education and Research is also in charge with the whole national education system.

The Ministry of Economy is the responsible authority for definition of national participation policies and strategies, for planning and co-ordination of the national nuclear industry activity, representing the State as shareholder of nuclear assets and for co-ordination of part of major R&D and engineering facilities. It has also primary responsibility for the safety of its nuclear installations through the following organizations:

Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities (RAAN) through the Nuclear Research Subsidiary (SCN) Pitesti is the operator of the TRIGA type research reactor, the hot cell facility, the radioactive waste treatment facility on Pitesti - Colibasi site. RAAN, through the Center of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects (SITON), is also in charge with support design activities in the nuclear field and, through the Heavy Water Plant (ROMAG-PROD) located in Drobeta Turnu-Severin, in charge of covering the heavy water needs for the Cernavoda NPP.

 Research establishments

 Nuclear Research Institute (SCN) Pitesti – under the Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities (RAAN)

The Nuclear Research Institute (SCN) is consistently involved in the work associated with the national nuclear safety programs: nuclear fuel, reactor physics, radiation protection, generic CANDU technologies, and management of radioactive waste, TRIGA reactor conversion. Almost all activities of the Institute were oriented to provide a scientific and technical support for the Nuclear Power Program in Romania. The major SCN R&D Programs are focused on:

Center of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects (SITON) Bucuresti-Magurele, under the Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities (RAAN)SITON supports the nuclear programme in Romania with a large range of services under quality assurance regime by using codes and standards internationally recognized (ASTM, ASME, IEEE, ISI, IEC, CSA series and IAEA guidelines etc.). SITON services cover the following:

Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH) Bucuresti-Magurele, under the coordination of the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS)

The Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering performs research activities in the nuclear field and on radioactive waste treatment and it is the owner of the research reactor type VVR-S and the national LL and IL radioactive waste repository. It is also operating the multi-purpose irradiation facility. Its main activities are focus on:

 National Institute of Research and Development for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies (ITIM) Cluj-Napoca

ITIM is an institution of scientific research and technological development in co-ordination of the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS).

The research activity of the Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technology is pointed to several significant directions:

National Research Institute of Cryogenics and Isotopic Separations (ICSI) Ramnicu Valcea

ICSI is an institution of scientific research and technological development in co-ordination of the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS). It was founded in the aim of researching and verifying the technologies for heavy water separation and further of tritium. The principal directions of the activities are:

National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR) Bucuresti-Magurele

The National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics performs research activities in laser physics, plasma physics, and physics of electron beams, under co-ordination of the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS). The main research and development activities are focused on:

National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics (IFT) Iasi

The research activity of the National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics under co-ordination of the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) is pointed to several significant directions:

2.6.2. Development of advanced and new generation nuclear reactor systems

Taking into consideration the selection of a proper site for a new nuclear power plant in Romania, the construction of a Generation III reactor is most likely. Furthermore, all the studies concerning the new site selection and the future technology are still in progress.

Romania also participates in international programs concerning advanced reactor systems, such as INPRO.

2.7. International co-operation and initiatives

In the nuclear field, the international cooperation mainly aims at ensuring the safety and reliability of the nuclear facilities. For this goal, Romania is carrying out a very active co-operation activity consisting in: information exchange, training courses and international meetings, elaboration of studies, expertise, design, tests, research and common regulations, enhancing and sharing their experience and know-how. All these contribute to a permanent improvement of the personnel qualification.

IAEA provides Romania technical assistance through a Country Programme Framework  aiming to identify and address short and medium term objectives and interests, national development priorities. Nuclear Agency is the National Contact Point for the Technical Cooperation with IAEA.

Romania is an active participant in the technical cooperation regional, European and international programmes, in the following areas: strategic planning for sustainable development of the nuclear institutions, research reactors, radiation medicine, isotopic technologies for water resources, NPP Probabilistic Safety Assessment, radioprotection, nuclear techniques used in agriculture. Romania will participate in the 2009-2011 TC Cycle in 35 regional projects and it is the coordinator for three of them. Some of the beneficiary institutions are: IFIN-HH, CNCAN, ANDRAD, Nuclearelectrica, SCN-Pitesti.

In 2008 Romania became member in the IAEA Board of Governors.

Following the 2004 US Secretary of Energy’s announcement of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) the IAEA initiated a Technical Cooperation project ROM/4/024 to enable the safe operation of the TRIGA 14-MW reactor from SCN Pitesti during the gradual and complete conversion from HEU to LEU fuel. The IAEA provided its management and technical experience in terms of technical advice, procurement, contract drafting and negotiations, fuel quality control and acceptance, safeguards inspections, and application of safety standards (transport) to ensure the safe and complete conversion of the reactor to LEU fuel. This project was part of a national programme enjoying strong government support, expressed also in terms of significant financial resources.

The IAEA project was originally approved in 1999, but became active in 2003 with the receipt of extra budgetary contributions totaling $3.6 million from the U.S. and $0.5 Million from Romania. The total project cost was $4.4 million, with IAEA contributing $ 0.3 Million and the coordinating role.

Background of the project:

In September 2007 Romania became an active member of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), by signing the Declaration of Principles. The outstanding importance of this Partnership resides in the strengthening of nuclear safety and nuclear risk mitigation through a balanced promotion of the R&D development and partnership international policy. Romania is represented in the steering committee and working groups.

Romania also joined the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GI) in 2007. Signing the GI Declaration of Principles Romania acceded all legal instruments needed for nuclear terrorism acts: prevention, early detection, combating and investigation. Romania is represented in the organizing committees of the working groups.


Romanian scientists are actively involved in international research projects such as: INPRO, ITER, GIF, Framework Programme 7 EURATOM, JRC, CERN. Many of them are also associated to projects developed within the international research network or in cooperation with international research institutes (e.g. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research DUBNA).


Nuclearelectica SA is an active member of the international specialized organizations and entities, such as WANO-Atlanta Center (World Association of Nuclear Operators) and COG (CANDU Owners Group) benefiting from a continuous exchange of experience in the field.


Nuclearelectrica SA is also a member of the World Nuclear Association (WNA) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The company developed an effective and large partnership within IAEA European regional cooperation programs.


Under IAEA’s aegis, Romania grants technical assistance to the nuclear specialists coming from the developing countries that operate CANDU nuclear power plants or intending to start or enlarge nuclear programs.

2.8. Human Resources Development

The complexity and risk level of the facilities and equipment of a nuclear power plant require high quality manpower and its preservation in time. To this end, Romania considers the work performed in the human resources field as a priority. A special attention is paid to the strategy related to personnel recruitment and personnel loyalty/jobs stability, as well as to the sustained improvement of training and specialization quality. This is accomplished both through analyzing the work of that particular domain and through the application of the provisions under the Collective Labor Agreement that is adapted to the mentioned requirements and to the laws in force.

The main activity and concern within the human resources area has been and continues to be personnel recruiting and jobs stability. This has been accomplished by applying some strictly established selection criteria regarding personnel specialization as well as by applying a remuneration system focused mainly on jobs specific to the nuclear domain.

The training of personnel working in nuclear field is focused on the attributions of each category of jobs, and provides the knowledge necessary for performing a safe and efficient activity. The personnel is trained both inside the companies/institutions (on-the-job training courses and workshops) and outside them: participation in national and international conferences, symposia, workshops and other events within the programs organized by IAEA-Vienna and  other national and  international organizations.

There have been established two personnel training centers:

Starting with 2002, cooperation with two faculties within the Polytechnic University-Bucharest (UPB) – the Faculty of Mechanics and the Faculty of Power Engineering was established. Under this cooperation UPB makes available for the Cernavoda Training Centre various didactic materials, while some groups of students perform practice within the nuclear power plant.

In the context of improving nuclear E&T systems, the Romanian National Consortium (RNC) for Training and Education in Nuclear Sciences Platform (TENSP) was created. RNC is based on a partnership between public and private sectors, bringing together the most important stakeholders involved in Romanian Nuclear Sciences E&T: 4 universities, 2 research institutes, 6 professional associations, 2 industrial companies and 2 NGOs, being led by a Directory Council.


3.1.  Safety Authority and the Licensing Process

The National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) is the national competent authority in the nuclear field exercising the regulation, authorization and control powers provided under the Law 111/1996, on the safe deployment of nuclear activities, republished. Since December 2000, CNCAN is an independent governmental body reporting only administratively to the Ministry of Waters and Environmental Protection. Actually, the president of CNCAN is a Secretary of State and the minister can not interfere in CNCAN president's decisions. CNCAN is responsible for full surveillance and control in all issues relevant to nuclear safety regarding siting, construction, commissioning, operation of nuclear plants, research reactors and all nuclear facilities in Romania. In addition, CNCAN is in charge with full surveillance and control in all issues relevant to quality assurance, radiation safety, safeguards, export/import control, physical protection and emergency preparedness and monitoring the radioactivity of the environment. CNCAN is the National Counterpart to the IAEA for nuclear safety, radiation safety, safeguards, physical protection, emergency preparedness, illicit trafficking events reporting, IRS and INES reporting systems and Safety Convention reporting activities. CNCAN plays the role of regulatory body integrator in the licensing process of nuclear installations. 

