The Argentine Republic is a federal state constituted by 23 provinces: Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Formosa, Chaco, Catamarca, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, Misiones, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, San Juan, Mendoza, San Luis, Córdoba, Santa Fe, La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, the Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands. Also it is constituted by the City of Buenos Aires. The provincial political division of the country is presented as follows, in Figure 1.1:
Figure 1.1: Political Division of Argentina
Each of the 23 Argentine provinces is also divided into administrative areas or departments.
Argentina adopts a Representative, Republican and Federal system of government.
Representative: the representatives are elected by the people and are the ones who govern the country.
Republican: the representatives are elected by the people through the ballot system. The country is divided into three powers: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. It follows a written Constitution. The country is based on the system of checks and balances which guarantees the decentralization of power.
Federal: the Provincial States preserve their autonomy in spite of being reunited by a common government (National Government).
Argentina is based on a Democratic and Presidential system of government. The National Constitution was enacted in 1853 and amended in 1860, 1898, 1957 and 1994. The suffrage is universal and obligatory for every citizen as from the age of 18.
Each province as well as the City of Buenos Aires elects their legislators and governors by direct ballot. Moreover, provincial states organise and have their own Justice administration.
The City of Buenos Aires is the first financial, political and economic centre of Argentina.
Presidency of the Argentine Republic.
The Argentine Republic is located in the southern hemisphere taking into account the Equator and the western hemisphere, taking into account the Greenwich meridian.
Argentina borders Paraguay and Bolivia to the north, Brazil and Uruguay to the northeast, the Southern Atlantic Ocean to the east, and Chile to the west and south.
The province of Tierra del Fuego, the Antarctica and the South Sandwich Islands engulf a continental area in the American continent, another in the Antarctica and the Malvinas Islands. These isles have been occupied by Great Britain since 1882. Argentina also claims the overseas territory of the Antarctica.
The total area is 3,761,274 km2.
By only taking into account the continental territory in Southamerica, which entails the Bolivian frontier (at a latitude of 21º South) and the southern extreme of Tierra del Fuego (at a latitude of 55ºS), the North-South longitude of Argentina is 3,799 km, its highest width is 1,423 km and its surface area is 2,791,810 km2. Argentina is the second largest country of South America. Its borders with other countries are 9,376 km and its coastal line in the South Atlantic Ocean (including the islands) is 4,725 km long.
The continental area is 969,464 km2.
The vast Argentine territory has a diversity of landscapes, counting with high peaks, mountains, mountain ranges and prairies. To the west, Argentina has the rugged mountain regions, known as the Andes. Towards the east, it is completely plain or slightly undulated. The Argentinean pampas, originally treeless plains including the most productive agricultural sectors, stretches 1,600 km to the south of Chaco province (northern forests) and to the north of the Patagonia. The Patagonia, southern region of Argentina, has almost 1 million sq km and is mostly arid with desolate steppes.
SOURCE: National Institute of Statistics and Census: ;
Geographic Institute of the Argentine Republic: ;
Navy Hydrographical Service:
In Argentina, climate is divided into four well defined seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer, each lasting three months. In the southern hemisphere, the winter begins on June 21st and the summer on December 21st.
There are four major kinds of climate in Argentina: warm, mild, arid and cold. The extension of the territory and the features of its relief determine the existence of varieties in each of the mentioned types. In Figure 1.2, appears the distribution of the types of climate in Argentina.
Figure 1.2: Types of climate in Argentina.
Temperatures decrease generally from the north to the south as a consequence of the difference of latitude. To the north, the weather is tropical while to the south it is cold and has similar characteristics to the north of Europe.
Also, temperatures decrease from the east to the west since at higher altitudes, belonging to the Andes, they are in the western part of the country and the moderating influence of the Atlantic Ocean to the east. This results in differences between seasons being much broader in the eastern part of the country.
Moderate temperature conditions prevail in most parts of Argentina, with the exception of a small tropical area in the northeast and the subtropical Chaco region in northern, as well as the coldest areas in the south of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and South Atlantic Islands.
In the surroundings areas of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires the annual average temperature is 16.1 ° C.
In the north, near the Tropic of Capricorn, considerably the highest temperature prevails. In this region the annual mean temperature is 23.3 ° C, reaching maximum values of 45 °C.
The climate is generally cold in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. In the western region of Patagonia, which belongs to the Patagonian Andes, the winter average temperature is close to 0 °C. In most coastal areas, however, the ocean has a moderate influence on temperatures. The figure 1.3 shows the annual average temperature, maximum and minimum.
Figure 1.3: Average, Maximum and Minimum, annual Temperatures.
In Argentina the precipitation has large variations. In the north of the country, it falls over 152 cm per year of rainwater, while around the City of Buenos Aires the annual rainfall is approximately 102 cm. The south and west regions are semiarid. The figure 1.4 shows the distribution of average rainfall for the four features seasons Argentina
The Argentine Wind Regimes is characterised by two anticyclone centres situated around parallel 30° S, one in the Pacific and another one in the Atlantic. In the winter season, both centres move away towards the north and are joined on the continental area. In summer, they move away towards the south, separating and creating a cyclonic centre above Argentina.
From the Atlantic Ocean, Trade winds blow, which are constant winds from the NE, charged with/loaded with humidity, that affect the centre and northern part of the country. Its humidity decreases in the interior part of the country. Thus, the rainfall pattern decreases from the East to the West in the northern region, except from the mountain areas. These winds are predominant in summer.
The cold winds of the West, coming from the Pacific Ocean, affect the southern part of the country; since the Andes does not hamper their circulation as the Andean peaks are shorter. When these winds meet those of the Atlantic Ocean, an occluded front is created which normally is directed towards the southern part of the province of Buenos Aires, advancing or retreating in accordance with the prevailing mass of air (cold in the south, warm in the north). Rainfall prevails in winter and decreases in the south from the western to the east.
Different meteorological factors occur in Argentina, some of which are local and others come from other countries. This is the case of warm and humid/wet winds coming from the Atlantic anticyclone which affect the regions above the north of Patagonia or the winds from the West coming from the Pacific Ocean anticyclone and also the Antarctica anticyclone cold winds. These three winds affect the Argentine climate in a permanent way contrary to the local winds, among which are as follows: Zonda, Pampero and Southeast blow. In Figure 1.5 the predominant direction of local winds.
Local winds are characterised by:
Zonda: it is warm and dry. It generally blows between May and October and is originated to the East of the foothills of the Andes of La Rioja, San Juan and Mendoza.
Southeast blow (“Sudestada”): it is originated in the coastal region of the Pampas and is characterised by its high humidity.
Pampero wind: it comes from the southwest and is cold and dry. It mostly appears in summer after several days of humidity and a constant rise.
Tornados consist of a mass of air with the shape of a condensation funnel which moves in circles and has a rotary movement of about 150 km/h. They are originated between October and March in the basin of El Plata.
Figure 1.5: Local Winds in Argentina
Besides, there are frequent snowfalls in the Andes and also frost (though they just coincide with the advance of cold winds of the South Pacific or in high mountain areas and Patagonic Plateau) and hail which falls between October and March in the basin of El Plata.
SOURCE: National Meteorological Centre:
The last census in Argentina was conducted in 2001. According to the data resulting from this Census, Argentina has a total population of 36,260,130 and an average density of 13 inhabitants per square kilometre. The average annual rate of total population growth is 11.0 º/oo. Life expectancy is 74.7 years. Gross birth rate is 18.2o/oo and gross infant mortality rate is 7.6o/oo In the Figure 1.6 the size and rhythm of population growth between years 1970 and 2010, both urban and rural, is presented; while in the Figure 1.7, the population distribution in Argentina can be observed by age groups, literacy level and urban and rural proportions, for year 2001.
Figure 1.6: Volume and Growth Rhythm of the Population.
Figure 1.7: Population Distribution
The City of Buenos Aires, along with 19 administrative areas conforming what is known as Gran Buenos Aires, is one of the biggest cities worldwide. Out of the census conducted in 2001, the following results can be taken: over a third part of the population lives in Gran Buenos Aires, which has an approximate population of 13,000,000, of which 2,800,000 live in the City of Buenos Aires.
Other major cities are as follows: Córdoba (1,285,000 inhabitants), Rosario (1,160,000 inhabitants), Mendoza (780,000 inhabitants), San Miguel de Tucumán (625,000 inhabitants) and Mar del Plata (520,000).
Around 90% of the total population lives in urban areas. The following Figure presents historical data about Argentine population:
TABLE 1: POPULATION INFORMATION | Average Annual Growth Rate (%) | ||||||
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2008 | 2000 - 2008 | |
Population (Millions) | 24.0 | 28.1 | 32.6 | 36.8 | 38.6 | 39.1 | 1.1 |
Population Density (Inhabitants/km2) | 8.6 | 10.1 | 11.7 | 13.2 | 13.8 | 14.0 | 1.1 |
Urban Population as % of Total | 78.9 | 82.9 | 87.2 | 89.2 | 90.1 | 90.3 | |
Area (1000 km2) | 2791.8 |
During 2008, Argentine population was estimated to be 39,100,000 inhabitants while values for 2010 were expected to exceed 40,000,000 inhabitants.
At present, the most important Sectors as regards the contribution to the GDP are: Services (coming from the last decade), the Industrial, Agriculture (including livestock farming), Energy, and Construction and, lastly, Mining (with little activity in Argentina).
The Energy Sector decreases its participation with the passing of time. The main reason is that energy exports, mainly hydrocarbons, are expected to decrease in the future, being able to be replaced with imports, mainly with oil and natural gas.
The Agricultural Sector first and foremost consists of soy crops and its derivatives: soybean oil, flour and soybeans with over 50% of participation. All these products are worldwide required.
The Services Sector is the biggest sector in the Argentine economy and it is expected to continue as the dominant sector in the future.
The Construction Sector is smaller, but has an increasing participation as the Mining Subsector, which is the smallest economic one.
In spite of the worldwide economic deceleration, it is expected that the country keeps on supplying the agro industrial goods. The national economy might be considered relatively protected of the economic events that may happen in main countries.
TABLE 2: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT | Average Annual Growth Rate (%) | ||||||
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2008 | 2000 - 2008 | |
GDP (Millions of Current US$) | 28 178.0 | 190 661.0 | 123 274.0 | 284 204.0 | 181 967.0 | 326 872.0 | 6.7 |
GDP (Millions of Constant 2000 US$) | 51 564.0 | 136 915.0 | 193 284.0 | 284 463.0 | 290 822.0 | 328 065.0 | 5.9 |
GDP Per Capita (PPP* US$/Capita) | - | 4 861.0 | 5 609.0 | 9 210.0 | 10 871.0 | 14 408.0 | 5.7 |
GDP Per Capita (Current US$/Capita) | 1 176.0 | 6 787.0 | 3 828.0 | 7 929.0 | 4 629.0 | 8 046.0 | 4.7 |
Argentina has traditionally been one of the self-sufficient countries of the region, as regards energy. Even though it counts with natural resources, like oil, natural gas, carbon and uranium, it cannot be considered as an oil and gas emitting company, as it was held during the 90s, but it could be a self-sufficient country and even to count with exportable surplus. During the last years, all the aforementioned has suffered some severe changes. Argentina has brought its hydroelectric development and especially the nuclear, to a standstill in spite of counting with a bigger hydroelectric potential than the installed potential, and to a nuclear development wide capacity in every stage of the fuel cycle.
