The United States of America's (U.S.) nuclear power industry is large and generally
comprehensive. The industry includes most phases of the fuel cycle, from uranium
exploration and mining to nuclear waste disposal, but does not include reprocessing.
In addition to domestic contributions, many services and supplies to the nuclear
power industry are also available and sourced as imports. Most of the U.S. nuclear
power industry is privately owned and managed and is decentralised. There is
a significant diversity in power plant operations and many privately companies
operate nuclear plants. Federal and State governments also play a significant
role in the industry. Federal government and regional agencies own and manage
nine operable power reactors.
1.1 General Overview
The United States covers the midsection of North America, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean plus Alaska and Hawaii. The total area of the United States is over 3.5 million square miles (9.4 million square kilometres). Climate varies greatly across the nation. Average annual temperatures range from 9 degrees Fahrenheit (-13 degrees Celsius) in Barrow, Alaska, to 78 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) in Death Valley, California. Rainfall varies from less than 2 inches annually at Death Valley to about 460 inches at Mount Waialeale in Hawaii. Most of the United States sees seasonal temperature changes and moderate precipitation. The Midwest, the Middle Atlantic States, and New England experience warm summers and cold, snowy winters. Summers are long, hot, and often humid in the South while winters are mild. Along the Pacific Coast, and in some other areas near large bodies of water, the climate is relatively mild all year. Hawaii is tropical. The moderate climate in much of the United States has encouraged widespread population settlement.
The population in the United States as of 2001 was nearly 280 million people
(Table 1). Population density is nearly 30 persons per square kilometre, with
80% living in urban areas. Economic statistics for the United States are regularly
published by the U.S. Department of Commerce's
Bureau of Economic Statistics.Table 2 shows the historical Gross Domestic
Product (GPD) statistics. The energy situation in the United States is provided
in the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) regularly updated
Country Analysis Brief for the United States. Table 3 shows the US energy
reserves and Table 4 the historical energy statistics.
Growth |
rate (%) |
1990 |
1970 |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
To |
2002 |
Population (millions) |
210.1 |
230.4 |
254.1 |
285.0 |
288.0 |
291.0 |
1.1 |
Population density (inhabitants/km²) |
22.4 |
24.6 |
27.1 |
30.4 |
30.7 |
31.1 |
Predicted population growth rate (%) 2002
to 2010 |
6.4 |
Area (1000 km²) |
9373.0 |
Urban population in 2002 as percent of total |
77.7 |
Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Database
Growth |
rate (%) |
1990 |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
To |
2002 |
GDP (millions of current US$) |
2,771,500 |
5,750,800 |
9,810,200 |
10,405,447 |
11,025,034 |
5.6 |
GDP (millions of constant 1990 US$) |
4,208,610 |
5,750,800 |
7,926,059 |
8,264,449 |
8,613,100 |
3 |
GDP per capita (current US$/capita) |
12,029 |
22,634 |
34,421 |
36,127 |
37,882 |
4.4 |
Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Database.
Estimated energy reserves in |
(Exajoule) |
Solid |
Liquid |
Gas |
Uranium |
Hydro |
Total |
(1) |
(2) |
Total amount in place |
5796.68 |
158.86 |
181.40 |
190.55 |
432.35 |
6759.84 |
This total represents essentially recoverable reserves. |
For comparison purposes a rough attempt is made to convert hydro capacity
to energy by multiplying |
the gross theoretical annual capability (World Energy Council
- 2002) by a factor of 10. |
Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Database.
Average annual |
growth rate (%) |
1970 |
1990 |
1970 |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
To |
To |
1990 |
2002 |
Energy consumption |
- Total (1) |
67.51 |
75.57 |
79.67 |
98.97 |
99.59 |
100.55 |
0.83 |
1.96 |
- Solids (2) |
13.40 |
17.84 |
20.67 |
28.36 |
28.00 |
27.26 |
2.19 |
2.33 |
- Liquids |
28.21 |
31.97 |
31.19 |
34.87 |
34.98 |
35.01 |
0.50 |
0.97 |
- Gases |
23.24 |
20.35 |
19.27 |
25.35 |
26.22 |
27.80 |
-0.93 |
3.10 |
- Primary electricity (3) |
2.65 |
5.41 |
8.52 |
10.39 |
10.39 |
10.48 |
6.01 |
1.74 |
Energy production |
- Total |
63.45 |
65.07 |
68.33 |
74.36 |
74.10 |
74.60 |
0.37 |
0.73 |
- Solids |
15.55 |
20.51 |
23.74 |
28.39 |
28.48 |
28.80 |
2.14 |
1.62 |
- Liquids |
22.41 |
20.10 |
17.81 |
15.15 |
14.90 |
14.99 |
-1.14 |
-1.43 |
- Gases |
22.86 |
19.31 |
18.25 |
20.67 |
20.56 |
20.56 |
-1.12 |
1.00 |
- Primary electricity (3) |
2.63 |
5.15 |
8.52 |
10.15 |
10.16 |
10.24 |
6.05 |
1.55 |
Net import (Import - Export) |
- Total |
5.61 |
12.23 |
13.77 |
24.43 |
25.93 |
26.43 |
4.59 |
5.58 |
- Solids |
-1.83 |
-2.17 |
-2.37 |
-1.16 |
-0.98 |
-0.79 |
1.30 |
-8.79 |
- Liquids |
6.63 |
13.38 |
14.56 |
21.76 |
22.85 |
22.87 |
4.02 |
3.83 |
- Gases |
0.82 |
1.02 |
1.57 |
3.82 |
4.06 |
4.35 |
3.33 |
8.84 |
Energy consumption = Primary energy consumption + Net import (Import -
Export) of secondary energy. |
Solid fuels include coal, lignite and commercial wood. |
Primary electricity = Hydro + Geothermal + Nuclear + Wind. |
Energy values are in Exajoule except where indicated. |
Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Database.
1.2. Energy Policy
The United States has a market-driven economy. Decisions affecting resources,
prices, technology development, and other matters pertaining to energy are made
by the private sector within the context of government regulations and laws.
However, through funding of research and development, tax allowances, service
charges, regulations, and other mechanisms, federal and local governments encourage
the development and use of selected energy resources. Favoured resources can
vary by jurisdiction. Additional features of federal policy are contained in
the Energy Policy Act of 1992 which covers a wide variety of issues, including
energy efficiency standards, alternate fuels development, and renewable energy.
Energy statistics and projections for the United States are regularly published
by the Energy Information Administration.
An EIA publications list is available through
www.eia.doe.gov/bookshelf.html. These publications include regular energy,
electricity, and nuclear statistics and short and long term energy projections.
1.3 The Electricity System
1.3.2 Structure of the Electric Power Sector
The U.S. electric power industry is a combination of traditional commercial electric utilities and less traditional electricity-producing and marketing entities. Utilities include investor-owned, publicly owned, Federal, and co-operative firms. Historically, the larger companies were vertically integrated though structures have changed in many regions from regulated service monopolies to more complex, unbundled arrangements. The Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978 and the continued deregulation of the industry encouraged the emergence of non-utility power producers. These now number several thousand. Their activities are primarily distributed among three major industry groups: transportation and public utilities, manufacturing, and "other".
Approximately three quarters of the electricity generated by utilities is generated
by investor-owned utilities though the distinction between such utilities and
independent producers sometimes hare to identify. These utilities are, for the
most part, franchised monopolies that have an obligation to provide electricity
all customers within a service area. Most provide for the generation, transmission,
and distribution of electricity, though the distinctions among these services
are breaking down as the electric industry becomes more deregulated. There shares
are publicly traded and their areas of business operation are expanding into
new areas, sometimes unrelated to the provision of electricity or even energy.
