'Nuclear Power for the 21st Century'
21 - 22 March 2005
Organized by the
In cooperation with the
Hosted by the Logistical Information
Form A:
List of Hotels
The final statement was prepared for the President of the Conference to reflect a broad convergence of views from the vast majority of participants expressed at the Conference.
1. BACKGROUND It is widely recognised that global energy demand will rise substantially during this century. The increased industrialisation and urbanisation of developing countries will produce large increases in energy demand in regions that currently have very low per capita energy use. This increasing demand for energy will need to be met in order to improve living standards for at least half of the world’s population and to reduce the economic imbalances between countries and regions. At the same time the use of fossil fuel based energy is identified as a major cause of environmental damage. The release of greenhouse gases from burning of fossil fuel in power stations and for transport is seen as a contributor to global warming. It is widely recognised that continued exploitation of fossil fuels and release of carbon dioxide will need to be controlled. After a prolonged period of slow development of nuclear power, confined to some countries in the world, it is now being recognised that nuclear energy has a potentially significant role to play in meeting the energy needs of the planet without damaging the environment. Developments in technology make the economics of nuclear power more attractive, and they may become even more so as fossil fuel prices continue to rise. For a widespread use of nuclear power, however, there remain concerns on the safety, security, waste and proliferation aspects. The global application of safety standards and appropriate security measures are required to ensure acceptable levels of protection. Effective control measures are required to ensure that non-proliferation commitments are honoured. Handling nuclear waste safely and securely is achievable, but continues to remain as a public concern. The Conference is being held at the ministerial level to discuss policy issues on the future of nuclear power. 2. OBJECTIVE OF THE CONFERENCE The broad strategic objectives of the Conference are the following:
3. SCOPE AND MAJOR ISSUES OF THE CONFERENCE The conference will provide a platform for discussion of the future role of nuclear energy. It will enable many interested Governments and other parties to present and discuss the future of nuclear energy. Senior Government Ministers will present their national views on the need for and future of nuclear power. The Conference will also include sessions to discuss major issues as follows:
4. PARTICIPATION Participants are expected to be Ministers and senior level advisors, or representatives of organisations that can make or influence energy related decisions. Around 200 participants are expected. All persons wishing to participate in the conference must complete a Participation Form (see attached Form A) and send it as soon as possible to the competent official authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs or national atomic energy authority) for subsequent transmission to the IAEA. A participant will be accepted only if the Participation Form is transmitted through the government of a Member State of the IAEA or by an organization invited to participate. Participants whose official designations have been received by the IAEA will receive further information on the Conference approximately two months before the meeting. This information will also be posted on the web page. 5. VENUE The Conference will take place at the Centre de Conférences “Pierre Mendès France”, 129 rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris, France. 6. EXPENDITURES No registration fee is charged to participants. As a general rule, the IAEA does not pay the cost of attendance, such as travel and living expenses, of participants. This is particularly relevant for this meeting where only senior representatives are expected to attend. However, limited funds may be available to help meet the cost of attendance of selected representatives mainly from developing countries with low economic resources. Generally, not more than one grant will be awarded to any one country. Governments wishing to apply for a grant on behalf of a participant should address specific requests to the IAEA Secretariat. Governments should ensure that applications for grants:
(a) are submitted by 20 January 2005; Applications that do not comply with conditions (a) and (b) cannot be considered. The grants awarded will be in the form of lump sums that usually cover only part of the cost of attendance.
7. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS The proceedings of the meeting will be published by the IAEA as soon as possible after the meeting. All participants will receive a free copy of the proceedings. 8. WORKING LANGUAGES The working languages of the conference will be all official IAEA languages, English, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic and Spanish. 9. DISTRIBUTION OF DOCUMENTS A preliminary programme of the conference will be sent to the participants and placed on the web site before the meeting. The final programme will be available at registration. 10. ACCOMMODATION Detailed information on accommodation and other administrative matters will be available on the conference web page. 11. VISAS Designated participants who require a visa to enter France should submit the necessary application(s) to the nearest diplomatic or consular representative of France as early as possible but at least one month before the meeting. 12. SECRETARIAT The address of the Secretariat is:
International Atomic Energy Agency The Scientific Secretaries of the Conference are Mr R. I. Facer, Division of Nuclear Power (telephone extension 22806) and Mr R. Swaminathan, Office of External Relations and Policy Coordination (telephone extension 21259). Conference organization is provided by Ms M. Solarik-Leahy, Conference Services Section, Division of Conference and Document Services (telephone extension 21321). 13. CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION The Participation Form (Form A) and, if applicable, the Grant Application Form (Form C), should be sent to the competent national authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs or national atomic energy authority) for official transmission to the IAEA. Subsequent correspondence on scientific matters should be sent to the Scientific Secretaries and correspondence on administrative matters to the IAEA Conference Services Section.
Scientific Secretariat of the Conference:
Mr. R. I. Facer
Mr. R. Swaminathan
Administration and organization:
Ms. M. Solarik-Leahy