Also, reserves of fossil resources considerably decreased due to a lack of investment in registered prospecting and the unplanned prospecting, mainly intended for supplying the high growth in domestic demand and the regional market.
Since 2004, the National State implements a policy of a rational use of resources in a planned way by doing a careful use so that the activity is sustainable in the future.
According to the last available National Energetic Balance corresponding to 2007, approximately 90% of the total primary energy offer comes from the fossil fuels, corresponding to 50.8% of natural gas, 37.5% of oil and 1.4% of mineral coal. The rest comes from hydraulic energy (4.1%), nuclear energy (2.6%), wood (1.5%) and bagasse (1.3%) and other primary resources (0.7%). This high concentration of primary energy sources in the hydrocarbons is a structural characteristic of the main energy of Argentina in the long term. In the Figure 1.8, appears the evolution of the composition of primary energy sources information coming from the National Energetic Balances.
Figure 1.8: Composition of primary energetic sources 1960-2005.
Out of the analysis of the National Energetic Balances for the period 1970-2007, significant changes can be observed related to the continuous replacement of oil with natural gas. Thus, in 1970, 71.5% of energy coming from oil and 17.6% from natural gas; in 1980, proportions were respectively 62.7% and 25%. In 1990, values reached of 48% and 37.9% to reach the above mentioned valued in 2007.
Other remarkable changes are related to the evolution of water/hydroelectric power and nuclear energy. In 1970, hydro power was only 0.6% of the energy sources and no nuclear energy records were registered that year. While in 1980, energy records were of 3.8% and 2% respectively, in 1980 values were of 4% and 4.6%. In 2007 rates were those aforementioned. In the Table 3 appears the total of energy resources in Argentina.
Fossil Fuels | Nuclear | Renewables | ||||
Solid | Liquid | Gas | Uranium | Hydro | Other Renewable | |
Total Amount in Specific Units* | 424.00 | 368.10 | 0.44 | 16 500.00 | 40 400.00 | 2.06 |
Total Amount in Exajoules [EJ] | 9.58 | 15.41 | 15.54 | 10.45 | 0.61 | 0.02 |
*Solid, liquid: Millions of tons; gas: billons of m3; uranium; metric tons; hydro water; other renewable: TW.
Solid, liquid: millions of tons; gas: billions of cubic metres; uranium: metric tons; hydro power; other renewable sources, TW.
In the case of oil and gas, reserves of the country were taken into account.
In the case of uranium, reasonably ensured sources are taken into account along with those inferred, corresponding to the regions of Sierra Pintada, Cerro Solo and small deposits.
In the case of water power, the gross theoretical potential technically exploitable 169000 GWh/year, considering a load factor of 0.477.
In renewable energy, potential of geothermic sources, as well as wind and solar, are estimated considering a load factor of 0.3.
In the case of wind energy, it only corresponds to the identified projects.
Data are from December, 2007.
SOURCE: Reserves Report. Undersecretaryship of Fuels. Secretary of Energy.
TABLE 4: ENERGY STATISTICS | Average Annual Growth Rate (%) | ||||||
ENERGY CONSUMPTION** | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2008 | 2000 - 2008 |
TOTAL | 1.28 | 1.79 | 2.04 | 2.74 | 3.00 | 3.37 | 3.01 |
- Solids | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.05 | 5.56 |
- Liquids | 0.91 | 1.12 | 0.98 | 1.12 | 1.10 | 1.26 | 1.75 |
- Gases | 0.22 | 0.45 | 0.78 | 1.29 | 1.52 | 1.71 | 4.15 |
- Nuclear | 0.00 | 0.04 | 0.09 | 0.07 | 0.09 | 0.09 | 2.54 |
- Hydro | 0.01 | 0.07 | 0.08 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.14 | 0.82 |
- Other Renewables | 0.09 | 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.09 | 0.09 | 0.12 | 3.50 |
ENERGY PRODUCTION | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2008 | 2000 - 2008 |
TOTAL | 1.24 | 1.75 | 2.07 | 3.43 | 3.48 | 3.38 | -0.20 |
- Solids*** | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -11.43 |
- Liquids | 0.84 | 1.06 | 1.04 | 1.66 | 1.42 | 1.38 | -2.57 |
- Gases | 0.28 | 0.50 | 0.78 | 1.47 | 1.72 | 1.74 | 2.45 |
- Nuclear | 0.00 | 0.04 | 0.09 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | - |
- Hydro | 0.01 | 0.07 | 0.08 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.14 | 0.97 |
- Other Renewables | 0.09 | 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.09 | 0.09 | 0.12 | 3.50 |
NET IMPORT (IMP - EXP) | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2008 | 2000 - 2008 |
TOTAL | 0.03 | 0.04 | -0.02 | -0.69 | -0.48 | -0.01 | -42.73 |
***Solid fuels including coal and lignite
****Since 1997, Argentina imports the totality of uranium consumed by its NPPs, by completely interrupting the local production.
SOURCE: Eng. Juan Gerardo Meira. National Director of Prospective. Secretary of Energy. Ministry of Planning, Federal Public Investment and Services. Eng. Analía Duco.
At present, REPSOL-YPF company is the main gas producer, with 51% of the total supply, increasing its own production with a purchase to third parties. The same happens with the exploitation of oil. 4 companies are in charge of 71% of the production: REPSOL-YPF (38%), Pan American Energy (16%), Petrobrás (9%) and Chevron (8%).
Notwithstanding all this, the rates are decreasing since REPSOL-YPF decreases its relative participation in the market and there is a growing participation of new companies, such as: APACHE, OXY PETRÓLEO, PETROANDINA, ENTRE LOMAS, PETROLÍFERA and PETROLEUM.
Something similar to the hydrocarbon producer market happens in the refining market where leading companies such as REPSOL-YPF, PETROBRAS, ESSO and SHELL have the main oil (processing/refining) company.
In 1995, there was a severe fall in uranium prices in the international market. Thus, mining activities of the deposit of Sierra Pintada, province of Mendoza, were suspended (the only exploited deposit in Argentina at that time) and the substitution of the local production by the import of concentrated uranium which was transformed in the country.
During the last years, several laws has been issued with the aim of decreasing the use of fossil fuels and making a rational use of energy by suggesting a series of objectives, mechanisms of promotion and recognising the importance of the participation of every energy source in the integration of the national energetic mix.
The main goal is to diversify the matrix of power generation with a bigger participation of the nuclear, hydro and renewable energy.
In accordance with this aim, as regards the nuclear sector, in August, 2006, the reactivation of the nuclear activity is politically declared in the country.
The enacted laws related to achieve the proposed aims are mentioned as follows:
· Law No. 25019: promotes solar and wind energy;
· Law No. 26093: promotes biofuels and its sustainable use;
· Law No. 26123: promotes hydrogen as a fuel and energy vector;
· Law No. 26566: expresses the interest to extend the life cycle of Embalse NPP.
As regards the greenhouse gases, even though Argentina is not included among the country of the Annex I of the Kyoto Protocol, that is that it does not have the obligation to reduce their levels, it has begun a series of actions with the aim of diminishing its growth, oriented towards two directions: on the one hand, it acts according to the demand through energetic efficiency policies, and on the other, it operates through the offer by means of the Plan on the Expansion of the Power Generation System 2008-2025, through which the electric matrix has to be diversified in the medium and long term based on the water, nuclear and renewable energy (wind, solar, mini hydro, geothermic, among others).
Moreover, new ways to promote and encourage the search and exploitation of new gas and oil deposits have been created by companies from the private sector. Additionally, agreements between state and private companies have been settled intended for the search and exploitation in areas that belong to the National State.
Uranium mining activity in Argentina has been paralysed along with the rest of the nuclear plan in 1995. As a consequence of the reactivation of the nuclear plan in Argentina, exploration activities have been reintroduced as well as quantification of uranium resources.
SOURCE: Legal Information, Centre of Documentation and Information of the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance .
As a result of the governmental policies applied between 1960 and 1990, the electrical sector has been characterised for its:
· Technologic diversification of the energy sources: use of hydroelectric resources and nuclear technology development, which have reduced fossil fuel rates from 93% in 1972 to 42% in 1994.
· The reduction of the consumption of oil derivatives in thermal: oil consumption in 1990 (1,440,000 toe) can be compared in the beginning of the fifties in spite of the fact that energy produced by thermal centrals has been increased five times, as a result of the intensive use of natural gas.
· Electric Transmission and Distribution System: the rate of electrification is 95% in urban areas and above 86% at a national level.
· Low participation of self generation in power supply: at present, its contribution is just of the 11% in relation to the existing 20% at the end of the sixties.
· A highly interconnected system which is also integrated.
· Beginning of electrical power interchange with Brazil in spite of the difference in frequency systems (50Hz in Argentina and 60Hz in Brazil).
It is important to highlight that during the mentioned decades, global energy policy was almost exclusively stated by the National Government, with planning both in the short and long term.
On the contrary, during the nineties, an electrical market completely deregulated through Law No. 24065 and its reglamentary decrees. Through this law two organisations have been created:
· The Regulatory National Entity of Electricity (ENRE): created as an independent organism within the Secretariat of Energy, with the aim of controlling the achievement of regulations on behalf of the agents of the market by defending the interests of users.
· The Administrator Company of the Wholesale Electricity (CAMMESA, by its Spanish acronym): has the aim of administrating the operation of the Wholesale Electrical Market. This company is constituted by the Association of Electrical Energy Generators of the Argentine Republic (AGEERA), the Association of Distributors of Electrical Power of the Argentine Republic (ADEERA), the Association of Haulage Contractors/Transporters of Electrical Energy of the Argentine Republic (ATEERA), the Association of Great Users of Electrical Energy of the Argentine Republic (AGUEERA) and the National State represented by the Secretary of Energy each having 20% of assess.
The offer and demand are linked through the markets: "Termed Market" and "Spot Market". In the first one, agreements between generators and big users or distributors are established, by setting the price and quantity of electricity to be commercialised for a determined period. Spot Market, on the other hand, is ruled by the price/hour of energy calculated to the marginal cost (which may have the next MW to be incorporated into the system).
The law 24 065 also allowed:
· Privatization of the assets of the entire thermal generation owned by the State.
· The concession to private companies for the operation of hydropower plants owned by the Federal Government, with the exception of the bi-national hydro power plants (Salto Grande and Yaciretá).