The EIA publishes data related to the electric power industry and to the
energy industry in general. The EIA's
Analysis Brief for the United
States publishes data and assessments of the United States in particular. Forecasts
and projections to 2025 for the United States are published in the
Annual Energy
Outlook. Historical data are provided in the
Annual Energy Review.
Current publication
information is also available.
A number of utilities in the United States are publicly-owned with the most visible being the federally-owned Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), one of the nation's largest utilities. (The TVA is also one of the larger nuclear power generating organizations.) Several other federal publicly -owned utilities also exist with responsibilities varying widely and often crossing state borders. Publicly -owned utilities also include municipal operations, public power districts, irrigation districts, and various State organizations. Many municipal electric utilities only distribute power, though some larger ones produce and transmit electricity as well. Federal Government utilities primarily produce and wholesale electricity.
Numerous co-operative electric utilities were established to provide electricity
to their members. The Rural Electrification Administration of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture was established in 1936 to extend electric service to rural communities
and farms. Co-operatives are incorporated under State law and are usually directed
by an elected board of directors.
Non-utility power producers include co-generators, small power producers, and
independent power producers. These lack a designated franchise service area
though they might provide power to specific clients under contract. Many are
generally referred to as qualifying facilities (QFs) because they receive certain
benefits under Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). To receive
status as a QF, the co-generator must meet certain ownership, operating, and
efficiency criteria established by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) such as producing electricity and other forms of useful thermal energy
for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes. A large portion of
the installed capacity of non-utility generating facilities is classified as
a cogeneration QF facility. The greatest capacity share by fuel is natural gas.
Renewable energy, including hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, wood and waste combined
make up about a tenth of the capacity.
Independent power producers (IPPs) in the United States include wholesale electricity
producers that are often unaffiliated with franchised utilities in the area
in which they sell power. Utility-owned facilities within some jurisdictions
might be required to behave as if they were IPPs. Thus distinctions among utility
and IPP facilities are often unclear. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT)
established a new class of IPPs - exempt wholesale generators (EWGs) or "merchant
plants". EPACT exempted EWGs from the corporate and geographic restrictions
of earlier legislation. Public utilities are allowed to own IPP facilities through
holding companies and have formed subsidiaries to develop and operate independent
power projects throughout the world.
The historical pattern of an industry dominated by electric utilities continues,
but has shifted shift toward a much more significant role for non-utilities,
including affiliates of former utilities. The distinction between utility and
non-utility has thus become very difficult to make.
1.3.2 Policy and Decision Making Process
Public policy toward electric utilities is implemented through legislation and
regulation of the industry. The decision making process in the industry is decentralized,
because electricity generation is decentralized and generators are, mostly,
privately -owned, though subject to Federal and State laws and regulations.
There are at least six major pieces of Federal legislation that cover factors
including the structure of the industry, interstate commerce (transmission),
environmental issues, and operating procedures (see Section 5.2 for a brief
description of these laws). Federal involvement in electric power regulation
is based on a clause of the U.S. Constitution that only the Federal Government
may regulate interstate commerce. Thus, not only does the Federal Government
regulate interstate commerce, but State governments are prohibited from doing
so. Federal regulation thus complements State and local regulation by focusing
on the interstate activities of electricity producers, but leaving the regulation
of intrastate activities to the States and other jurisdictions.
Three laws, the Federal Power Act, PURPA, and the Energy Policy Act of 1992
(EPACT) have formed the basis for Federal regulation of wholesale electric power
transactions. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is the primary
agency responsible for this Federal regulation. EPACT instructed FERC to order
wholesale wheeling of electricity and authorized FERC to set transmission rates.
Within the U.S., California originated the concept of separating operators from
owners of transmission systems. FERC endorsed the idea in 1996 when it issued
FERC Order 888 that defined rules under which utilities might operate their
transmission systems, while allowing for a competitive wholesale electricity
market (i.e., open access rules). This encouraged the creation of regional transmission
groups or Independent System Operators (ISOs) under FERC jurisdiction. FERC
Order 889 of 1996, established an electronic same-time information systems (OASIS)
for available transmission capacity to give all customers equal, timely access
to information. The concept of competition within the electric power industry
is however still in its infancy and approaches to this complex subject are still
The States regulate most activities of privately -owned electric utilities.
Federal, State, municipal, co-operative, and other utilities are often not directly
regulated. Public Utility Commissions (PUCs), which exist in most, though not
all, States. In many States these regulate the prices for electricity that privately
owned utilities might charge to retail customers though market or market-like
mechanism have also been involved also involved since 1999 as utilities in many
States have moved in toward restructuring. Once competition in the wholesale
market was permitted through Federal legislation, interest arose in retail competition,
especially in regions of the country where prices significantly exceeded the
national average (i.e., California and the New England States). The process
has not been smooth and consistent. Several other States have taken a more deliberative
approach toward deregulation, especially following unanticipated price spikes
in California and elsewhere, and others have withdrawn from initial ambitious
targets. Nonetheless, an overall trend remains toward increased market deregulation
though through quite varied routes.
1.3.3 Main Indicators
Electricity data (Table 5) and energy related ratios (Table 6) follow.
Average annual |
growth rate (%) |
1970 |
1990 |
1970 |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
To |
To |
1990 |
2002 |
Electricity production (TW.h) |
- Total (1) |
1639.77 |
2354.38 |
3196.69 |
4128.02 |
4161.68 |
4189.98 |
3.39 |
2.28 |
- Thermal |
1366.75 |
1820.28 |
2312.64 |
3075.23 |
3107.95 |
3127.22 |
2.66 |
2.55 |
- Hydro |
250.70 |
277.92 |
288.96 |
275.14 |
261.13 |
258.89 |
0.71 |
-0.91 |
- Nuclear |
21.80 |
251.12 |
576.78 |
753.90 |
768.83 |
780.10 |
17.80 |
2.55 |
- Geothermal |
0.53 |
5.07 |
16.01 |
18.14 |
18.14 |
18.14 |
18.64 |
1.05 |
Capacity of electrical plants (GWe) |
- Total |
360.33 |
630.11 |
733.33 |
798.09 |
800.08 |
806.04 |
3.62 |
0.79 |
- Thermal |
298.00 |
495.97 |
535.51 |
593.93 |
595.55 |
600.08 |
2.97 |
0.95 |
- Hydro |
55.75 |
76.65 |
92.36 |
98.13 |
98.25 |
98.76 |
2.56 |
0.56 |
- Nuclear |
6.49 |
56.49 |
101.05 |
98.23 |
98.23 |
98.23 |
14.71 |
-0.24 |
- Geothermal |
0.08 |
1.01 |
2.65 |
5.44 |
5.54 |
6.22 |
18.82 |
7.38 |
- Wind |
1.77 |
2.37 |
2.51 |
2.76 |
3.79 |
Electricity losses are not deducted. |
Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Database.
1970 |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
Energy consumption per capita (GJ/capita) |
321 |
328 |
314 |
347 |
346 |
345 |
Electricity per capita (kW.h/capita) |
7,815 |
10,334 |
11,852 |
13,845 |
13,221 |
13,277 |
Electricity production/Energy production (%) |
25 |
35 |
45 |
54 |
54 |
54 |
Nuclear/Total electricity (%) |
1 |
11 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
19 |
Ratio of external dependency (%) (1) |
8 |
16 |
17 |
25 |
26 |
26 |
Load factor of electricity plants |
- Total (%) |
52 |
43 |
50 |
59 |
59 |
59 |
- Thermal |
52 |
42 |
49 |
59 |
60 |
59 |
- Hydro |
51 |
41 |
36 |
32 |
30 |
30 |
- Nuclear |
38 |
51 |
65 |
88 |
89 |
91 |
Net import / Total energy consumption. |
Source: IAEA Energy and Economic Database.
