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Radiological Conditions in Areas of Kuwait with Residues of Depleted Uranium

Report by an international group of experts

Radiological Assessment Reports Series No.

English STI/PUB/1164 ¦ 92-0-106603-1

73 pages ¦ 12 figures ¦ € 25.00 ¦ Date published: 2003

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An assessment was requested by the Government of Kuwait in relation to the residues of depleted uranium munitions from the 1991 Gulf War that exist on its territory; for this purpose, the IAEA assembled an international group of experts. This report, prepared by the international group of experts, constitutes the first comprehensive radiological assessment of compliance with international radiation protection criteria and standards for areas with residues of depleted uranium munitions carried out under the auspices of the IAEA. It provides a detailed description of the IAEA’s investigation of the radiological conditions in areas of Kuwait with residues of depleted uranium, the results of the radiological assessment, the overall and site specific findings and conclusions of the assessment, and the recommendations of the expert group.

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