· The granting of the operation of networks in high voltage transmission, which is owned by the State.
· The granting of the distribution networks owned by the State.
· Leave in hands of private capital the expansion of the three systems (generation, transmission and distribution), guaranteeing free access for any new generator to the idle transport capacity (both high, as medium and low, voltage and distribution,).
· Establish a dispatch system by minimum marginal cost of generation, and pay to the generators according to the maximum marginal cost of the whole system.
This policy generated at first an additional investment in thermal equipment by burning natural gas, which caused a high dependence of this fluid and, therefore, nuclear and hydraulic projects were abandoned.
This situation, along with the low prices of natural gas, and the start up of major hydraulic projects which were to be concluded since the state has committed itself to concluding it, cause a strong reduction in prices of electric power allowance in the wholesale market, making private investments in new facilities quite unattractive/turning private investments in new facilities into unattractive offers.
During the nineties, there was a gradual reduction in the industrial sector. In December, 2001 Argentina suffered a financial economic crisis that continued up to 2002 with a reduction in the electric power.
From 2003 to 2008, Argentina experienced a quick recovery of the industrial sector along with a rapid growth of electric power demand. The market did not respond in a dynamic way and therefore a policy change of took place.
Since 2004 the State has resumed its planning tasks with the aim of guiding investments by only performing those investments deemed necessary and of no interest for private investors.
The Secretary of Energy is focused on the solution of short term problems/issues and on formulating and implementing a medium and long-termed energetic plan as a reference for private investors fundamentally based on the expansion of the system with a bigger participation in hydraulic, nuclear and renewable energy.
The plan envisages two different scenarios with a different rate of growth of electric energy demand. The Structural scenario includes the implementation of policies to make rational use of energy, while the tendency that reveals historic growth.
Scenarios: Structural-growth 2.2% c.a.
Tendency-growth: 3.1% c.a.
In Figures 1.9 and 1.10, estimates of electric power to be incorporated until 2025 appear showing the tendency and structural scenarios respectively.
Figure 1.9: Generation Capacity to be incorporated until the year 2005. Tendency scenario.
Figure 1.10: Generation Capacity to be incorporated until the year 2005. Structural scenario.
Figures 1.11 and 1.12 show the contribution of electric power of technologies considered in said scenario.
Figure 1.11: Energetic Contribution of each source, Tendency Scenario.
Figure 1.12: Energetic Contribution of each source, Structural Scenario.
In 2008, electric power was 112.3 TWh, 59% of it was produced with fossil fuels (natural gas 45%, liquid fuels 12% and coal 2%), 6% nuclear, 33% hydraulic and 2% renewable.
A reduction in electric power generation with hydrocarbons to a 42% for the tendency and a 29% for the structural scenario would occur as a result of the implementation of the Governmental Plan. Nuclear power generation would increase to a 17% in the first case and to a 21% in the second. In the case of renewable energies, values would rise to 6% and 8% accordingly. Finally, the participation in hydraulic energy would rise to a 34% and to a 40% respectively. In Figures 1.13 and 1.14 the composition of generation sources is presented for 2025 in the tendency and structural scenario respectively.
Figure 1.13: Energetic Contribution of each source, year: 2025. Tendency Scenario
Figure 1.14: Energetic Contribution of each source, year: 2025. Structural Scenario.
SOURCE: Elements for the Development and Diagnosis of the National Energetic Planning 2008-2025. Report on Advances. Version IV. Strategic Planning Group. Argentine Secretary/Ministry of Energy. December, 2008.
The Electric Sector
In 1992, by means of Law No. 24065 and its reglamentary decrees, a horizontal division of integrated/incorporated state companies occurs (SEGBA, Servicios Eléctricos de Gran Buenos Aires [Electrical Services of the outskirts of Buenos Aires] into Agua y Energía and Hidronor). Generation, transport and distribution were separated; thermal generators were privatised. Hydraulic generators, transport and electric power distribution were franchised.
Electric power generation
Argentina has a generation facility with three main generation sources: (thermal of fossil origin, hydraulic and nuclear) with part of wind generation.
Within the facility, technology mainly used is the combined cycle by burning natural gas.
Since 1994, NPPs are operated by a state company known as Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NASA) which came from the National Commission of Atomic Energy.
The entity responsible for dispatching (CAMMESA) prepares a merit order with the available generators by taking into account the marginal cost which originally considered the fuel incidence as exclusive; and at present it includes the operation and maintenance costs. With that criterion, the despatching is carried out in order to meet the demand and necessary margins so as to keep the quality supply.
According to the merit order, technologies dispatched first and foremost are as follows: base hydro and nuclear power generation. Then conventional thermal generation to meet the demand of valleys and the rest; hydro technologies of reservoir and gas turbines (working with liquid fuels) satisfy the peak demands. In Figure 1.15 a diagram of the schedule can be appreciated along with the applied technologies at each moment.
Figure 1.15: Schedule of Power Generation Technologies.
As regards retribution, generators receive it by means of the following concepts:
· Energy delivered to the grid net: remunerated/paid by the spot market price or the term agreement.
· Available power: fixed retribution for kW available in hours outside the valley.
· Other concepts related to the use of liquid hydrocarbons just perceived by generators using these fuels so as to afford the additional expenses of fuels produced by said generators (in replacement of natural gas in times of shortage). The system was originally designed to completely supply it with natural gas under the supposition of abundant reservoirs. Since 2004, new restriction begun to be verified both in production and injection and the transport of this fuel. These were replaced by major imported liquid fuels thus becoming five times more expensive.
Transport in high and extra high tension is performed through TRANSENER: transport company of energy which operates the grid of national interconnection whose tension is kV and is linked to 6 regional operators:
· TRANSNOA: it includes all the north-western Argentine region, including the provinces of Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja, Salta, Jujuy and Santiago del Estero.
· DISTROCUYO: it engulfs the provinces of San Juan and Mendoza.
· TRANSBA: it engulfs the province of Buenos Aires.
· TRANSNEA: it includes the North-eastern Argentine region which has the provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Corrientes and part of Entre Ríos.
· TRANSCOMAHUE: it engulfs the region of El Comahue and covers the provinces of Río Negro, Neuquén and part of La Pampa.
· TRANSPA: it covers the Patagonia which entails the provinces of Santa Cruz and Chubut.
Figure 1.16: Lines of 500 kV, 300 kV and 132 kV.
Table 1.1 presents lines of longitude and voltage run by each of the electric transporters.
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM | 500 kV | 330 kV | 220 kV | 132kV | 66 kV | 33 kV | Total |
TRANSENER | 10.964 | 562 | 6 | 11,532 | |||
Trunk Distribution | 1.116 | 841 | 14.344 | 398 | 24 | 16,723 | |
TRANSNOA | 3.847 | 3847 | |||||
DISTROCUYO | 634 | 611 | 1245 | ||||
TRANSBA | 177 | 5.532 | 398 | 6107 | |||
TRANSNEA | 30 | 1.395 | 24 | 1449 | |||
DISTROCOMAHUE | 1.213 | 1213 | |||||
TRANSPA | 1.116 | 1.746 | 2862 |
Table 1.1: Transport Companies of Energy, Voltage and Extension of the Electric Transport Lines.
65% of distribution corresponds to provincial public services and cooperatives.
The remaining 35% is distributed between private companies such as EDENOR, EDESUR and EDELAP:
· EDENOR: supplies northern part of Gran Buenos Aires and the City of Buenos Aires.
· EDESUR: supplies the southern part of Gran Buenos Aires and the City of Buenos Aires.
· EDELAP: supplies the area of the city of La Plata and its outskirts.
Great users are divided within the Electric Market in accordance with its consumption level:
· Large users (GUMA)
· Small users (GUME)
· Particular users (GUPA)
As already mentioned in 1.3.2, Argentina counts with three main sources of energy (thermal, fossil, water and nuclear power) and an additional small one, which is wind energy.
Power from the electrical generators in December, 2009 comes from 57.4% of thermal generators of fossil origin, 38.9% of hydro generators and 3.7% of nuclear origin.
Thermal generators are 16.4% of the park of total generation with steam turbines; 11.6% with gas turbines; 28.1% of combined cycles and 1.3% with diesel engines.
Hydro power stations represent 11.4% of the installed capacity of total generation with run of river power stations; 23.7% are reservoir plants and 3.6% are pumping plants.
Current nuclear power plants are: reactor PHWR Atucha I NPP which has 1.3% of the installed power of the total capacity and a reactor CANDU Embalse power station which produces 2.4% of the total energy.
Tables 5 and 6 present the main characteristics of the electric sector.
Capacity of Electrical Plants [GWe] | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2007 | 2000 - 2007 |
TOTAL | 6.69 | 12.00 | 17.11 | 26.35 | 28.33 | 29.14 | 1.45 |
- Thermal | 6.08 | 8.01 | 9.48 | 15.75 | 17.34 | 18.13 | 2.06 |
- Hydro | 0.61 | 3.63 | 6.61 | 9.60 | 9.94 | 9.97 | 0.53 |
- Nuclear | 0.00 | 0.37 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 0.00 |
- Wind | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 10.26 |
Electricity Production (TWh) | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2007 | 2000 - 2007 |
TOTAL** | 21.73 | 39.71 | 51.00 | 88.98 | 105.00 | 114.70 | 3.70 |
- Thermal | 20.17 | 22.22 | 25.58 | 53.93 | 63.87 | 75.84 | 4.99 |
- Hydro | 1.55 | 15.14 | 18.14 | 28.84 | 34.25 | 31.65 | 1.34 |
- Nuclear | 0.00 | 2.34 | 7.28 | 6.18 | 8.87 | 7.22 | 2.25 |
Total Electricity Consumption (TWh) | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2007 | 2000 - 2007 |
TOTAL | 18.72 | 33.49 | 40.53 | 75.28 | 90.20 | 101.83 | 4.41 |
(1) Losses in the electrical transmission are not deduced.
* Last available data
SOURCE: Eng. Juan Gerardo MEIRA, National Director of Market Prospective. Ministry of Energy. Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services. Eng. Analía DUCO.
TABLE 6: Energy Related Ratios | ||||||
1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2007 | |
Energy Consumption Per Capita (GJ/Capita) | 53.3 | 63.6 | 62.8 | 74.4 | 75.5 | 86.5 |
Electricity Consumption Per Capita (kWh/Capita) | 745.7 | 1 170.7 | 1 238.2 | 2 026.1 | 2 337.6 | 2 587.0 |
Electricity Production/Energy Production (%) | 6.3 | 8.2 | 8.6 | 9.3 | 11.0 | 12.2 |
Nuclear/Total Electricity (%) | 0.0 | 5.9 | 14.3 | 6.9 | 6.5 | 6.3 |
Ratio of External Dependency (%) (1) | 8.6 | 12.5 | 2.1 | -27.8 | -21.8 | -3.9 |
(1) Net Import / Total Energy Consumption.