The Ministry of Environment is responsible for environmental protection legislation and regulations and for the licensing process from the environmental protection point of view.

The Ministry of Economy co-ordinates the Pressure Vessel Authority (ISCIR), which is responsible for licensing and control of pressure vessels, boilers and other pressure installations, including those from the nuclear field.

The Ministry of Public Health is the responsible authority to organize the monitoring network of contamination with radioactive materials of food products over the whole food chain, inclusive drinking water as well as other goods designated to be used by the population, according to the law. Also, the epidemiological surveillance system of the health condition of personnel professionally exposed, and of the hygiene conditions in units in which nuclear activities are deployed, are under its responsibility.

The Ministry of Administration and Interior is responsible for control of fire protection at nuclear installations and for supervision of physical protection of nuclear installations and nuclear material.

The Ministry of Finance is the authority in charge of providing and controlling the financial support from Governmental budgetary funds.

3.2.  Main National Laws and Regulations in Nuclear Power

  1. Law no. 43/1995 for ratification of the Convention on Nuclear Safety, adopted by IAEA in June 17, 1994;

  2.  Government’s Ordinance  no. 195/2005 on the environmental protection, with the subsequent changes and completions;

  3. Law no. 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities – republished;

  4. Law no. 105/1999 for ratification of Joint Convention on Safety of Spent Fuel and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management;

  5. Law no. 100/2000 for the ratification of the Protocol between Romania and IAEA, additional to the Agreement between Romania and IAEA for the application of the safeguards connected to the Treaty for the nonproliferation of the nuclear weapons;

  6.  Law no. 703/2001 regarding the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages, with the subsequent changes and completions;

  7.  Government’s Decision no. 1259/2002 for the approval of the National Strategy for the development of the Nuclear Field in Romania and of the  Plan of Action for the Strategy;

  8. Government’s Decision no. 437/2002 for the approval of the setting up of Interdepartmental Committee to restart and the completion of the workings regarding Unit 3 and 4 from CNE Cernavoda, with the subsequent changes and completions;

  9. Government’s Decision no. 890/2003 regarding the approval of the “road map of the power field in Romania”, with the subsequent changes and completions;

  10.  Law no. 193/2003 for the completion of Law no. 111/1996 on the safe development of nuclear activities;

  11.  Government’s Ordinance no. 11/2003 on the safe management of radioactive waste – republished;

  12. Government’s Decision no. 1568/2003 regarding the amount of direct annual contributions of nuclear permit holders and the deadline for their payments;

  13.  Government’s Decision no. 1627/2003  for the approval of the Regulations of organization and functioning of the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control, with the subsequent changes and completions;

  14.  Government’s Decision no. 1601/2003 regarding the organization and functioning of National Agency for Radioactive Waste;

  15.  Government’s Ordinance no. 7/2003 regarding the use of nuclear energy in exclusive peaceful purposes, with the subsequent changes and completions;

  16.  Government’s Decision no. 97/2005 for the approval of the Agreement between the Nuclear Agency of Romania and the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control of Romania and the Department of Energy of the United States of America concerning cooperation in the area of countering the proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies;

  17.  Law no. 360/2005 regarding the payment of the financial obligation of Romania to the International Agency for Atomic Energy;

  18.  Law no. 57/2006 for changing and completions of the Government’s Ordinance no. 7/2003 regarding the use of nuclear energy in exclusive peaceful purposes;

  19.  Government’s Decision no. 267/2007 for the approval of the Regulations of organization and functioning and of the structure of the Nuclear Agency;

  20.  Government’s Decision no. 643/2007 regarding the approval of the Strategy for selecting the investors for Unit 3 and 4 from CNE Cernavoda;

  21.  Government’s Decision no. 957/2007 regarding the changing and completions of the Government’s Decision no. 437/2002 for the approval of the setting up of Interdepartmental Committee to restart and the completion of the workings regarding Unit 3 and 4 from CNE Cernavoda;

  22.  Government’s Decision no. 923/2008 regarding the changing of the Government’s Decision no. 267/2007 for the approval of the Regulations of organization and functioning and of the structure of the Nuclear Agency;

  23.  Government’s Decision no. 691/2008 for changing and completions of the Government’s Decision no. 634/2007 regarding the approval of the Strategy for selecting the investors for Unit 3 and 4 from CNE Cernavoda. 



