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Joint Thesaurus Part I (A-L) and Part II (M-Z)

ETDE/INIS Joint Reference Series 1 (Rev. 1)

English IAEA-ETDE/INIS-1 (Rev. 1) ¦ 92-0-105604-4

1162 pages ¦ € 120.00 ¦ Date published: 2004

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This is the first revision of the INIS/ETDE Joint Thesaurus. It contains 20953 valid descriptors and 8600 forbidden terms, and was last updated in December 2003. The Joint Thesaurus contains the controlled terminology for indexing all information within the subject scope of both the INIS (International Nuclear Information System) and ETDE (Energy Technology Data Exchange) information systems. The terminology is intended for use in the subject description for input of information to or retrieval of information from those systems. The original basis of the terminology found in this thesaurus was the 1969 edition of the Euratom Thesaurus. The structure subsequently given to that terminology was the result of a systematic study performed by subject specialists. Further expansion of the thesaurus terminology was done by ETDE to incorporate information on all forms of energy. The Joint Thesaurus is the result of continued editing carried out in parallel to the processing of the INIS and ETDE databases.

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