SOURCE: Eng. Juan Gerardo MEIRA, National Director of Market Prospective. Ministry of Energy. Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services. Eng. Analía DUCO.
Few years after 1943, Enrico Fermi achieved the controlled chain reaction, thus, introducing the nuclear subject in the worldwide scientific community. In Argentina first moves were made so as to establish/ the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA), entity responsible for every nuclear activity with peaceful purposes performed at a national level.
Since its creation in 1950, CNEA has gone through several stages.
· During its first decades (1950-1959), activities consisted of:
- Organising first investigation and development equipment,
- Training of personnel in the most developed countries.
- Creating the Bariloche Atomic Centre (CAB, by its Spanish acronym), located in Río Negro province.
- Training specialised professionals in physics through the creation of Balseiro Institute.
- Beginning tasks to develop uranium mining/prospecting.
- Building the first experimental reactor RA-1 of 10 kWt, Argonaut type and its fuel elements which began in 1957.
- Creating Constituyentes Atomic Centre (CAC) located in the northern part of Gran Buenos Aires.
· During the second decade (1960-1969), the following activities were carried out:
- Designing and constructing experimental reactors RA-0 of 1 Wt, RA-2 of 0.1 Wt and RA-3 of 3 MWT in 1965, 1966, 1967 respectively.
- Doing research in metallurgy and manufacture of its fuel elements.
- Building the first uranium-concentration plant in Malargüe (province of Mendoza).
- Exploiting a leaching plant in Don Otto (province of Salta).
Assessment in 1964 for constructing the first nuclear power plant known as Atucha I (CNA I). During 14 months, the study was concluded and there was a recommendation that a 300 to 500 MWe plant should be constructed in Lima neighbourhood, province of Buenos Aires, to contribute to the electric energy of the Gran Buenos Aires and the littoral. The study reached the conclusion that said plant might begin to operate in 1971 and that the project was technically feasible, economically convenient and financially solid. Additionally, a development of the technological-scientific activities of the country was possible thanks to the contribution of the 40% to 50% of the national industry to build and operate the plant. With the aim of producing nuclear energy in Argentina, it was necessary to define whether to buy a light water reactor or a heavy water reactor. Even though British and American suppliers offered enriched uranium reactors, the most attractive offers resulted from suppliers of Canada and Germany which offered natural uranium reactors and heavy water reactors. Finally, the German offer was accepted since it was the most convenient from a financing point of view, time of construction and percentage of local participation.
Ezeiza Atomic Centre (CAE, by its Spanish acronym) was created in 1967 which is located in the western region of Gran Buenos Aires.
· In the following period (1970-1979), techniques of production of radioisotopes and applications of radiations in medicine, biology, industry and agriculture. In order to achieve this, the following constructions were performed:
- A multi-purpose semi-industrial irradiation facility (1970-CAE) with a capacity of 1,000,000 Ci (curies).
- A radioisotope production facility in RA-3 reactor that meets national demand since its creation (1972-CAE).
- A cobalt-60 sealed source production facility for medical and industrial purposes (1974-CAE).
- CNA I construction (Atucha Power Plant) was finished and came into commercial operation in 1974.
· The nuclear development in the following decade (1980-1989) was characterised by:
- Completing nuclear fuel cycle stages, before introducing the fuel element into the reactor ("front end"). Thus, the following activities began:
- Exploitation of new uranium deposits in Sierra Pintada (Mendoza province), Los Gigantes (Córdoba), La Estela (San Luis) and Los Adobes (Chubut).
- Operation since 1982 of a uranium concentrate purification facility and uranium dioxide production facility with a capacity of 150 annual tons in the Industrial Nuclear Complex in Córdoba.
- Start-up in 1982 of a fuel element facility so as to supply NPPs in operation in CAE.
- Start-up in 1983 of a uranium enrichment pilot facility, in Pilcaniyeu, Río Negro Province.
- Start-up in 1984 of a special alloy facility mainly devoted to producing fuel element cans and zircalloy component for fuel elements, in CAE.
- In relation to nuclear fuel cycle stages, which followed the fuel element to the reactor ("back end"), a spent fuel reprocessing pilot plant that was decommissioned in mid eighties.
- In 1982 RA-6 Experimental Reactor was constructed in Bariloche Atomic Centre, Río Negro Province.
Construction of the second NPP, Embalse NPP (CNE, by its Spanish acronym), given to an integrated consortium composed of the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL, by its English acronym) and the Italian Construction Company (Italimpianti). Located in Río Tercero dam, province of Córdoba. CNE start-up was realised in January, 1984 with a net power of 600 MWe. The main attractive of the Canadian offer had been the agreement to transfer technology which would be taken advantage of so as to gather knowledge that may guarantee a future independent production of the atomic energy.
At the beginning of 1980, the third NPP was under planning, Atucha II (CNA II) in order to be constructed in the same CNA I site. The experience gained during CNE construction made authorities allocate the agreement to ENACE, joint company of Kraftwerk Union (KWU) and CNEA for the construction of a 700 MWe Siemens heavy water reactor (refrigerated and moderated with heavy water) (the same design that CNA I). This began in 1981, but owing to financial reasons mainly, it had major delays. In the mid eighties, the building work was completely paralysed in spite of being constructed in an 80%. This was caused by a political decision at that moment to privatise markets by reducing participation, intervention and governmental activities as much as possible.
· In the following decade (1990-2000), and in spite of the energetic and politic situation, Argentina achieved:
- The start-up of an industrial facility for heavy water production in Arroyito, province of Neuquén, with a design capacity of 220 t of nuclear purity per year so as to supply NPPs in operation with heavy water and provide the initial inventory of future NPPs.
- A radioisotope production cyclotron was inaugurated in 1994 in CAE.
- In 1995 in CAE, the molybdenum production facility began its operation at an industrial scale for medical purposes in CAE by being in operation until 2002 with high enrichment uranium blanks (90%). Since that year, it became the first facility in the world to operate with low enrichment blanks (20%), developed with national technology. This was the result of pressure exerted by the United States that stated that manipulation of high enriched fuel elements had associated risks with possible violations/breaches to the Non Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.
- In 1997, RA-8 10 Wt Experimental Reactor was built in Pilcaniyeu Technological Complex (Río Negro).
· Finally in the last decade (2000-2009), nuclear development was framed within the following milestones:
- In August, 2006 the Argentine government officially announced the decision to reactivate the nuclear activity in the country, which included a nuclear program for the short and medium term based on two main topics: applying nuclear technology to public health and the industry and strengthening the nuclear energy as an electrical power source by intending to increase its participation in the national electrical market through:
- Concluding the building work of CNA II.
- Extending the life cycle of CNE.
- Beginning preliminary feasibility studies to construct a fourth NPP.
- Concluding feasibility studies to construct the prototype modular facility of lower power (25 MWe) and national design which began before nuclear activities were brought to a halt under the name of “Central ARgentina de Elementos Modulares” (CAREM, Argentine Modular Elements Facility) in accordance with Law N° 25064, Law N° 25160 and Law N° 26566.
- Producing heavy water to be used in CNA II.
- Reactivating both uranium prospecting throughout the country and the construction of the uranium enrichment pilot plant/facility. Both activities had completely been paralysed because of political reasons since the second half of the nineties.
Starting in 1996, CNA I began to use fuels containing slightly enriched uranium (“ULE”, with 0,85% U235) and since 2001, it has been the first and the only pressurized heavy water reactor using ULE on a 100% basis. This transition from natural uranium to ULE in the nuclear plant brought a 40% reduction in the use of fuel, along with a 30% reduction in its cost.
It is worth mentioning that Argentina has experience in design, construction and assembly of experimental reactors and up to the present day it has exported the following reactors:
· RP-0 Training Reactor of zero power operating since 1978. It was sold to the “Instituto Peruano de Energía Nuclear” (IPEN, Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy) by CNEA.
· Research reactor, radioisotope fabrication and training of personnel, RP-10 of 10 MW in operation since 1988. Sold to IPEN by CNEA.
· Multipurpose facility 1MW named as NUR (a word of Arabic origin which means "luminosity") in operation since 1989. It was sold to the Algerian "Haut Comissariat pour la Recherche".
· Multipurpose reactor ETRR-2 of 22 MW in operation since 1997. It was sold to the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (AEA).
· Radioisotope production facility with medical and industrial application located in Inshas, next to the ETRR-2 reactor. It was sold to the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority.
· CENTIS radioisotope production and fractioning facility inaugurated in 1995. It was sold to the company "Inversiones Gamma" dependent on the Ministry of Nuclear Topics of the Cuban Republic.
· Reactor that produces radioisotopes supplies for microelectronic and research into materials, known as OPAL of 20 MW. In operation since 2005. Located in Lucas Heights, Sydney, Australia. Sold to the Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation (ANSTO).
Since August 30, 1994 through a governmental decree, the nuclear sector has been reorganised and thus nuclear activity has been divided into three entities: Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN, by its Spanish acronym), Nucleoeléctrica Argentina Sociedad Anónima (NA-SA) and the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA) are responsible for the regulation, operation of facilities and for research and the development of the sector accordingly. Before that division, every activity was developed by CNEA.
The following Figure introducing the dependence of the actors of the nuclear area with the national government. In the Figure 2.1, the organisation Figure is presented of the national nuclear activity.
Figure 2.1: Organizational Chart of the National Nuclear Activity.
ARN assumed the responsibilities for regulating nuclear activities which were previously performed by CNEA. Its function is to establish regulations on nuclear and radiological safety and make regulations related with physical protection and the control of using nuclear materials. It is responsible for granting licenses, regulations of nuclear facilities and meeting international safeguards.
The tasks of NASA are to operate nuclear power plants. At present, it is responsible for financing the construction of CNA II. The decree also binds NASA to paying an annual tax to CNEA and ARN for licence fees.
The abovementioned decree was then formally substituted by Law N° 24084 known as the "National Law of Nuclear Activity" sanctioned by the Argentine National Congress in 1997 that came into force in 1998. This federal law ratified CNEA original participation in the three entities and would legally allow the gradual/eventual NASA privatization through an international bid.
CNEA advises the Executive Power on the definition of the nuclear policy. As a Research and Development Institution in the nuclear area,/ As an institution responsible for the research and development of the nuclear energy, it performs activities connected to the nuclear area and human resources to work in it; it regulates/directs decommissioning of the relevant NPPs/nuclear facilities; carries out programmes related to nuclear NPPs, nuclear fuel cycle, radioisotopes applications and radiations; management of radioactive wastes and owns special fissionable radioactive materials.
The Figure 2.2. presents the diagram of fund sources of the three nuclear entities.
Figure 2.2: Cash Flow of Nuclear Activity.