The annual production of a CANDU 700 MWe nuclear unit has a steady output and amounts to about 5.2 - 5.4 TWh (gross). This leads to yearly 1.4 million tons oil equivalent reduction – representing more than 100 millions USD - and associated decrease of the noxious emissions.

“The national strategy for the development of the nuclear sector in Romania” approved by Governmental Decision no.1259 / 2002 states the increase of the nuclear share of electricity generation from 10% up to 20-40%, observing the requirements of sustainable development, price competitiveness and nuclear safety.

The “Strategy” states that, for the present conditions in Romania, taking into account the cost of the energy from the nuclear plant versus the cost from the fossil fuel power plants, the investment should continue for the next units of Cernavoda NPP. Thus, the completion of Units 3 and 4 is foreseen by 2016  by the new EnergoNuclear SA Project Company.

In addition there is under consideration the site selection for a second nuclear-power plant.  

Role of the government in the sustainable development of the nuclear field consists in devising the proper policy for supporting the specific activities. So, there were promoted and approved the Strategy for the Development of Nuclear Field, the Law regarding the promotion of use in peaceful aims of nuclear energy and the Law regarding the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, including the final disposal.

At present, R&D programs respond to the problems regarding: the nuclear safety and physics of nuclear reactors, testing of nuclear materials and equipment, development of new concepts of nuclear fuel cycles and advanced reactors, the decommissioning (the VVR-S research reactor from Bucharest-Magurele is preparing the decommissioning process), management of nuclear waste, protection of environment.


1. SC Transelectrica SA – Annual report 2005-2007

2. SC Transelectrica SA – Technical Results of the Romanian Electricity Sector in 2007

3. SC Transelectrica SA – Technical Report 2007 – 2008

4. TRANSELECTRICA S.A. - Annual Report 2007-2008.

5. Nuclearelectrica S.A. - Semnal "N" (in Romanian), 2000 –2008.

6. Romanian Government Program  2009-2012

7. The Romanian Strategy of the energy sector for the period 2007-2020, issued by the Ministry of Economy and approved by the Governmental Decision no 1069/2007

8. Statistics Year Book of Romania 2000-2008, Statistics National Commission (CNS).

9. “Statistical Bulletin – Industry”, CNS, 2000-2008

10.  “Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei” (in Romanian), 1996-2008.

11.  Data & Statistics/The World Bank,

12.  IAEA Energy and Economic Data Base (EEDB).

13.  IAEA Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).

14.  Nuclear Energy and the Kyoto Protocol, OECD/NEA, 2002.

15.  AREN, "Nuclear Energy" Magazine, 2007-2008


      List of international conventions and bilateral agreements signed/ratified

      by the country in the field of nuclear power.

  Main International Treaties>

TitleIn Force Status
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) 1970-02-04 Signature: 1968-07-01

Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA
1970-10-07acceptance: 1970-10-07
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material 1993-12-23Signature: 1981-01-15
ratification: 1993-11-23
Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage 1993-03-29 accession: 1992-12-29
Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident 1990-07-13 accession: 1990-06-12
Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency 1990-07-13accession: 1990-06-12
Convention on Nuclear Safety 1996-10-24 Signature: 1994-09-20
ratification: 1995-06-01
Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention 1993-03-29 accession: 1992-12-29
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management 2001-06-18 Signature: 1997-09-30
ratification: 1999-09-06
Protocol to Amend the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage 2003-10-04Signature: 1997-09-30
ratification: 1998-12-29
Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage  Signature: 1997-09-30
ratification: 1999-03-02
Revised Supplementary Agreement Concerning the Provision of Technical Assistance by the IAEA (RSA) 1981-10-28 Signature: 1981-10-28
Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material  ratification: 2007-02-06
Euratom Treaty 2007-01-01 Since 1 of January 2007 Romania is member of EU

 Safeguards Agreements>

TitleIn ForceStatus
Application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons1972-10-27 Signature: 1972-03-08
Protocol between Romania and the IAEA Additional to the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the IAEA for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 2000-07-07Signature: 1999-06-11

Other relevant international treaties and documents >

Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under WaterIn force23 December 1963
Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof In force:10 July 1072
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
In force5 October 1999
Improved procedures for designation  of safeguards inspectors
Accepted  in statement to Board of Governors
22 February 1990
Nuclear Export Guidelines Agreed 

Committees and Groups

1.      Zangger Committee  - Member

2.      Wassenaar Arrangement -  Member

3.      Australia Group – Member

4.      Nuclear Suppliers Group -  Member

5.      Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation

6.      Global Nuclear Energy Partnership – member

7.      Global Initiative to Reduce Nuclear Terrorism - member

Bilateral agreements>

1.      Agreement between the Popular Republic of Romania and the Union of the Socialist Soviet Republics regarding the further development of cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear energy - Bucharest, 19 April 1962In force: 1962
2.      Agreement between the Government of Socialist Republic of Romania and the Government of India on in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy – Bucharest, 30 August 1971  In force 13 November 1971
3.      Agreement between Government of Socialist Republic of Romania and Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy – Bucharest, 29 January 1974In force16 April 1974
4.      Agreement between the Government of Socialist Republic of Romania and Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on cooperation in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy –Bucharest, 18 September 1975
In force:30 December 1975
5.      Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Government of Canada for co-operation in the development and application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes
In force: 1977
6.      Agreement between Governments of Romania and Argentina for co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energyIn force: 27 November 1990
7.      Agreement between Governments of Romania and the Hellenic Republic on early notification of a nuclear accident and information exchange on nuclear facilities – Athens, 10 March 1995In force:23 March 1995
8.      Protocol of understanding on co-operation in the nuclear safety domain between CNCAN of Romania and the Institute for Nuclear Safety of Republic of Korea (KINS) – Bucharest, 21 September 1996In force: 11 November 1996
9.      Agreement between Governments of Romania and Hungarian Republic on early notification of nuclear accidents– Bucharest, 26 May 1997 In force3 October 1997
10.  Agreement between CNCAN of Romania and Greek Commission for Atomic Energy on early notification of a nuclear accident and on information exchange about nuclear facilities –Bucharest, 22 December 1997In force25 May 1998
11.  Agreement between Governments of Romania and Bulgarian Republic on early notification of a nuclear accident and information exchange on nuclear facilities – Kozlodui, 28 May 1997 In force:25 November 1997
12.  Protocol of understanding on co-operation in the nuclear safety domain between CNCAN of Romania and Atomic Energy Control Board(AECB) of Canada – Ottawa, 23 June 1997In force:25 May 1998
13.  Protocol on co-operation and information exchange in the nuclear safety domain between CNCAN and Hungarian Authority for Atomic Energy – Budapest, 12 June 1997In force: 25 May 1998
14.  Agreement between Governments of Romania and USA on peaceful applications of nuclear energy – Washington D.C., 15 July 1998In force: 25 June 1999
15.  Agreement of co-operation and information exchange in the nuclear safety domain between CNCAN of Romania and the Society for Nuclear Safety of Facilities and Reactors of Germany– BerlinIn force:23 February 1999
16.  Memorandum of Understanding for co-operation between CNCAN of Romania and the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) of Argentina In force:8 May 2000
17.  Administrative Understanding between Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and CNCAN implementing the Agreement for Co-operation in the Development and Application of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes In force:29 May 2000
18.  Agreement between Governments of Romania and the Slovakian Republic on early notification of a nuclear accident and information exchange on nuclear facilities – Bucharest, 19 February 2002 In force:14 May 2002
19.  Agreement between Governments of Romania and the Russian Federation  on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and Information Exchange on Nuclear Facilities – Moscow, 21 February 2002 In force:15 May 2002
20.  Cooperation Agreement between the Romanian Government and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the further development of scientific and technical cooperation in the research projects of CERN –Geneva, 25 March 2002
In force:14 November 2002
21.  Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in nuclear energy project between the Ministry of Economy and Commerce from Romania and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy from the Republic of Korea – Seul, 21 July 2003
In force: 1 October 2003
22.  Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of Republic of Korea for cooperation in order to use peaceful nuclear energy in industry, research and development –Bucharest, 3 February 2004
In force:25 May 2004
23.  Agreement between the Romanian Government and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Early Notification of Nuclear Accidents and Exchanging of Information on nuclear and radiological safety – Vienna, 22 September 2004In force:29 December 2004
24.  Agreement between the Nuclear Agency of Romania and the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control from Romania and the Department of Energy from the United States of America on cooperation in combating the proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology – New York, 19 July 2004 In force:1 March 2005
25.  AGREEMENT between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for cooperation regarding atomic information field - 14 February 2006
In force:12 January 2007
26.  Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium Kingdom of Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italian Republic, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Atomic Energy Agency, on the application of art. Article III. 1 and para. 4 of the Treaty on nuclear non-proliferation (78/164/EURATOM) –Bruxelles, 5 April 1973*)
In force:11 July 2007
27.  Agreement  between the Government of Romania and the Government of Republic of Turkey on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident –Bucharest, 3 March 2008
In force:  12 September 2008
28.  Agreement between the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform from Romania and the Department of Energy from the United States of America on Cooperation in Preventing Illicit Trafficking with Nuclear Substances and Radioactive Materials – Bucharest, 15 September 2008  25 September 2008