2.1. Historical Development and current nuclear power organizational structure
2.1.1 Overview
The early growth of the U.S. commercial nuclear power followed President Eisenhower's
Atoms for Peace programme that encouraged civilian nuclear power applications
while retaining a strong nuclear weapons technology. The Atomic Energy Act of
1954 made possible several demonstration and development reactor programmes
and created the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to supervise nuclear developments.
Also in 1954, the AEC proposed a "Five Year Power Reactor Development Programme,"
which called for building five separate reactor technologies. The programme
prepared the way for private industrial participation in the nuclear power field.
Numerous joint industry-government study groups were established to examine
power reactor concepts. The first nuclear power station in the United States
began operation in Shippingport, Pennsylvania during 1957.
Utilities placed many orders for large reactor systems between the mid-1960s
until roughly the time of the Three Mile Island event in 1979. The process of
placing orders had however actually begun to decline prior to Three Mile Island
as many projects were cancelled or deferred as anticipated electricity demand
growth slowed and nuclear construction costs grew. Many previously initiated
construction projects continued after 1979 though sometimes schedules were deliberately
drawn out. The last new reactor in the United States, Watts Bar 1, was completed
in 1996. No additional plants have been ordered. Four construction permits (Watts
Bar 2, Bellefonte 1 and 2, and WNP 1) have recently been extended though there
is no active plan to resume construction at these sites. Plans to dismantle
WNP 1 imply that the license there might be abandoned.
2.1.2 Current Organizational Chart
Supporting the operation of nuclear power plants in the U.S. is a an extensive
industrial base, including reactor manufactures, numerous companies supplying
major system components, both mechanical and electrical, and companies supplying
equipment and services to plants.
2.2. Nuclear Power Plants: Status and Operations
2.2.1 Status of Nuclear Power Plants
The nuclear power industry grew to its present size following construction programmes initiated during the 1960's and 1970's when nuclear power was anticipated to be a low cost source of electricity. Increases in nuclear generating capacity during 1969-1996 made nuclear power the second largest source of electricity generation in the U.S., following coal. Better utilization of generating capacity has permitted nuclear power to maintain this relative position despite the end of new plant construction during the 1990s and extended shutdowns of several reactors for maintenance and refitting during the 1990's. Several nuclear reactors were permanently closed during the 1990s though many were small or prototype units. The last units closed were during 1998.
Annual nuclear electricity generation has more than tripled since 1980 to 780 billion kW·h in 2002. Nuclear power now accounts for over 20 percent of total electricity generation in the United States. The positive nuclear power record has been influenced by growth in reactor productivity as measured by an increase in capacity factors from 56% in 1980 to 66% in 1990 and over 90% in 2002. Many individual units have achieved 95% or higher capacity factors. There were 104 licensed nuclear reactors in the U.S at the end of 2001. One of the licensed reactors, Browns Ferry 1, has not "operated" since 1985 though the plant's owner/operator, the Tennessee Valley Authority, intends to restart the reactor by 2007. Reactors are located at 65 sites (plants) throughout the United States with most located in the eastern half of the country. Reactors had a total net summer capacity of 98.7 MW(e) by the end of 2002. Table 7 shows the current status of nuclear power plants.
Over 40 years of operational experience and steadily improving licensee performance have changed the way that the U.S. regulates nuclear power. This has taken the form of a more risk-informed and performance-based approach. To encourage a sustained high level of safety performance of U.S. nuclear plants, important oversight processes have incorporated risk insights from quantitative risk analysis. Efforts also continue to revise regulations to focus requirements on plant programs and activities that are most risk significant.
2.2.2 Performance of Nuclear Power Plants
An increasing need for additional power in the U.S. along with improved economic
and safety performance have led many licensees to renew their operating licenses
for an additional 20 years beyond the their initial 40-year limits. Twenty-three
reactors have extended their operating licenses since 2000. Applications to
extend the licenses of at least 35 additional reactors are anticipated through
2006. Expectations are that essentially all operating reactors in the U.S. will
eventually apply for operating license renewals. The NRC publishes
the updated
status of such applications on its website. A review of this list indicates
that some of the oldest units in the U.S. have yet to apply.
2.2.3 Plant Uprating
Licensees have also implemented power uprates throughout their history as a means to increase the output of their reactors. This process has grown considerably in recent years. Power uprates are classified by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in three groups: (1) measurement uncertainty recapture uprates of less than 2 percent implement enhanced techniques for calculating reactor power, (2) stretch power uprates are typically less than 7 percent and do not usually involve major plant modification, and (3) extended power uprates, larger than stretch power uprates, require significant modification to major balance-of-plant equipment. Extended uprates have been approved for increases as much as 20 percent, though these might take place over several stages of plant modification. As of April 2003, the NRC has approved 92 power uprates adding about 4022 MW(e) to the generating capacity in the United States. This is equivalent to more than 4 average sized nuclear power plants. The NRC no longer publishes data on anticipated uprates but a survey by the Energy Information Administration in indicates that 1743 MWe will be added through uprates between 2003 and 2007 or the equivalent of slightly less than two average sized U.S. reactors.
2.2.4 Nuclear Power Development Plans
The Administration's 2001 National Energy Policy identified nuclear energy as a key part of the Nation's targeted energy mix. During 2002, the U.S. Department of Energy initiated its Nuclear Power 2010 (NP2010) program. Initially the program set a 2010 target for the completion of two new nuclear power plants under its Nuclear Power 2010 program though this schedule is now less precise. Any construction would exclude presently certified reactor designs but could involve reactors that are presently in the design certification process. Three utilities, Dominion Resources, Exelon, and Entergy have applied during 2004 early site permits (ESP) which will allow them to initiate nuclear power site clearances prior to commitments to build. Several other firms have indicated that they might be interested in the ESP process. The U.S. Department of Energy also hopes to make arrangements for the joint funding of combined operating licenses (COL) at two sites by the end of 2004. A COL is the last federal licensing requirement before construction is permitted to begin, though the COL is valid for at least ten years prior to actual construction. Plant vendors assert that construction costs of new designs could match the costs of building new coal-fired units. These cost claims for as yet unbuilt designs have not been verified by actual experience, so the difference in view is unresolved.
The future of nuclear power will depend on several factors including successfully dealing with nuclear waste issues, the reduction of nuclear capital costs, and favourable government policies. Progress has been made on each including the 2002 federal approval of a long-term high level waste disposal site at Yucca Mountain and vendor and utility efforts to reduce the costs of building new nuclear power plants. The NRC has also streamlined its licensing process for future nuclear power reactors, an area in which it has lacked recent experience. The goal of each of these changes is to shorten construction lead-times and to improve the economics of new reactor technology. The U.S. government goal is that these and similar actions might restart the construction of nuclear power plants by the end of the decade.
The Energy
Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy maintains
material related to
status of U.S. nuclear power plants including links
to additional information
(1) See Table 7b. (2)
See Table 7c., Source: EIA Form 860-A and Form 860-B as of 31 December 2001.
(1) See Table 7b. (2) See Table 7c.
Source: EIA Form 860-A and Form 860-B as of 31 December 2001.
(1) See Table 7b. (2) See Table 7c.
Source: EIA Form 860-A and Form 860-B as of 31 December 2001.
(1) See Table 7b. (2)
See Table 7c., Source: EIA Form 860-A and Form 860-B as of 31 December 2001.