Other nuclear entities are the associated companies with CNEA, created as commercial entities devoted to production activities at an industrial scale, such as:
· INVAP S.E.: It was created in 1976 as from an agreement between CNEA and the Provincial government of Río Negro. It main principal place of business is located in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche of Río Negro. This company is devoted to develop advanced technology in different areas. It carries out multidisciplinary technological projects in the nuclear, spatial and industrial areas, by performing works entailing some (or all) of the following stages: feasibility studies, product development, design, engineering, supply, construction, assembly, start-up, operation and post sale service. Among the engineering services offering NPPs the following can be mentioned: repairing, modernization and dry storage engineering of spent fuel elements.
· CONUAR S.A.: Combustibles Nucleares Argentinos S.A. (Argentine Nuclear Fuels Company) was created in 1981. The industrial facility is located in CAE where uranium pellets are manufactured and the assembly of structural components to fabricate fuel elements for NPPs. CNEA owns 33.33% of the assests of this company and SUDACIA SA, 66.67% which belongs to the Perez Companc Group. Also it manufactures fuel elements devoted to research reactors (enriched uranium up to 20%), bars controllers of reactivity (cobalt cores) and provides services in the nuclear area of the facilities, research reactors, hot cells and nuclear facilities.
· FAE SA: Fábrica de Aleaciones Especiales SA (Special Alloys Industrial Company). It was created in 1986 and during its first times/beginnings it devoted it activity to producing zircalloy tubes for the Nuclear Industry. It is located in Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, next to CAE. CNEA owns 55% of the assets. The company has been created to provide zirconium tubes for nuclear fuels of the NPPs of the Argentine electronuclear CNA I and CNE facilities. At present, it is the only Latin American producer of tubes without special alloys seam, such as austenite stainless steel and duplex, nickel and titanium.
· ENSI SE: Empresa Neuquina de Servicios de Ingeniería SE. It was created on December 21, 1989 through Law N° 1827 sanctioned by the Provincial Legislature. It is a State Corporation owned by/formed by CNEA (49%) and the province of Neuquén. It operates the Heavy Water Industrial facility (PIAP, by its Spanish acronym) belongs to CNEA and commercialises heavy water at a reactor degree. It has as main object to operate chemical facilities and/or petrochemical facilities, production and commercialization of chemical products and as a secondary goal it intends to perform applied research activities, technological development, engineering design, construction, assembly and start-up of industrial facilities and any other service related to the Argentine industrial sector.
· DIOXITEK SA: It was created by the Executive Power in 1997 so as to guarantee uranium dioxide supply used in the manufacturing of fuel elements for CNA I and CNE facilities. It is a state company. CNEA has its 99% of assets and the province of Mendoza the remaining 1%. The industrial facility is located in the city of Córdoba and it began operating in 1982 and Dioxitek SA became responsible for it since May, 1997.
In the Figure 2.3, the technical vinculations and supply connections are presented among CNEA, NA-SA, supplier companies and ARN.
Figure 2.3: Technical and Supply links of the Nuclear Sector.
At present, around a 7% of the produced electricity in Argentina is produced by two nuclear facilities in operation, CNA I and CNE, that have a total installed facility capacity of 1005 MWe with a net contribution of 935 MWe.
During the period 1984-1990, nuclear participation represented around a 15% of the total generated electricity which has been gradually reduced owing to the extension of the installed capacity based on other technologies and the discontinuity of the nuclear plan which resulted in building works of CNAII NPP being halted as well as of other NPPs.
CNA II, located next to CNA I, is still under construction but is over 90% already constructed. Its conclusion is forecasted for 2011 and it will increase electronuclear power in a 10%.
The main characteristics of NPPs in operation are presented as follows:
It is sited on the right bank of the river Paraná de las Palmas, Lima, Zárate, province of Buenos Aires 100 km away from the City of Buenos Aires. Thermal power of the NPP is of 1179 MWt thus generating an electric power of 220 kV of the Interconnection Argentine System (SADI).
It is a pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR), refrigerated and moderated with heavy water. At first fuel elements were designed based on natural uranium (0.7% of U235 isotope), but by a modification performed in 1995 it was possible to replace it with slightly enriched uranium (0.85% of U235 isotope), in order to raise the degree of fuel element burn up by reducing the number of consumed/used elements. It became the first reactor in the world to operate with this degree of enrichment and heavy water.
This NPP engulfs the following facilities: reactor, primary, secondary and third refrigeration circuits, the pressure maintenance system, the moderator system, auxiliary and secondary facilities, turbine building and the electric operations area. It also has two spent fuel elements pools located in an adjoining building.
A particular characteristic of this reactor is that it has a machine to replace fuel elements which avoids the interruption of the service, something different from the NPPs with PWR (Pressurised Water Reactor) or BWR (Boiling Water Reactor).
Chronologically, it is the second Argentine NPP and the largest thermal unitary (machinery) Argentine reactor with an electric nominal power of 648 MW.
CNE is located in the southern coast of Embalse de Río Tercero, province of Córdoba, 665m above the sea level. It is 1000 km away from Córdoba city and 700 km from the City of Buenos Aires. It began its commercial service on January 20, 1984. It owns a CANDU reactor, Canadian Deuterium Uranium, with PHWR technology. It uses natural uranium as fuel and heavy water as refrigerant and moderator. Just like CNA I, loading and unloading of the fuel is performed during the operation of the NPP.
Apart from generating electrical power for SADI, this NPP also produces cobalt-60 (Co60), used in medical, industrial and research applications. It is the third worldwide producer of the mentioned radioisotope.
The geographical location of the operating NPPs is presented in Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4: Site and characteristics of the operating NPPs.
The main characteristics of the NPP under construction are described as follows:
CNA II is sited on the right bank of the river Paraná de las Palmas, in Lima, Zárate, province of Buenos Aires, 100 km away from the City of Buenos Aires, next to CNA I.
In the same way as its neighbouring NPP, CNA II is a Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) whose fuel will initially be natural uranium following the original design.
Thermal power of the NPP is 2175 MWt thus obtaining an electric gross power of 745 MWe which represents the largest power unitary machine to enter SADI once it has begun operating in 2011.
CNA II is under construction according to the construction license, regulations and inspection programme provided by ARN.
The geographical location and characteristics of the NPP under construction is presented in Figure 2.5.
Figure 2.5: Location and Characteristics of the Power Plants Under Operation
In Table 7 characteristics of NPPs in operation and under construction are presented.
Station | Type | Net Capacity | Operator | Status | Reactor Supplier | Construction Date+ | Grid Date++ | Commercial Date | Shutdown Date | UCF for 2008 |
ATUCHA I | PHWR | 357 | NA-SA | In operation | Siemens | 01/06/68 | 19/03/74 | 24/06/74 | - | 84,13% |
EMBALSE | PHWR | 648 | NA-SA | In operation | AECL | 01/04/74 | 25/04/83 | 20/01/84 | - | 82,96% |
ATUCHA II | PHWR | 692 | NA-SA | Under construction | Siemens | 14/07/81 | - |
* UCF (Unit Capability Factor) for the latest available year (only applicable to reactors in operation).
** Latest available data
+ Date, when first major placing of concrete, usually for the base mat of the reactor building is done.
++ Date of the first connection to the grid
Throughout its life time, different improvements in the facility design were implemented, such as: rechange of all refuel canals of fuel elements, construction of the second ultimate heat sink, construction of the second spent fuel temporary storage pool and the modification of the steam dump canal of the tertiary circuit owing to the construction of CNA II.
In 1996, the change of the fuel original design was from using natural uranium to using slightly enriched uranium which resulted in a 40% reduction in the fuel consumption and around 30% reduction it their costs. Thus the date in which the storage pool would reach its highest capacity was postponed.
At present, the feasibility of a dry storage of spent fuel elements for when they are extracted from their storage pools.
NPP is estimated to conclude its life time in 2012 and thus Nucleoeléctrica Argentina is developing the Life Extension Project of it.
The objective of said project is to extend its lifetime up to another 25 years of a safe, trusty and competitive operation. Additionally, it is expected to increase the electric power of an NPP in approximately 35 MWe.
In this context, CNE is developing actions linked with the facility life time management and has completed the analysis of life and ageing assessment for different NPP systems.
The major working areas to be developed in the project are: revision and pressure tubes and calandria tubes, feeder, change of steam generators and repowering.
From a design and construction viewpoint/perspective, CNA II counts with updated safety systems, including the concept of defense in depth with successive barriers, contention sphere, physical separation between safety systems and surveillance programme in service, among other concepts.
The schedule of the project consists of three stages: Stage I of re-launching the project (organisation, recovery of the infrastructure, engineering and contracts), Stage II: construction and assembly (at present under development) and Stage III NPP start-up/commissioning.
The remaining design tasks are performed by NA-SA with the contribution of scientific and technological resources of CNEA and with the participation of other entities and national and international companies.
The strategic nuclear Argentine plan includes the reactivation of the sector, basically from an energetic point of view, through the insertion of the electric matrix of a major nuclear participation by revitalising the applications in medical and industrial areas.
This reactivation is based on knowledge and domain of disciplines of a high technical and technological level that place the country in a competitive worldwide place. Even though there was paralysis in some nuclear activities during the nineties, nowadays Argentina counts with a sector which transcends its own barriers and has managed to be known by the rest of the industrial and service sectors.
Thus it is forecast that it is likely for Argentina to recover those capacities not wisely used during the last decade. Moreover it is expected that it will prepare and train the necessary human resources that will bear the responsibility to continue and improve the nuclear development in Argentina in order to supply present and future energetic needs/demand.
Notwithstanding the political definition provided in 2006, on September 1st, 1999 Law N° 25160 was sanctioned (enacted on September 27th, 1999) thus enabling CNEA to create CAREM Project, which was registered by said institution and INVAP SE.
More details about the nuclear plan were announced on August 23rd, 2006 by means of speech delivered by the Minister of Planning, Public Investment and Services, Julio De Vido, whose main parts are transcribed as follows:
“(...) This reactivation is based on two technical, pragmatic main points which have a mere strategic content:
-In the first place, a massive production of nucleo-electric energy, (...)
-Second, nuclear technological applications to public health and industry (…).
“(...) As part of the plan, building works of Atucha II NPP will be concluded and this NPP will be commissioned.”
As previously mentioned on 1.2.3., National Law N° 26566 was sanctioned on November 25th, 2009 and enacted on December 17th, 2009. This law regulates nuclear activities and enables:
· Extension of the operating licence and necessary tasks for CNE life extension.
· Beginning of previous studies for the definition of life extension of CNAI.
· Execution of pending building works so as to conclude the construction, commissioning and operation of CNA II.
· Beginning of preliminary studies of feasibility to construct a fourth NPP.
· Design, execution and commissioning of CAREM prototype reactor.
As regards prospecting and exploitation activities, a plan entailing reopening of certain mining areas already developed in former years as well as the incorporation of new reserves through prospecting with the aim of reactivating national prospecting of uranium.
By continuing with the activities required by the fuel cycle, the uranium enrichment project through gaseous diffusion process in the Technological Complex Pilcaniyeu, in the province of Río Negro. At present, the stage of preparation of the enrichment pilot plant is under development.
By taking into account the great worldwide participation of enriched uranium and light water reactors, studies have been undertaken to determine the feasibility to incorporate this line of reactors in Argentina, by concluding that “Argentina has to incorporate an enriched uranium NPP which should resemble a 3rd generation NPP”, thus being indispensable to adopt a short term decision, given the internal and external implications from a technological, economic and human resource point of view, since the incorporation of NPPs with enriched uranium would enable to optimise the fuel cycle in Argentina through a crossed use between two technologies.
The strategy is based on promoting the competence among suppliers with the aim of achieving the major possible technology transference, the best economic, financial conditions, ideal guarantees of components and critical supplies just as already done with CNA I, CNE and CNA II.
The incorporation of an enriched uranium reactor does not imply that natural uranium reactors have to be abandoned but that there must be a complementation between both lines.
CNEA has adopted a responsible attitude towards the environment and the prevention of environmental pollution and thus created a Programme on Environmental Restitution of Uranium Mining (PRAMU) which sets the following objectives: ensuring the environmental protection, health and other rights of present and future generations, by making a rational use of resources. PRAMU, in that framework, intends to improve the present conditions of uranium mining tailings deposits by considering that even though at present they are under control, in the long term, different remediation actions have to be performed so as to ensure the protection of the environment and the public.
Last December 16, CNEA sent the Preliminary Safety Report (IPS) prepared by CAREM to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) thus fulfilling all the necessary requirements so as to obtain the license to build the reactor.
Another nuclear power is expected to be added and to reach 4500 MWe in accordance with the strategic nuclear plan which would include:
· 2011: CNA II commissioning of 745 MWe.
· 2012/2013: CNE life time extension and revamping in 35 MWe.
· 2016/2017: 4th NPP commissioning made up of two PHWR modules of 750 MWe each which total 1500 MWe.
· 2022/2023: 5th NPP commissioning of 1500 to 1600 MWe of technology to be defined with the possibility of incorporating a PWR.
· Since 2017 and every 3 years, the incorporation of a 300 MWe module of a PWR reactor which totals 1200 MWe.
The modality of contracting of each NPP will be defined at the moment of bidding always taking into account the strategies already considered for the already installed NPPs.
The policy related to the nuclear fuel cycle includes the recovery of all the national fuel cycle stages already developed by adding those not assessed that eventually allow to close said cycle (enrichment, reprocessing, etc.).
In accordance with the National Law Nº 25018 “Management of Radioactive Wastes”, CNEA is responsible for supervising and treating wastes coming from any nuclear Argentine user that may guarantee the final disposal of low, medium and high level radioactive wastes.
Spent fuel elements coming from NPPs have a high level activity but are not considered radioactive wastes. Thus, they are temporarily stored in decaying pools and/or dry storage silos.
In the case of CNE, spent fuel elements are deposited in the decaying during 5 to 6 years and after that period, they are transferred to transitory dry storage silos located in the same site of the NPP.
While spent fuel elements of CNA I (which are of around 5 metre long), these stay stored in the decaying pools as from the beginning of the NPP operation. At present studies are being carried out in order to determine the feasibility of dry transitory storage of these fuels.
CNEA guarantees transitory storage and treatment of radioactive wastes in CAE (Ezeiza Atomic Centre). This includes medium and low level radioactive wastes of any origin in Argentina as well as spent fuel groups in research and production Argentine reactors.
According to the same federal law, CNEA is responsible for receiving each Argentine NPP at the end of its operation life and for all its stages of its decommissioning and decontamination
In this law, the “Fund for Radioactive Waste Management” is expected to be created and would be continued as of this law. This fund would be destined for financing the National Programme of Waste Management in charge of CNEA. Said fund would be conformed by contributions from radioactive wastes.
The National State through CNEA makes financial contributions for the National Programme of Radioactive Wastes budget until this article of the law is regulated since neither this fund nor the percentage of the invoicing has been created which the operator of the NPP should contribute to its constitution.
In Table 8, the information of future NPPs is presented.
Station/Project Name | Type | Capacity [MWe] | Expected Construction Start Year | Expected Commercial Year |
CNA II | PHWR | 745 | 1981/2006* | 2011 |
1st module 4 NPP | CANDU | 1500 | 2012 | 2016 |
2nd module 4 NPP | CANDU | 1500 | 2013 | 2017 |
5 NPP | PWR | 1600 | 2017 | 2023 |
1st Module PWR | PWR | 300 | 2014 | 2017 |
2nd Module PWR | PWR | 300 | 2017 | 2020 |
3rd Module PWR | PWR | 300 | 2020 | 2023 |
4th Module PWR | PWR | 300 | 2023 | 2026 |
*Year of resumption of building works
Project Management of CNA I and CNE was performed by CNEA as well as the beginning of CNA II construction (80% of the total work). Management of CNA II completion
Main actors of the nuclear sector were those mentioned in section 2.1.2. also can be mentioned the following private capital companies that at present provide services in the nuclear area.
· Electro-Ingeniería S.A.: company devoted to design, construction, operation and maintenance of major infrastructure and services works. During the last years, it worked on the development and research as part of its expansion. It has an international certificate for its welding processes. During the seventies, it participated as a subcontractor of NPPs under construction. It performs the assembly of piping for CNA II and also the assembly of primary pipes and moderator.
· Techint: in the nuclear area, it performs engineering and assembly tasks. It performs the piping assembly for CNA II in the conventional building.
· TECNA: it participates in the nuclear area as a subcontractor since the seventies. It performs engineering tasks in piping and support design, electricity, processes, instrumentation, supervision of welds, non destructive assays.
· IEACSA S.A.: It builds decaying pools for CNA II.
· INVAP S.E.: It maintains and repairs in the least invasive way by means of robotic tele-commanded- tools.
· IMPSA: Manufacturing of vapour generators and heat exchanger of the moderator for CNA II.
Traditionally, Argentine NPPs were partially financed through its own suppliers as was the case of KWU companies of Germany for CNAI construction and Canadian AECL for achieving CNE financing. Additionally, these works received specific funds of the national state among which appear the “Great Electric Works” as well as national treasure contributions.
Argentina has only counted with its own suppliers as a private source of financing for their nuclear works.
As another record of financing works in the nuclear area, remediation tasks of mining tailings can be mentioned. They are at present performed with funds provided by the World Bank and carried out through the Programme on Environmental Remediation of the Uranium Mining (PRAMU).
As regards the works to develop the future of the nuclear area, financing of the following sources is expected to be obtained:
· Completion of CNA II: this project has to be divided into two major financial stages:
Before interrupting the work: it was financed by German KWU and with specific state funds and contributions of the Argentine public treasure.
After resuming the work: with specific public funds and contributions of the Argentine public treasure by means of a trusteeship named as “Plan of Atucha II completion”. The National Government entrusted NA-SA with the direction and administration of the works in order to finish them. Among other conditions, the following were established: “acts performed by NA-SA, through the Unit/Department of Atucha II NPP Management, will be ruled by regulations and principles of private law”.
· Life extension and revamping of CNE: these are expected to be financed by the Andean Association of Promotion/Development, this being the first case of an Argentine NPP financed by a multilateral entity.
· Fourth NPP: by taking as a reference a state-of-the-art CANDU NPP in operation with a supply aim of at least 50% of national components, its requirements are expected to be financed through a Canadian supplier in the same way as the previous case of CNE construction.
· Fifth NPP: there is not any decision as regards the financing plan.
Additionally, National Law No. 26566, ruling nuclear activity, engulfs other financing options as follows:
· Creation of a trust to construct a fourth NPP with one or two modules.
· Creation of a trust to extend the life time of CNE: NA-SA is thus entitled to enter into the necessary agreements with the national public financial entities, whose selection will be done with the rules duly set forth by the Secretary of Energy, depending on the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services.
Those trusts created will be made up of:
a) Contributions of the National Treasure with those annual sums of money provided by the Law of General Budget of the National Administration.
b) Resources coming from credit operations in the internal or external market. Those financial means which are most convenient can be requested subject to the provisions of the following Laws: Law No. 19328 (General Dispositions concerning Determination of the Policy or Level of Indebtedness), Law No. 24156 (Financial Administration and Control Systems) and Law No. 24354 (National Public Investment), as well as modified and complementary laws as long as not modified by the present law.
c) Resources owned by NA-SA as well as those coming from special laws and those specifically assigned to this law with the aim to reconcile differences existing between future investments and resources coming from points a) and b);
d) Incomes made up of legacies or donations.
e) Funds provided by international entities or nongovernmental organisations.
At present the use of funds for CNEA investing projects through the Bank of Public Investment Projects (BAPIN) is expected and said funds are part of the multi annual budget. Said BAPINs enable the identification, creation, monitoring, assessment and control of physical investment programmes that may be developed with the resources from the National Treasure or international financing, which are begun by any of the jurisdictions of the public sector and performed by these.
Other public sources not included in the above paragraphs are the following:
· Public trust funds especially created for each case.
· Regulation on financing with electricity fees/charges in the construction period.
· Creation of other posts in electric power sales.
· Creation of development banks.
· Regional focuses: projects covering more than one country.
Other private sources: working in obtaining financing through international credit organisations such as the Inter American Bank of Development.
Transport grid nets of electric power in the Argentine Republic are divided by voltage tension level. They are classified in Extra high, high, medium and low voltage tension. According to its capacity, grid nets are operated by national haulage contractors (extra high tension voltage) and regional haulage contractors (high and medium tension voltage).
Nets of energy transmission grid have a radial configuration with centre in the City of Buenos Aires but are under construction and in project those lines that tend to close the energetic ring.
Transport capacity of each line of 500 kV is 1000 MWh.
As regards interconnections with neighbouring countries, there are two lines of transmission between Argentina and Brazil of 500 kV, two lines between Argentina and Uruguay of 500 kV and also a line between Argentina and Chile of 330 kV.
As mentioned in TRS 224 of IAEA, the characteristics of the grid net for the connection of an NPP are:
· An adequate interconnection, including multiple parallel grids.
· Modern dispatch system.
· An agile protection system in continuous operation.
· Adequate reserve margins.
SADI quite fulfils all these requirements. The system counts on a modern and independent dispatcher performed by CAMMESA.
A Federal Plan is being implemented in Argentina. It is a plan of electric transport whose main objective is to close the energetic ring by connecting the mesh of the nets grid. In order to increase safety of required supply, as also decrease investment costs in the supply system as long as low cost resources of localised opportunities in a distant geographical point manage to reach the demand centres as well as to contribute to remove transport restrictions in SADI in the short and medium term and also to manage a balanced and equal development in the different regions of the country.