A. Romanian Academies


1. Romanian Academy
2. Academy of Technical Sciences
3.Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu-Sisesti" 

B. Ministries

1.Ministry of Economy
Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation
Ministry of Environment
4.Ministry of Foreign Affairs
5.Ministry of Justice and Citizen’s Freedom
6.Ministry of National Defence
Ministry of Administration and Interior
 General Inspectorate for Emergency Situationsaddress46 Banu Dumitrache St., 2-st District, Bucharest, ROMANIA telephone number+ 40 21 208  61  50 facsimile number+ 40 21 242  09  90 e-mail web site, 
8.Ministry of Public Finance
Ministry of Public Health
 Institute for
 Public Health Bucharest
 address1-3 Dr. Leonte  St., 5 District, RO-050463
Bucharest ROMANIA telephone number+ 40 21 318 36 20 facsimile number+ 40 21 312 34 26 e-mail address  web site 


C. National Nuclear Authorities

1.Nuclear Agency AN
National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control CNCAN
National Agency for Radioactive Waste ANDRAD
4. National Authority for Scientific Research – ANCS
Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority – ANRE

D. National Nuclear Companies

National Uranium Company CNU

 Uranium ore extractionSuceava  Branch
Crucea – Botusana Mines
address 1 Minei St., Crucea, Suceava County, ROMANIA
 UO2 powder production  Feldioara Branch
address1 Dumbravii St., Feldioara, Brasov County, ROMANIA
Romanian Authority  for Nuclear Activities – RAAN
 Heavy Water ProductionROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant
addressCalea Tg-Jiului, Km.7, Dr.Tr.Severin, Mehedinti, ROMANIA
Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A Headquarters

 Nuclear  Fuel ProductionNuclear Fuel Plant FCN - Pitesti
address1 Campului St., Mioveni, Arges County, O.P.Mioveni,, RO-115400, ROMANIA
Nuclear Electricity Producer   Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant
address2, Medgidiei St, Cernavoda, CP 42, RO-905200, Cernavoda , ROMANIA,

E. Universities 

1.Transilvania University of Brasov
2. University Politehnica of Bucharest - Power Engineering Faculty
3. University of Bucharest - Faculty of Physics
Technical University of  Cluj Napoca
5. University of  Craiova - Faculty of Physics
6. Ovidius University of Constanta
7."Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
8. “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of  Iasi - Faculty of Physics
9. University of  Pitesti  - Faculty of Sciences
10. “Lucian Blaga” University of  Sibiu - Faculty of Sciences
11. University Politehnica of Timisoara

F. National Institutes of Research & Development

2. Center of Technology And Engineering for Nuclear Projects  (SITON)
3.“Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)
4.Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti (SCN Pitesti)
5. National Research Institute of Cryogenics and Isotopic Separations
ICSI Rm.Valcea
6.National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics INFLPR
7. National Institute of Materials Physics NIMP
8. National Institute of Research and Development for Isotopic
and Molecular Technologies
9.National Institute of Research & Development for Technical Physics (IFT) Iasi
 address47 Mangeron Boulevard, Iasi, RO-700050, ROMANIAtelephone number+ 40 23 243 06 80facsimile number+ 40 23 223 11 32e-mail address web site 
10. Research and National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources
ICPMRR Bucharest

G. Non – Governmental Organizations

1.Romanian Associations “Nuclear Energy”
3.Romanian National Committee of World Energy Council