Code |
Operator Name |
PP&L |
Code |
NSSS Supplier Name |
AC |
B&W |
CE |
GA |
GE |
2.3 Supply of NPPs
2.3.1 Nuclear Steam Supply Systems (NSSS)
Four companies supplied nuclear steam supply systems currently operating in
the United States. Westinghouse Corporation built the majority of pressurized
water reactors (PWR) though Combustion Engineering (CE) and Babcock & Wilcox
(B&W) also built PWRs. Babcock & Wilcox supplied nuclear steam generators,
replacement nuclear steam generators, and nuclear heat exchangers. Westinghouse
and CE are now part of Westinghouse BNFL while Framatome ANP now owns elements
of B&W's nuclear technology. General Electric designed all presently operating
boiling water reactors (BWR) in the U.S. The American Nuclear Society's Buyer's
Guide 2003 for the nuclear industry lists eleven NSSS suppliers for the United
States. The list includes several suppliers of designs not certified in the
United States and excludes several suppliers that provide certified reactor
designs or that have reactor designs in pre-certification with the NRC.
There are now three new reactor designs approved by the NRC for construction
in the United States; the System 80+ and AP600 of Westinghouse BNFL, and the
Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) from General Electric. Toshiba and Hitachi
are also authorized to sell ABWR designs in the United States. There are now
seven reactor designs that are either undergoing certification or pre-certification
procedures with the NRC. Other designs might be anticipated to join the process.
Westinghouse has recently applied for certification of its AP1000 design. Pre-certified
designs include the General Electric ESBWR, the Framatome SWR-1000, the General
Atomics GT-MHR, and the Atomic Energy of Canada ACR-700 advanced Candu design.
2.3.2 Equipment and Service Suppliers
A large number of firms companies in the U.S. provide equipment and services
to the nuclear power industry. These services cover the entire nuclear fuel
cycle spectrum, from suppliers of main components to providers of routine equipment
and services found in most power plants. Reprocessing is not available in the
U.S. Steam generators for PWRs and some high quality steel castings are no longer
made in the United States for nuclear reactors. Domestic suppliers in the U.S.
must often compete with imports. This has resulted in the slow growth of nuclear
plant construction and the internationalisation of the nuclear energy business.
The American Nuclear Society's annual Buyer's Guide, published in their journal
Nuclear News provides a partial list of equipment and service providers to the
nuclear industry.
To help assure high quality products, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) certifies nuclear equipment suppliers. To obtain a nuclear certificate
of authorization, a company must comply with quality assurance requirements
set forth by the ASME. This programme is open to foreign companies. Presently
over 200 foreign and U.S. companies hold ASME nuclear certificates of authorization.
2.4 Operation of NPPs
2.4.1 Plant Operation
The 104 operable nuclear reactors are mostly privately owned and operated though
nine are operated by government-owned entities. If several announced mergers
are completed, twenty-five companies and agencies will have commercial reactor
operating licenses from the NRC.
2.4.2 Training Services
Several private companies provide training for nuclear plant operators. Training
facilities also exist at each operating reactor. The Institute of Nuclear Power
Plant Operations (INPO) sponsors a widely used training programme. INPO was
founded in 1979 as industry's response to the Three Mile Island accident. It
promotes the highest levels of safety and reliability in commercial nuclear
power plants. Among its many activities, INPO manages a nuclear utility training
accreditation programme.
2.5 Fuel Cycle and Waste Management
All activities of the commercial nuclear fuel cycle are conducted in the United States, with the exception of spent fuel reprocessing which U.S. fuel cycle policy prohibits. A re-examination of reprocessing is included in the National Energy Policy of 2001 though no commitment has been made. Each fuel cycle stage is subject to competition and supply from international sources which in many cases dominate the stage. At present the U.S. nuclear fuel supply is highly dependent on imports for mined uranium concentrates (80%), uranium conversion (48%), and enrichment (86%). Virtually all fuel fabrication requirements are met by domestic sources. The Energy Information Administration publishes data on the nuclear fuel cycle.
2.5.1 Uranium Production and Conversion
There were four operating conventional uranium mills and six non-conventional
plants in the United States at the end of 2002. These numbers reflect a decline
in the industry that continues. Additional conventional and non-conventional
mills were inactive at yearend 2002. Uranium concentrate was produced at two
mills from mine water during that year. Three in-situ leach plants were operated
during the year and produced uranium concentrate. During 2002, 2.3 million pounds
of uranium concentrate (U3O8) were produced in the United States. The nuclear
industry in the United States is not expected to grow due to the relatively
low market price of uranium and the comparatively poor quality of domestic ores.
Canada is the major source of concentrate imports though supplies have also
come from Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Namibia, and a few additional
The United States has one uranium conversion plant located at Metropolis, Illinois.
Major sources of conversion service imports include Canada and Russia.
Data on uranium is published in the
Uranium Industry Annual.
2.5.2 Uranium Enrichment
The uranium enrichment business in the United States was transferred in 1993
from DOE to a government-owned company, the United
States Enrichment Corporation (USEC). USEC was created in 1992 under the
Energy Policy Act of 1992 to make the U.S. more competitive in the global enrichment
industry. USEC was privatised in 1998 via an initial public offering of common
stock. USEC operates an enrichment facility (leased from DOE) at Paducah, Kentucky.
A second facility at Portsmouth, Ohio has stopped operations. The facilities
used gaseous diffusion technology that is seen as dated and expensive. Both
USEC and a second group, Louisiana Enrichment Services (LES), have indicated
intentions to build more modern facilities, gas centrifuge enrichment facilities.
USEC is proposing to use gas centrifuge technology developed by DOE. LES is
proposing to use Urenco Technology currently in use in Europe. The LES facility
would be located in New Mexico while the USEC site has not yet been announced.
USEC also signed a five-year contract (Megatons to Megawats) in 1996 with Russia's Techsnabexport to purchase of low-enriched uranium (LEU) derived from highly enriched uranium (HEU) from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads. Uranium derived from Russian HEU might supply 13 million pounds of U.S. commercial requirements by 2004. The DOE has also announced plans to sell or transfer surplus inventories of HEU, LEU, and natural uranium from national defence material stockpiles. The scope of penetration of surplus defence materials into the uranium market is however restricted by legislation and trade policies.
Enrichment services have also been imported from facilities in the United Kingdom,
France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Russia.
2.5.3 Fuel Fabrication
Three companies (Framatome ANP, Global Nuclear Fuels, and Westinghouse) fabricate
uranium fuel in the United States for light-water reactor fuel. Plants are located
in Columbia, South Carolina; Wilmington, North Carolina; Richland, Washington;
and Lynchburg, Virginia. Some product is exported to Japan
2.5.4 Nuclear Waste Management
Commercial nuclear power reactors currently store most of their spent fuel on-site
at the nuclear plant, although a small amount has been shipped to off-site facilities.
The spent fuel inventory in the United States was 42.7 thousand metric tons
of uranium as of December 2000. In 2000 EIA projected that by 2010, the reactors
in the United States will be discharging ~2,000 metric tons annually and the
spent nuclear fuel (SNF) discharged over the decade would amount to approximately
23 thousand metric tons of uranium. By 2035, when the last of 118 commercial
power reactors will have completed its initial 40-year license period, SNF containing
a total of about 83,800 MTHM will have been generated dur8ing their initial
planned. (Most commercial reactors will operate beyond forty years.) This projected
inventory includes SNF resulting from burning approximately 33 MTHM of surplus
weapons-usable plutonium in the form of mixed-oxide fuel in commercial nuclear
During 2002 Congress and the President approved plans to dispose of high-level
waste (HLW) in a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. DOE intends
to submit license application for construction authorization for this repository
to the NRC in late 2004. While objections and court proceedings from the state
of Nevada and others continue, there is presently no legal barrier to the completion
of this project. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) of 1982 provides that the
NRC may approve the emplacement in the first repository of a quantity of spent
fuel containing no more than 70,000 MTHM or a quantity of solidified HLW resulting
from the reprocessing of such quantity of spent fuel.
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) manages nuclear
wastes for the U.S. Department of Energy. OCRWM programs include:
· Program management activities are administered from Washington, DC.
Responsibilities include oversight of quality assurance, program planning and
administration, program management and integration, external interactions, human
resources, and the OCRWM budget.
· The Yucca Mountain site is located in Nye County, Nevada, approximately
100 miles northwest of Las Vegas. For two decades, the OCRWM conducted scientific
and engineering investigations at Yucca Mountain to determine its suitability
as a nuclear waste repository.
· Development of waste acceptance, storage and transportation systems.
Activities also include interactions with other waste owners, generators and
international waste management programs
2.6 Research and Development
Both private industry and the Federal Government conduct research and development (R&D) for the nuclear industry. Private companies actively investigating reactor technology, enrichment technology, and nuclear fuel design. One of the main institutions for private research funding is through the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). EPRI, through membership fees, conducts R&D in many nuclear-related areas as well as other areas of the electric power industry.
The Federal Government supports R&D through specific budget allocations
for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and through
national laboratories operated by private agencies licensed by the U.S. DOE.
DOE includes 26 laboratories and institutes, many of which are involved with
the nuclear fuel cycle.
In response to a 1997 Presidential Advisory Committee recommendation, the DOE
created the Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (NERI) in 1998 to overcome the
principal technical and scientific obstacles to the future use of nuclear energy
in the United States. NERI is also helps preserve the nuclear science and engineering
infrastructure within our Nation's universities, laboratories, and industry
to advance the state of nuclear energy technology and to maintain a competitive
position worldwide. Specific obstacles this R&D addresses include::
· proliferation-resistant reactors or fuel cycles;
· new reactor designs with higher efficiency, reduced cost, and enhanced
· smaller reactors for applications where larger reactors may not be
· new techniques for on-site and surface storage and for permanent disposal
of nuclear waste;
· advanced nuclear fuel and;
· fundamental nuclear science and technology.
2.7 International Co-operation and Initiatives
During 2003 the director of the US Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy, Science, and Technology was elected Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Nuclear Energy Agency. The United States Secretary of Energy also signed an agreement with the Republic of Korea's Minister of Science and Technology to conduct joint research on advanced proliferation resistant fuel cycle technologies. The United States also signed International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI) agreements with Canada and Brazil to foster collaborative research and development (R&D) on advanced nuclear technologies.
The preceding activities represent a portion of the Department of Energy's Office
of Nuclear Energy, Science, and Technology is involved in several international
nuclear programs. I-NERI agreements, for example, were initiated by the Department
of Energy to foster international collaborative research and development on
next-generation nuclear reactor and fuel cycle technology. The United States
intends to sign such agreements with all members of the Generation IV International
Forum (GIF) which is developing advanced, next-generation reactor designs that
offer advantages in terms of economics, safety, proliferation-resistance, and
waste minimization. GIF has targeted the implementation of five selected advanced
designs by 2030 with some designs targeted for earlier implementation.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's international program activities are wide-ranging.
They encompass nuclear policy formulation, international safety cooperation
and assistance, international technical information exchange, and cooperative
safety research. These activities support NRC's domestic mission, as well as
broader U.S. domestic and international interests. Maintaining a program of
international cooperation enhances the safe, secure, and environmentally acceptable
civilian uses of nuclear materials in both the U.S. and throughout the world.
As a regulator of the world's largest civilian nuclear program, the NRC's extensive
experience contributes to international programs in areas such as nuclear reactor
safety, nuclear safety research, radiation protection, nuclear materials safety
and safeguards, waste management, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission helped found the International Nuclear Regulatory
Association (INRA) in 1977, an organization of senior regulators from nations
operating a substantial majority of the world's commercial nuclear reactors.
The NRC also benefits significantly from the regulatory experience and safety
research programs of other countries.
The United States has also actively participated in the policy and implementation aspects of nuclear initiatives under the Group of Seven (G-7) industrialized nations, the Group of 24 Nuclear Safety Coordination (G-24NUSAC) mechanism, and the Nuclear Safety Account administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD/NSA). These institutions have focused on coordinating multi-layered international efforts to enhance nuclear safety in countries with Soviet-designed nuclear power reactors. The NRC works with other nations with major nuclear power programmes to further nuclear safety research. These nations include France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom.
The NRC has concluded technical information exchange and general safety cooperation
arrangements with the regulatory authorities of 34 countries plus Taiwan. These
arrangements serve as communications channels for the prompt and reciprocal
notification of safety problems that could affect both U.S. and foreign plants.
They also provide the framework for bilateral cooperation in nuclear safety,
safeguards, waste management, and environmental protection as well as for NRC's
assistance activities to help other countries improve both their regulatory
skills and their health and safety practices.
NRC currently participates in cooperative research with other countries, directly
through bilateral agreements as well as multilateral agreements with OECD -
NEA member States, and the European Union (EU). These programs examine key technical
safety issues in regulating the safety of existing and proposed U.S. commercial
nuclear facilities and in the use of nuclear materials. At present, NRC manages
and coordinates approximately 90 bilateral
and multilateral energy arrangements
with 25 countries which include, but are not limited to, research activities
in the areas of: Thermal-Hydraulic Code Application and Maintenance, Severe
Accident Research Program, Probabilistic Risk Assessment Program, Steam Generator
Tube Integrity Program (SGTI), Instrumentation and Controls, Human Factors,
Nuclear Fuels Research, Advanced Reactor Design, Fire Modelling Research, and
Aging Research of Safety Components and Wire Systems. NRC also includes support
for the Agency for International Development (USAID)-related work for Russia,
assisting the Russian Regulatory organization (GAN) in developing analytical
risk assessment methods and evaluation techniques for light water reactors.
The U.S. continues nuclear safety cooperation with the former Soviet Union and countries of central and Eastern Europe. These activities strengthen their regulatory organizations, train foreign inspectors, and work toward operational safety and risk reduction. States receiving assistance include Armenia and Kazakhstan.
The United States played a leading role in resolving implementation issues
for the International Convention on Nuclear Safety, which entered into force
in October 1996. The United States also participated in the successful negotiation
of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety
of Radioactive Waste Management, as well as the Convention on Supplementary
Compensation for Nuclear Damage.
2.8 Human Resources Development
The United States shares the global trend of declining enrollments in nuclear
engineering schools. The work force in the nuclear power industry is aging and
it is feared that many professional skills might vanish as the staff at nuclear
power and research facilities retire. Without any active program of construction
in the nuclear power industry, it is not clear what level of trained personnel
will be required by the industry in the future. The long term trend toward a
decline in the number of university programs offering nuclear engineering degrees
ended in 2002 when to schools added new programs.
The U. S. DOE's Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and
Technology has an active
program to encourage the development of academic programs related to nuclear
power. The American Nuclear Society, a professional organization, also promotes
the improvement of academic work related to nuclear power at higher education
3.1. Safety Authority and the Licensing Process
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is the principal regulator of the
nuclear power industry. The NRC's mission is to regulate the Nation's civilian
use of by-product, source, and special nuclear materials to ensure adequate
protection of public health and safety, to promote the common defence and security,
and to protect the environment. Responsibilities include:
- Commercial reactors for generating electric power and nonpower reactors used
for research, testing, and training
- Uranium enrichment facilities and nuclear fuel fabrication facilities
- Uses of nuclear materials in medical, industrial, and academic settings and
facilities that produce nuclear fuel
- Transportation, storage, and disposal of nuclear materials and waste, and
decommissioning of nuclear facilities from service
3.2. Main National Laws and Regulations in Nuclear Power
The U.S. Congress has enacted several laws, which delineate a comprehensive regulatory programme governing the design, construction, and operation of nuclear energy plants. Transportation and disposal of radioactive waste is a major concern of the industry and the public, and there is specific legislation to address such activities as well.
Legislation outlined in Table 8 affects the U.S. nuclear industry but also covers
the entire electric power industry. The legislation outlined in Table 9 affects
the nuclear power industry specifically. These lists are not exhaustive; additional
national legislation affecting the nuclear industry also exists. Although the
Federal Government has an extensive role in the nuclear industry, there is also
a regulatory role for the individual states and some local jurisdictions.
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT) specified a new nuclear power plant licensing
process. Under the new licensing procedure, an applicant who seeks to build
a new reactor, can use off-the shelf reactor designs that have been previously
approved and certified by the NRC. After reviewing the application and holding
public hearings, the NRC may issue a combined construction and operating license
(the previous process separated these licenses and which were issued at different
times). When the applicant uses an NRC-certified design, safety issues related
to the design will have been already resolved, and the main concern will be
the quality of reactor construction.
Before authorizing power operation at a reactor, the NRC performs comprehensive
testing and acceptance procedures. The new licensing process is codified in
part 52 of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations and is ready for use after
certification of the new designs is completed. The new license procedure seeks
a more predictable process and less financial risk to the applicant.
In 2001, NRC completed its rule for the licensing of a geologic disposal facility
at Yucca Mountain, Nevada in 10 CFR Part 63. Thus, a comprehensive regulation
framework is now in place for use in reviewing a license application for the
proposed Yucca Mountain facility.
The revise 10 CFR 70 became effective on October 18, 2000. The revised safety
regulations for special nuclear material provides a risk informed and performance-based
regulatory approach that includes: (1) the identification of performance requirements
for prevention of accidents or mitigation of their consequences; (2) the performance
of an Integrated Safety Analysis (ISA) to identify potential accidents at the
facility and the items relied on for safety; (3) the implementation of measures
to ensure that the items relied on for safety are available and reliable to
perform their functions when needed; (4) the maintenance of the safety bases,
including the reporting of changes to the NRC; and (5) the allowance for licensees
to make certain changes to their safety program and Fabrication Facility and
gas centrifuge uranium enrichment facilities will be reviewed for compliance
with 10 CFR 70.
The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (PUHCA) (Public Law 74-333)
PUHCA was enacted to give the Securities and Exchange Commission authority to
break up large and powerful trusts that controlled the Nation's electric and
gas distribution networks and to regulate the reorganised industry to prevent
the return of new trusts. PUHCA was recently overhauled because many argued
that the law's regulations impeded the development of an efficient electricity
The Federal Power Act of 1935 (Title II of PUHCA)
This act was passed at the same time as PUHCA. It provides for a Federal mechanism,
as required by the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, for interstate electricity
regulation. Prior to this, electricity generation, transmission, and distribution
were usually a series of intrastate transactions.
The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) (Public Law
PURPA sought to promote conservation of electric energy in response to the unstable
energy climate of the late 1970's. PURPA created a new class of non-utility
generators, small power producers, from which, along with qualified co-generators,
utilities were required to buy power.
The Energy Tax Act of 1978 (ETA) (Public Law 95-618)
ETA, like PURPA, was passed in response to the unstable energy climate of the
1970's. ETA encouraged the conversion of boilers to coal and investment in cogeneration
equipment and solar and wind technologies by allowing a tax credit on top of
the investment tax credit. ETA was later expanded to include other renewable
technologies. These incentives were curtailed in the mid-1980's as a result
of tax reform legislation.
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Public Law 101-549)
These amendments established a new emissions-reduction programme that sought
to reduce annual sulphur dioxide emissions by 10 million tons and annual nitrogen
oxide emission by 2 million tons from 1980 levels for all man-made sources.
Generators of electricity were to responsible for large portions of the sulphur
dioxide and nitrogen oxide reductions. The programme employed a unique, market-based
approach to sulphur dioxide emission reductions, while relying on more traditional
methods for nitrogen oxide reductions. This legislation continues to evolve
and specific targets change with national policies.
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT) (Public Law 102-486)
EPACT created a new category of electricity producer, the exempt wholesale generator,
which circumvented PUHCA's impediments to non-utility electricity generation.
EPACT also allowed FERC to open the national electricity transmission system
to wholesale suppliers. Seven of EPACT's 30 Titles contain provision related
specifically to nuclear power and/or uranium.
Source: Country Information.
Two important issues of national concern are the disposal of spent fuel and
decommissioning of retired nuclear plants. The Federal Government collects a
fee of one mill (one-tenth of a cent) per kilowatt-hour from companies for nuclear-generated
electricity under a general contract with nuclear-generating firms. This money
goes into the Nuclear Waste Fund, which pays for all aspects of nuclear waste
disposal, including the geologic repository, transportation of the waste, and
support of State and local government involvement in the project. The DOE annually
evaluates the adequacy of the fees collected for nuclear waste disposal. Expenditures
of all waste fund monies are subject to Congressional oversight and authorization.
While these charges are passed on to consumers in a regulated environment, they
are treated as costs under competitive electricity provision.
The NRC has established procedures for site release and minimum funding levels
for decommissioning. Under NRC rules, the minimum financial assurance that licensees
must provide to decommission each reactor is determined by a sliding scale that
considers primarily the type and size (as measured in megawatts-thermal) of
a reactor. Required decommissioning funds for individual reactors amount to
several hundred million dollars for each unit. Controversies have arisen at
specific sites regarding whether funding is sufficient or in excess and whether
decommissioning funds are the property of the ratepayers or of the reactor owners.
The resolution of these issues has varied from reactor to reactor.
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (Public Law 83-703)
The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 encouraged private enterprise to develop and utilize
nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. This act amended the Atomic Energy Act
of 1946 to allow non-federal ownership of nuclear production and utilization
facilities if an operating license was obtained from the Atomic Energy Commission
(AEC). This act enabled the development of the commercial nuclear power industry
in the United States.
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438)
This Act separated the licensing and related functions of the AEC from energy
development and related functions. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) succeeded
AEC as an independent regulatory authority to assure the safety and licensing
of nuclear reactors and other facilities associated with processing, transport
and handling of nuclear materials.
Low-level Radioactive Waste Policy Act of 1980, as amended (Public Law
This Act was an important step toward the development of new disposal capacity
for low-level radioactive waste (LLW). Each state was made responsible for providing,
by itself or in co-operation with other states, for the disposal of LLW generated
within the state. The Act authorizes the states to form compacts to establish
and operate regional LLW disposal facilities, subject to NRC licensing approval.
Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended (Public Law 97-425)
This Act established Federal responsibility for the development of repositories
for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) and spent nuclear fuel.
This Act was amended in 1987 to require the US Department of Energy to begin
evaluating the suitability of Yucca Mountain in Nevada as the nation's permanent
high-level waste repository. That process was complete and approved by Congress
during 2002. Also during 2002 Congress overrode objections to the Yucca Mountain
facility by the state of Nevada. Judicial, and possibly, political hurdles to
the Yucca Mountain facility may yet remain.
Source: Country Information.
During 2003 the United States Congress considered an Energy Policy bill the
encompassed a broad area of energy reforms. The bill failed to pass in the Senate
during 2003 and was deferred until at least 2004 for further consideration.
If the bill is passed in both legislative houses and signed by the President
it could have major effects on US policy toward nuclear power and energy in
general. There is no certainty regarding passage or content prior to those events.
4.1 Energy Policy
Federal Government policies concerning commercial nuclear power are carried out through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Active DOE programs involve new reactor technologies, reinitiating power plant construction, and radioactive waste management.
DOE's Advanced Light Water Reactor Programme (ALWR) of the 1980s sought to create
standardized light water reactors available at the earliest possible time. This
programme helped secure NRC certification for General Electric's Advanced Boiling
Water Reactor (ABWR) and the Combustion Engineering's System 80+ Advanced Pressurized
Water Reactor. The NRC gave final design approval to the ABWR and the System
80+ during the summer of 1994. Programs initiated during the mid-1990s co-funded
smaller (600 MWe) light-water reactors incorporating passive safety features.
Westinghouse's AP-600 received design approval in 1998. The General Electric
Simplified Boiling Water Reactor has not been certified, but is being used as
a basis for ongoing design research.
The DOE has recently initiated a Generation 4 (Gen4) program to develop innovative
and new commercial reactor designs by 2030. This program has both domestic (US)
and international components. Progress was made by the international group during
2002 toward identifying six reactor categories to receive research attention
through broad consortia of international supporters. Individual Gen4 participant
nations are not committed to all of the six designs, thus many including the
U.S., might limit their research support within this group. Protocols for the
program continue to be developed with significant progress made during Energy
Secretary Abraham's meeting with other energy ministers in Tokyo in September
The Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee (NERAC) was established on October
1, 1998, to provide the Department of Energy (DOE) and Office of Nuclear Energy,
Science and Technology (NE) with independent advice to on science and technical
issues related to the DOE's nuclear energy programme. NERAC reviews elements
of the NE programme and provides advice and recommendations on long-range plans,
priorities, and strategies. NERAC also provides advice on national policy and
scientific aspects on nuclear energy research as requested by the Secretary
of Energy or the Director, NE.
The DOE created its Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (NERI) to address the
technical and scientific issues affecting the future use of nuclear energy in
the United States. NERI is expected to help preserve the nuclear science and
engineering infrastructure within the Nation's universities, laboratories, and
industry; to advance the state of nuclear energy technology, and to maintain
a competitive position worldwide. DOE funds creative research ideas at science
and technology institutions and companies to develop solutions to important
nuclear issues and find new potentials for nuclear energy.
In response to advice of the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and
Technology (PCAST), DOE established the International Nuclear Energy Research
Initiative (I-NERI) to serve as a key mechanism to establish bilateral agreements
for international collaboration in developing Generation IV energy systems.
The DOE's Nuclear Energy Plant Optimiser (NEPO) Programme, initiated during
fiscal year (FY) 2000, is a programme focused on performance of operating nuclear
power plants. The primary areas of focus for the NEPO programme include plant
aging and optimisation of electrical production. NEPO is also a public-private
R&D partnership with equal or greater matching funds coming from industry.
The Nuclear Engineering Education Research (NEER) programme sponsors nuclear
research at colleges and universities with nuclear engineering programmes, options,
or research reactors. The programme seeks to support basic research in nuclear
engineering, assist in nuclear engineering student development, and strengthen
the academic community's nuclear engineering infrastructure.
The DOE's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste
Management (OCRWM) is responsible
for disposal of the Nation's spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.
The DOE plans to store the radioactive waste in a deep geologic repository at
Yucca Mountain Nevada. The proposal was approved by federal agencies, including
the Congress during 2002 though challenges by local government agencies remain
active. The project's long-term objective is to initiate repository operations
during 2010.
4.2 Privatisation and deregulation
Restructuring of the electric power industry to provide customers a choice among
competitive energy providers varies in each of the fifty states and the District
of Columbia. The Energy Information Administration publishes a chart of the
present status of electricity restructuring in each State. As of September 2002,
programs to provide retail access to competitive energy providers were active
in 17 States and the District of Columbia. Restructuring programs were delayed
in six States and suspended in California. Twenty-six states do not have retail
choice programs. However, virtually all states had some elements of restructuring
within their wholesale electricity supply systems and no state has fully abandoned
a government role in electricity supply. Moreover, the Federal Electricity Regulatory
Commission (FERC) requires a degree of open access to electricity transmission
facilities, though in practice open transmission access is limited by available
transmission facilities.
One early concern regarding nuclear-based power generation was the existence of "stranded costs" within the industry. Stranded costs are basically cost structures, including debts, which accepted and passed along to consumers under a regulated system but which are not involved in pricing under a restructured system. Among those restructuring states, which had nuclear power generating facilities, most have built allowances for nuclear power stranded costs into their reorganization programs. Moreover, most nuclear power generators have proven to have lower operating costs than competing generation facilities. (Hydroelectricity is the notable exception to this generalization.) This has resulted in high rates of capacity utilization (averaging near 90% among operable units) at existing nuclear facilities and generally profitable operation under restructuring.
While operating nuclear power plants have managed to meet the requirements of any restructuring, the question of whether restructured markets favour or discourage nuclear power investments has yet to be resolved. Two reasons for this situation stand out. First, existing licensed designs for nuclear power have been "too expensive" to yet attract serious investor attention in the United States. Also, historic construction periods, perhaps seven years or more, have been too long to attract investor attention in a competitive environment where short-term profits are a major concern and prolonged dilutions of earnings diminish corporate common stock values. In addition to these factors, new investments in the U.S. electricity market as a whole have nearly ceased during 2001-2002 in the face of a slow economy.
Vendors of nuclear power plants now claim that designs in the earlier stage of licensing, plus actions related to existing licensed designs, will reduce both the capital costs and construction times for new nuclear reactors. Added to this is the Department of Energy's Nuclear Power 2010 (NP2010) program that proposes an increased degree of federal government support for nuclear generation over the coming decade. Included in the NP2010 program are efforts to improve the investment conditions that affect private nuclear power investments. The next few years will determine if these efforts are effective."
4.3. Role of the government in the nuclear R& D
The United States government's involvement in nuclear research and development
includes both programs supported by the Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear
Energy, Science, and Technology and in activities conducted at an array of national
laboratories. Financial support is also provided to research at several private
and state government funded universities scattered throughout the nation. Research
covers a variety of topics ranging from commercial nuclear power to the fuel
cycle to weapons technology to basic nuclear physics.
4.4. Nuclear Energy and Climate Change
The relationship between nuclear energy and climate change is an active area
of government and private sector interest in the United States. The U.S. Department
of Energy's Energy Information Administration publishes many
documents on climate
change issues. The Environmental Protection Agency coordinates most
U.S. activities
related to global warming. There are many nongovernmental agencies that also
discuss the interactions of nuclear energy and climate change. The Nuclear Energy
Institute (NEI) which represents U. S. nuclear energy industry interests discusses
industry views on nuclear power
and climate change. The lead agency in the U.S.
hydrogen policy is the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
4.5 Safety and waste management issues
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is the primary agency involved in nuclear
safety regulation. This regulatory responsibility includes safety evaluations
and rules related to waste management. The actual management of nuclear waste
is the responsibility of the U.S. Department of Energy which handles waste through
its Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM). The primary intended
ultimate destination for long-lived, high level waste (HLW) civilian radioactive
waste will be the Yucca Mountain Project in Nevada. A smaller HLW facility already
exists in Carlsbad, New Mexico. The selection of the Yucca Mountain Project
site remains a controversial issue with state and local authorities in Nevada
taking the lead role in judicial and legislative challenges to the site's selection.
4.6 Other issues
The Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy, Science, and Technology's
Nuclear Power 2010 (NP2010) intends to complete the construction of the next
commercial nuclear power plant in the United States within the next ten years
or less. In the NP2010 process the Department of Energy intends to provide financial
assistance in key licensing/regulatory areas including combined operating licenses
and reactor design certification. Government sites might also be made available
for nuclear power investments. The Department of Energy also is a key player
in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) which is intended to contribute
to the commercial development of next generation reactor designs by 2030. Congressional
websites (Senate and House of Representatives) can often be accessed for transcripts
and broadcasts of committee hearings on nuclear power.
The decline of the domestic uranium mining industry in the United States has
been a matter of concern to some authorities. At present most uranium used in
the United States is imported and services processing and enriching uranium
fuels are also imported. At present the United States does not reprocess spent
fuels though the topic is now subject to review under the present Administration's
Energy Policy guidelines. Other items and goals subject to investigation include
research into spent fuel waste transmutation and the advancement of advanced
commercial reactor designs.
[1] Energy Information Administration, World Nuclear Outlook 1994, DOE/EIA-0436(94),
Washington DC, (December 1994).
[2] Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, State Regulation of
Nuclear Power: An Overview of Current State Regulatory Activities, Prepared
for the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs U.S. House of Representatives,
Washington DC, (1992) and Compilation of Selected Energy Related Legislation,
Nuclear Energy and Radioactive Waste, Prepared for the Committee on Energy and
Commerce, House of Representatives, Washington DC, (January 1994).
[3] Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2000, DOE/EIA (http://www.eia.doe.gov/aer).
[4] Energy Information Administration, Country Analysis Brief - United States
1999, DOE/EIA (http://ww.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/usa/html).
[5] Energy Information Administration, Nuclear Power Generation and Fuel Cycle
Report 1998, DOE/EIA (http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/nuclear/n_pwr_fc/data98/prefix3.html).
[6] United States Department of Energy, Yucca Mountain Project, (http://www.ymp.gov/money/2000budget/part1.htm).
[7] Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Annual 2000 Volume I,
[8] Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Annual 1999 Volumes I
& II, DOE/EIA-0348(99)/1&2.
[9] Energy Information Administration, United States Energy INFOcard, DOE/EIA
[10] United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Information Digest 2001 Edition,
NUREG- 1350, Volume 10.
[11] Energy Information Administration, Impacts of Electric Power Industry Restructuring
on the U.S. Nuclear Power Industry, DOE/EIA (http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/chg_str_fuel/html/chapter2.html).
[12] Energy Information Administration, Uranium Industry Annual 1998, DOE/EIA-0478(98).
[13] Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Accounts
Data, (http://www.bea.doc.gov//bea/dn2/gposhr.htm).
[14] Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, Historical National Population
Estimates: 1900-1998, (http://www.census.gov/population/estimates/nation/popclockest.txt).
[15] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Briefing on NRC International Activities
- Public Meeting Transcript.
[16] American Public Power Association, "1999 Annual Directory & Statistical
[17] Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2000.
[18] North American Electric Reliability Council, "Generating Availability"
Reports, 1997, 1998,1999.
Appendix 1.
International, Multilateral and Bilateral Agreements
Agreements for co-operation provide the legal framework of U.S. trade with other countries in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Agreements establish binding national commitments enforceable under international law, and set the ground rules for civilian nuclear commerce among nations. The guiding principle is that the United States will co-operate in peaceful nuclear trade as long as the other signatory abides by the agreement's conditions governing the safeguarded and continued peaceful use of nuclear material and technology transferred from the United States, and grants the United States certain consent rights over such material's use, alteration, and retransfer.
The United States has entered into agreements with other countries for peaceful
nuclear co-operation. Similar agreements have been entered with international
organizations including the European Atomic Energy Agency (EURATOM), and the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The United States has also entered
into trilateral agreements with IAEA and other countries for the safeguards
to equipment, devices, and materials supplied under bilateral agreements for
co-operation in the use of commercial nuclear power.
The site https://ostiweb.osti.gov/iaem/
includes both bilateral and multilateral agreements.
Amendments to Articles VI and XIVof the Agency Statute |
Not Ratified |
Agreement on privileges and
immunities |
Non-Party |
NPT related safeguards agreement
into force: |
9 December
1980 |
Tlatelolco related agreement |
into force: |
6 April
1989 |
Additional protocol |
Signature: |
12 May 1998 |
Accepted: |
14 September 1988 |
Non-Proliferation Treaty |
Entry into force: |
5 March 1970 |
Convention on physical protection
of nuclear material |
Entry into force: |
8 February 1987 |
Convention on early notification
of a nuclear accident |
Entry into force: |
20 October 1988 |
Convention on assistance in
the case of a nuclear accident or a radiological emergency |
Entry into force: |
20 October 1988 |
n.a. |
Non Party |
Non Party |
n.a. |
Convention on supplementary |
Signature: |
29 September 1997 |
Convention on nuclear safety |
Entry into force: |
10 July 1999 |
Joint convention on the safety
of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management |
Signature: |
29 September 1997 |
ZANGGER Committee |
Member |
Nuclear Export Guidelines |
Adopted |
Acceptance of NUSS Codes |
Summary: Codes are appropriate |
safety standards
in Agency assisted |
valuable guidance for |
regulatory requirements; |
useful reference
in safety assessment. |
Use of codes
for above purposes supported. |
Generally consistent with US requirements. |
Nuclear Suppliers Group |
Member |
International agreements related to the U.S. Department of Energy are handled
by the Office of Policy and International
Appendix 2.
States Department of Energy |
Tel: 202-586-6210 |
Forrestal Building |
Fax: 202-586-6789 |
Washington DC 20585 |
States Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
One White
Flint North |
301-415-7000 |
11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2730 |
Fax: 301-415-2395 |
Operators/Owners of Nuclear Power Plants |
Ameren UE |
American Electric Power (AEP) |
Constellation |
Detroit Edison |
Dominion Nuclear |
Duke Power |
Energy Northwest |
Entergy Nuclear |
Exelon |
http://www.exeloncorp.com/generation/nuclear/pg-nuclear-main.html |
First Energy |
Nuclear |
http://www.fpl.com/about/nuclear/contents/nuclear_power_serves_you.shtml |
Nebraska Public Power District |
Nuclear Management Co. |
Omaha Public Power District |
Pacific Gas & Electric |
Pennsylvania Power & Light |
Pinnacle West |
Progress Energy |
Scana |
South Texas Nuclear Operating
Company |
Southern Californian Edison |
Southern Nuclear Operations |
http://www.southerncompany.com/southernnuclear/home.asp?mnuOpco=soco&mnuType=sub&mnuItem=sn |
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) |
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating
Corporation |
Nuclear Research Institutes |
National Laboratory |
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research
Institute |
Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Electric Power Research Institute |
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory |
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Los Alamos Neutron Science Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Sandia National Laboratory |
Savannah River Site |
Hardware Manufactures/Vendors and Service providers |
Canberra (US based company) |
GE Reuter-Stokes (General Electric) |
NFS Radiation Protection Systems
Framatome Technologies Group
(FTG) |
World Nuclear Fuel Market (WNFM) |
Consultants/Engineering |
Electric Power Services Inc. |
Engineering Information Inc. |
(commercial Internet Portal) |
General Atomics |
NAC International |
New York Nuclear and Washington
Nuclear |
The Uranium Exchange Company |
Westinghouse BNFL |
BNFL Inc. (U.S. subsidiary of
British Nuclear Fuels plc) |
Générale des Matières Nucléaires |
NUKEM Nuclear Technologies |
Welding Services Inc. |
Professional Organizations |
American Nuclear Society (ANS) |
Federation of American Scientists
(FAS) |
Nuclear Energy Institute |
Universities |
Cornell University |
Duke University |
Idaho State University |
The Radiation Information Network
(USA) |
Indiana University Cyclotron
Facility |
Louisiana State University (LSU) |
MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering
North Carolina State University |
University |
Department of Nuclear Engineering |
University of California, Berkeley |
University of California, Davis |
University of California, San
Diego (UCSD) |
University of Maryland Nuclear
Physics Group |
University of Washington |
Nuclear Physics Laboratory |
University of Wisconsin |
University of Wisconsin Reactor
Laboratory |