As regards dispatch system, MEM operation is carried out in real time independently of the term contracts executed by generators in which every section between what is agreed and the effective operation is channelled through the spot market. In order to meet the demand in real time constant measurements are performed of the environmental temperature in those areas of higher consumption by estimating values expected from demand depending on the demand from the previous day and from the same day of the previous week by distinguishing it per hour, working day or holiday and by considering extraordinary events that may cause variations in demand (such as, sport events, heat waves, and so on).
SADI also counts on a dynamic protection system that responds before failures in transport and/or forced outages of generators.
In every electric SADI region, it is possible that an NPP of 300 MW is installed with minimum changes in the existing electric infrastructure. On the contrary, only some of them are capable of dealing with an NPP installation with a contribution larger than 100 MW.
At present, SADI counts on a reserve margin which though limited availability to face demand peaks through generators management performed by CAMMESA. In the future, incorporations are expected to improve gradually this margin.
CNA II, at present under construction, as well as CNA I are located 100 km away from the City of Buenos Aires on the right margin of the river Paraná de las Palmas (average water level: 17300 m3/s). In that same site the indigenous prototype CAREM reactor is also under construction and it will produce 25 MWe.
The fourth NPP is also expected to be built there since it is under license and has a water level intended for cooling the secondary system in order to assist every NPP sited there. Besides, the construction of a “Centre of Services provided for NPPs” is also expected.
CNEA (before the Division Prospective and Energetic Planning of CNEA) carried out a study intended for the macro location of potential sites. Thus, three levels of consecutive application of requirements are established according to the following description:
· Level I requirements:
-Legal framework.
-Cooling water availability.
-Regional seismic considerations.
· Level II requirements:
-Integration to the interconnected system-
-Availability of free surfaces.
· Level III requirements:
-Study of soils/land.
-Climatic conditions.
-Study of the population of the region (radius 100 km).
-Study of economic activities of the region (radius 100 km).
In accordance with aid studies, the following possible sites were obtained and appear in Figure 2.6 whose references are:
It requires conventional engineering precautions which do not significantly modify the total cost of the building work.
It requires engineering precautions that raise the total cost of the building work up to 15%. For the Demand aspect: it is a site with potentially unsatisfied demand.
It requires engineering precautions increasing the total cost of the building work in a sensitive way (over 15%).
For the Demand aspect: it is a site with surplus of energy.
Location | Legal Framework i | Cooling Water | Seismic Risk | High tension lines | Infra-structure ii | Demand | Source |
(Buenos Aires) |
[1] |
Rio Tercero
(Córdoba) |
[2] |
Bahía Blanca
(Buenos Aires) |
[3] |
Los Nihuiles
(Mendoza) |
[4] |
(Santa Fe) |
[5] |
Hernandarias (Entre Ríos) |
[5] |
Cabra Corral (Salta) |
[6] |
(Rio Negro) |
[-] |
San Juan
(San Juan) |
[6] |
El Cadillal
(Tucumán) |
[6] |
Atlantic coast (Buenos Aires) |
[6] |
(Formosa) |
[6] |
Figure 2.6: Characteristics of potential sites.
iLegal framework: the necessary time to modify a regulation depends on its hierarchy. This raises the price of the total cost of the project due to the delay at the beginning of the construction of the building work.
ii Infrastructure: it refers to load transportation requirements for the construction, either transport by sea, river, railway or road.
[1] Study of pre investment. NPP for Gran Buenos Aires area. Littoral/Coastline. CNEA 1965.
[2] Study of pre investment: NPP for Córdoba Province. CNEA 1968.
[3] Study of NPP siting in the southern subsystem site of the Province of Buenos Aires. Bahía Blanca. CNEA 1976.
[4] Study of NPP siting for Cuyo Region. CNEA 1976.
[5] NPP. Argentine siting Los Timbúes y Hernandarias. NPPs CNEA 1986.
[6] INPRO. Methodology for the Assessment of Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles, Stage I. Final Argentine report, Prospective and Energetic Planning, CNEA 2006.
In Figure 2.7 locations of potential sites appear.
Figure 2.7: Location of potential sites.
From the beginning of the nuclear activity in Argentina, in negotiations and the signature of agreements, beyond the provision of NPPs, it was expected to count on the comprehensive and complete programme of knowledge transference from technology suppliers to the national nuclear sector and achieve the broadest possible local participation.
CNEA promoted the creation of national companies specialised in the nuclear area essential for the Argentine nuclear programme as mentioned in section 2.1.2 encouraging and monitoring their continuity.
In the construction and assembly of NPPs CNE, CNA I and beginning of CNA II the following companies participated:
Degremont S.A.
Essener Hochdruck Rohrleistungsbau (HER)
Mannesmann Analgenbau AG
Mellor Goodwin S.A.
SADE SACIF construction engineering SA
At present NA-SA is responsible for concluding CNA II and the fourth central. The companies participating in the construction and commissioning of the current CNA II are as follows:
Asea Brown Boveri
BHR-Electroingeniería SA
Henisa Sudamericana SA
INGENIERÍA INTEGRAL (integral engineering)
SA E CONSTRUCCIÓN Y MONTAJE DON FIERRO (Construction and assembly Corporation Don Fierro)
UNIVERSIDAD DE PISA (University of Pisa)
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN JUAN (National University of San Juan)
CNEA is responsible for the construction of CAREM prototype reactor which has not begun yet.
Since 1994 operation of NPPs is responsibility for NA-SA. These NPPs belong to the national state. Likewise, CNEA is the technical support of the NPPs. Main actors of the nuclear sector have been mentioned in section 2.1.2.
Commercial operations related to the sale of electric power are performed by NA-SA. CAMMESA is responsible for the administration and electric dispatch.
Decommissioning of NPPs, research reactors and every radioactive facility is contemplated in Law No. 24804 governing the nuclear activity. This law states that CNEA is responsible for documents and decommissioning activities when nuclear facilities reach the end of their life time.
As regards research reactors, their operation is responsibility of CNEA as well as providing information to execute the decommissioning plan taking into account historic data of operation and the flows of wastes generated by said reactors.
NASA is in charge of the operation of the NPP as well as of the provision of information and the necessary funds for decommissioning to be performed by CNEA.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority is responsible for granting licenses for decommissioning and shut up. This is states in rule AR 3.17.1: Decommissioning of NPPs.
At present preliminary decommissioning plans are being performed by estimating the flows of wastes in every relevant and non relevant nuclear facility in operation. In this framework the process of gathering information continues as from historical data of each facility in order to set forth requirements and guidelines of the necessary documents for the later decommissioning management.
As regards NPPs, CNEA is creating an agreement with NASA in order to carry out the Preliminary Plan of Decommissioning of CNA I and to participate in the performance of treatment tasks and component and structure management during the life extension of CNE. In order to achieve this institutional work teams are being implemented.
In parallel with this, characterisation of liquids and decommissioning tasks are being performed by the former Storage and Treatment plant of Radioactive Wastes and decontamination and adaptation of the storage sector of fuel elements MTR both located in CAE.
Technological developments are coordinated and performed at a lab level in order to decontaminate structures and components with any radiological activity by using different techniques such as: polishing with abrasive means in vibratory containers and application of electrochemical decontamination.
A lab to develop decontamination techniques is being assembled in Lima –province of Buenos Aires– so as to provide technological assistance to CNEA projects and relevant nuclear facilities.
In order to reutilise structural components as non radioactive elements it is necessary to negotiate before the ARN its classification as non radioactive components.
Every activity of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle is oriented towards satisfying the main objective consisting of: guaranteeing reserves and supply in the long term with national uranium of the fuel requirements for the operation of the NPPs and production and research reactors in operation and to be built.
Productive activities of the fuel cycle are at present performed in Argentina referred to the nuclear fuel cycle are the following: uranium prospecting, conversion and purification, fuel elements fabrication/manufacturing and interim storage of spent fuels. Moreover, research is under development, works to a lab scale and a pilot plant in the following stages of the cycle: production, enrichment, reprocessing and waste management.
As regards the strategies of radioactive waste management, every activity is oriented towards guaranteeing the protection of the environment, public health and the rights of future generations in accordance with the regulations set forth by ARN, regulations at national and provincial levels and regulations from the City of Buenos Aires as well as relevant international agreements.
The stages and characteristics of the developed fuel cycle in the country are detailed as follows:
Mining, Prospecting and Production:
The Argentine Mining Code, sanctioned under the Law No. 1919 entitles CNEA to perform prospecting, exploration and exploitation of nuclear minerals. CNEA performs activities throughout the country in order to develop uranium prospecting and exploration of uranium resources. As a result of the uranium prospects, it is worth mentioning prospecting in Vaquerías (Salta province), El Gallo, Noya, Donatos and Diez (La Rioja province), El Cruce, Cerro La virgin, Sierra Cuadrada and Cerro Chivo (Chubut province). Exploration of uranium resources is performed in the Uranium District Pichiñán, Cerro Solo and Laguna Colorada and Laguna Sirven, (Santa Cruz province). Uranium reserves are expected to be reasonably guaranteed. CNEA has under its control 16500 tons and speculative resources total 14000 additional tons.
There exist also several private companies of development of uranium prospects but none of them is under the stage of exploring resources. Among the companies that develop these activities, the following can be mentioned: Calypso Uranium SA, Jackson Global Ltd., Uranio AG, Wealth Minerals Ltd., Marifil Mines Ltd., Madero Minerals SA, Globe Uranium Argentina SA, Mega Uranium Ltd and the company of San Juan province, EPSE.
As regards the production of uranium concentrates, in Mendoza province, the Industrial Mining Complex San Rafael has been brought to a standstill in 1994 since the price of the imported uranium concentrate was financially more convenient than the one produced locally. CNEA is working in order to reopen the mentioned complex by performing remediation actions of environmental passives of the mining tails.
Uranium Conversion:
Conversion of U3O8 to UO2 has been performed in DIOXITEK SA. The capacity for processing of the company is 170 t of UO2 per year.
Currently processed U3O8 is completely imported. Studies to improve the capacity and to transfer the plant with the aim of meeting new requirements, deriving from the start up of CNA II and the future NPPs.
Uranium Enrichment:
Uranium enrichment is an activity performed by CNEA in the Technological Complex Pilcaniyeu. Argentina wishes to maintain and consolidate uranium enrichment technologies so as to guarantee this supply is met for the fabrication/manufacture of fuel elements of the present and future NPPs.
The technology applied for the enrichment process is gaseous diffusion and at present the consolidation of this technology is under development.
Simultaneously, research is carried out for laser and ultra centrifuge enrichment.
Fuel Fabrication:
The factory of Special Alloys, FAE SA, is in charge of manufacturing zircalloy rods and pellets used in the manufacturing of fuel elements coming from imported zirconium. The technology applied was developed in CNEA and is permanently updated. The mentioned company also manufactures the stainless steel alloys and titanium, as well as the development of products of zircalloy used as supplies in different components of NPPs.
