4-6 December 2006
Organized by the
Cosponsored by the
1. BACKGROUNDThere is growing interest in the application of nuclear power for electricity and water production in many countries that currently do not operate nuclear power plants. This Workshop is a timely opportunity for an exchange of views and sharing of ideas on the infrastructure issues that need to be addressed to ensure international confidence in the future application of nuclear energy. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOPThe objectives of the Workshop are the following:
3. SCOPE AND MAJOR ISSUES OF THE WORKSHOPAmong the issues that will be discussed are:
These issues will be presented by internationally recognised speakers and IAEA technical staff. Working sessions in groups will be held during which participants will be expected to contribute their ideas and concerns to the discussion and the output from these working sessions will be presented to the whole group. Panel sessions will be organised at which further debate about issues from the working groups can be held. 4. PARTICIPATIONRepresentatives from Member States without a nuclear power plant (NPP), who have indicated their interest in using nuclear power for electricity generation or desalination. Representatives from Member States who are supplier countries or other countries with an interest in the future application of nuclear energy. Level of participation:
All persons wishing to participate in the must complete a Participation Form (see attached Form A) and send it as soon as possible to the competent authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs or National Atomic Energy Authority) for subsequent transmission to the IAEA. A participant will be accepted only if the Participation Form is transmitted through the government of a Member State of the IAEA by 6 October 2006. Participants whose official designations have been received by the IAEA will receive confirmation that they have been accepted by 31 October 2006. Further information on the workshop, including a preliminary programme, will be sent to participants approximately one month before the meeting. 5. EXPENDITURESNo registration fee is charged to participants. Limited funds may be available to help cover the costs of participants from Member States eligible to receive technical assistance under the IAEA Technical Cooperation programme. Such assistance may be offered, upon specific request, to not more than two participants per country, provided that, in the IAEAs view, these participants will make an important contribution to the workshop and represent different national organizations. The applications for financial support should be made at the time of designation of the participants. Participants will be welcome from other countries, however the IAEA will not pay the cost of attendance, i.e. travel and living expenses, of those participants. Governments wishing to apply for a grant on behalf of a participant should address specific requests to the IAEA Secretariat. Governments should ensure that applications for grants:
Applications that do not comply with conditions (a) and (b) cannot be considered. The grants awarded will be in the form of lump sums that usually cover only part of the cost of attendance. 6. WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGSThe proceedings of the workshop will be produced as a CD by the IAEA as soon as possible after the meeting. 7. WORKING LANGUAGESThe working language of the workshop will be English. 8. ACCOMMODATIONDetailed information on accommodation and other information of interest will be sent to all designated participants one month before the meeting and will also be available on the web page: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Meetings/Meetings2006.asp 9. VISASDesignated participants who require a visa to enter Austria should submit the necessary application(s) to the nearest diplomatic or consular representative of Austria as early as possible but at least one month before the meeting. 10. SECRETARIATThe address of the Secretariat is:
International Atomic Energy Agency
Scientific Secretary:
Administrative Support: Ms. June Mueller-Yu, Division of Nuclear Power
11. TECHNICAL MEETING/WORKSHOP INFORMATIONPlease visit the IAEA site for information regarding this at: