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Implementation Strategies and Tools for Condition Based Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants


English IAEA-TECDOC-1551 ¦ 92-0-103907-7

188 pages ¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 2007

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This publication was developed to collect and analyse proven maintenance optimization methods and techniques (engineering and organizational) in Member States. Appendices to this publication consist of selected papers on maintenance optimization presented during the preparation of this publication. A systematic evaluation approach to establishing what maintenance tasks are to be performed on which systems, structures or components, and at what periodicity, can lead to optimization of the use of resources. This approach can be used in establishing a preventive maintenance programme and for optimization of the ongoing maintenance programme. The process seeks to make the best use of condition based maintenance, where unnecessarily costly maintenance actions and associated maintenance error induced failures can be avoided. If a probabilistic risk assessment has been performed, its result can be used to help define the important systems and components. This optimization process can lead to the achievement of maintenance targets concerning safety, reliability and cost.

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