Fuel elements fabrication is performed in CONUAR SA where UO2 pellets are fabricated and the assembly of fuel elements for NPPs CNA I and CNE and fuels type MTR for research reactor RA-3.
Moreover, fuel elements will be manufactured for future NPPs in Argentina. At present the first core of CNA II is supplied with the design and technological support given by CNEA.
CNEA has a plant for the fabrication of fuel elements for Research Reactors (ECRI) made up of four areas: fabrication of compacts, fuel rods, assembly of fuel elements and quality control. The facility has as an objective to develop and fabricate the fuel elements for research reactors and irradiation blanks for the radioisotope production. Up to the present, its production has enabled to meet part of local demand and some internationals (reactors exported to: Peru, Egypt, Algeria and Australia).
Temporary Storage of Spent Fuels:
Temporary storage of spent fuels is performed in situ in NPPs. In CNA I, fuels are stored in pools since there are two pools containing all spent fuels from the beginning of the operation of the NPP. In CNE, storage is initially performed in decaying pools in order to be transferred to dry silos after 5 or 6 years of storage in the same site of the NPP.
Temporary storage of fuels of research reactors is performed in different ways according to the reactor. Fuels of reactor RA-3 are stored in the Deposit of Wet Interim Storage of Spent Fuels of Research Reactors located in the Management Area of Ezeiza (AGE) in CAE. Fuels from the reactor RA-6, located in Bariloche Atomic Centre, CAB, in Río Negro province, are temporarily stored in pools located in this facility/installation.
In order to gather the storage of every spent fuel element coming from research reactors, the Facility that stores irradiated fuels of research reactors (FACIRI) is under construction and will be located in Ezeiza Atomic Centre, CAE. Its objective is to replace the existent facility in AGE as a system improvement. It is a pool where fuels under water will be disposed in perfectly controlled conditions in a specially designed structure.
CNEA is the company that conducts research work about spent fuel reprocessing. At present, it counts on several licensed facilities or facilities about to being licensed that would enable to experience at a lab scale about the feasibility of the reprocessing.
The following are some of the prominent facilities: the Lab for Post irradiation Assays (LAPEP), Hot Cells (CELCA) located in CAE and ALFA Lab located in CAC.
Radioactive Waste Management:
Radioactive waste management is contemplated in laws of nuclear activity No. 24804 in which CNEA responsibilities are described. Subsection “d” states that CNEA has to “exert the responsibility for managing radioactive wastes by fulfilling the tasks assigned to the specific legislation” as long as in subsection “g” regulates that CNEA has to “exert the state property of special fissionable radioactive materials contained in irradiated fuel elements”. In article 16, ARN tasks are mentioned and its subsection “c”, licenses, permits or authorisations for facilities are granted for radioactive waste or waste management.
In Decree Nº 1390/98, regulatory of Law Nº 24801, the constitution of trust funds is determined for nuclear power plants that go out of service and for radioactive waste management, of medium and high activity, that has been produced. It is also determined that these funds must be constituted with contributions by the generators of nuclear electricity.
Law No. 25018 establishes the “National Programme of Radioactive Waste Management” (PNGRR) that states that CNEA is in charge of enforcing the law and creates the “Fund for the Final Disposal and Management of Radioactive Wastes”. This fund replaces that one by Decree No. 1390/98. It also establishes that a Strategic Plan of Radioactive Waste Management has to be elaborated and a Regime for the administration of the fund that has to be approved by the National Congress by law.
CNEA has already created the project of PEGRR on the basis of taxes of the incomes of the electronuclear generation and said project was transferred to the National Congress in 2009 by the Executive Power for its approval. Likewise, a bill is under elaboration in order to administer the Fund.
As regards wastes produced by uranium mining, a Programme on Environmental Restitution of the Uranium Mining is under development (PRAMU) and its objective is to achieve the environmental restitution of those sites where activities related to uranium mining are developed. Sites where the programme is applied are the following: Malargüe and Huemul (Mendoza province), Córdoba and Los Gigantes (Córdoba province), Pichiñán (Chubut province), Tonco (Salta province), La Estela (San Luis province) and Los Colorados (La Rioja province).
In the beginning, the restitution project will be financed with a loan from the World Bank applicable to the sites of: Malargüe, whose works are under development, Los Gigantes, Córdoba and Tonco. Yet independently of the loan, different tasks of the project are carried out with CNEA financial means.
PRAMU intends to create an Advisory Group of Environmental Restitution of Mining as a long term objective, derived from the project management. This group would be conformed and linked to the National Secretary of the Environment and the National Secretary of Mining in related projects.
Policy for the Final Disposition of High Level Wastes:
The Argentine Republic has adopted a classification criteria based on activity levels by achieving the confinement and isolation required in each case.
As regards the final disposal of high level radioactive wastes, during the eighties, CNEA began a feasibility study and engineering draft for the construction of a deep geological repository. Stable granite formations were looked for in low seismic regions with scarce hydraulic conductivity. One of the possible options was the town of Gastre, province of Chubut, and studies to characterise the place were done. The report with the obtained results was duly handed in to the National Congress. Subsequently, as a consequence of the public opinion, studies were suspended in that locality, and thus it was not possible to prospect other favourable regions in the rest of the country.
Some developments for the high level radioactive waste treatment are focused on the research on the technical and economic feasibility in order to convert (transmute) radionuclides of the long decay period into others of short period or stable nuclides. Argentina, under the technical supervision of CNEA, counts with the developments in this field since in case this option is feasible, would enable the reduction of the inventory of long term radionuclides but would not eliminate the need for a repository.
AUTORIDAD REGULATORIA NUCLEAR (Nuclear Regulatory Authority).
NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY. “Uranium 2007. Resources, Production and Demand”.,
CNEA is a national institution oriented towards conducting research and developments in every aspect related to the pacific uses of nuclear energy. Thus, CNEA fosters technological innovative activities in the nuclear areas and as a consequence of that it was generated and accumulated, it performs development and transference activities of new technologies in related areas.
As the referent of its sector, CNEA has established as one of its main aims the technological support in the Argentine nuclear system. Its final aim is to improve the life quality of the society through the contribution of science and technology since they improve production; reduce the environmental impact that every human activity produces in the environment; look for innovations and application of derived techniques and train employees.
Most of production activities that were formerly performed by CNEA are at present handled by private companies with the exception of radioisotope production and equipment development and/or specific facilities.
Most of CNEA facilities are located in the following sites:
· Headquarters, City of Buenos Aires;
· Constituyentes Atomic Centre (CAC), in San Martín, province of Buenos Aires;
· Ezeiza Atomic Centre (CAE), in Ezeiza, province of Buenos Aires;
· Bariloche Atomic Centre (CAB), in San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro province;
· Pilcaniyeu Technological Complex (CTP), 60 km away from San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro province;
· San Rafael Industrial Mining Complex, site in San Rafael city, in Mendoza province.
In the Atomic Centres and Complexes projects are developed and administered on research, development, technology transfer and technical support in the technological field of CNEA.
Moreover, CNEA counts at present with four Regional Offices: Northwest, Cuyo, Centre and Patagonia whose mission is to carry out the exploration and prospecting of mineral resources of nuclear interests, particularly uranium minerals in the jurisdictional area of each of them.
CNEA provides an outstanding scientific and technological training in order to conduct technological nuclear activities both for Argentina and abroad. There exists an academic offer of the educational institutions of CNEA where graduate courses are given as well as PhDs, postgraduate courses and undergraduate courses. These courses provide education for specialists in different domains, such as: physics, engineering, nuclear applications, science and technology of materials. The educational centres are the ones as follows:
· Balseiro Institute, at CAB;
· Jorge Sábato Technological Institute, at CAC;
· Dan Beninson Nuclear Technological Institute, at CAE;
· Foundation School of Nuclear Medicine (FUESMEN) in Mendoza province.
· Nuclear Diagnostic Foundation Centre (FCDN), in the City of Buenos Aires.
Research reactors and operative production reactors in Argentina are as follows:
· RA-0 in National University of Córdoba, oriented towards an educational use and nuclear diffusion.
· RA-1, in CAC, mainly used for research of irradiation damage, material and equipment assay, analysis through activation and teaching.
· RA-3, in CAE, has as its main aim to produce radioisotopes for medical and industrial purposes, research and material assays.
· RA-4, in the University of Rosario, Santa Fe province. The main objective is to educate and spread/communicate the nuclear activity.
· RA-8, located in CTP, is a critical group designed for carrying out experiments related to the design of CAREM reactor.
There are relevant facilities with different purposes as well as labs in different sites of CNEA which are listed as follows:
Linear Electron Accelerator used for investigation and teaching purposes.
Lab of Activation Analysis
Lab of Atomic Collisions
Lab of Metal Physics
Lab of Statistic Physics
Lab of Particles and Fields
Lab of Magnetic Resonance
Lab of Material Characterisation
Lab of Special Ceramics
Lab of Material Physicochemical
Lab of Nuclear Materials
Lab of Computer Mechanics
Lab of Metallurgy
Lab of New Materials and Devices
Lab of Process Control
Lab of Fuel Element Design
Lab of Physics of Advanced Reactors
Lab of Neutrons and Reactors
Lab of Nuclear Safety
Lab of Thermo hydraulics
Lab of Analysis by Neutron Activation
Lab of Radiological Protection
Lab of Chemical Cynetics
Lab of Electronic Developments
Lab of Isotopic Separation
TANDAR Electrostatic Accelerator
Fuel Elements Fabrication Plant for Research Reactors (ECRI)
Plant of Uranium Hexafluoride conversion to Uranium Oxide
Ceramic Core NPP
Analytic Chemistry Lab
Nuclear Chemistry Lab
Environmental Monitoring Lab (air management)
Lab of Colloids
Lab of Water and other Fluids
Lab of Structural Material Characterization
Lab of Condensed Matter
Lab of Cells and Solar Panels
Lab of Uranium Dioxide Characterization
Lab of Diffusion
Lab of Dosimeter Irradiation
Lab of Non Destructive Assays
Lab of Experimental Physics of Reactors
Lab Radar Dish of Synthetic Opening
Circuit of hydrodynamic assays of fuel elements
Cyclotron for Radioisotope Production: production of radio drug 18 fluoride dioxide glucose (18-FDG) for the local market supply.
Molybdenum-99 Fission Production NPP: radioisotope iodine 131 for the supply of the local market with an exporting capacity. Molybdenum 99 with a capacity to meet the local market demand and export.
Radioisotope Production NPP: conditioning and fractioning of radioisotopes iodine-131 and molybdenum 99 and phosphorus 32production, chromium 51 and samarium 153 as well as the marked compound hafnium 181.
Semi industrial plant of Irradiation: it provides advisory services and food irradiation and disposable biomedical material for institutional external and internal clients.
Lab of head
Lab of enriched uranium
Management Area of Radioactive Wastes: Treatment Plant of Low Level Solid Radioactive Wastes, Contention System of Low Level Solid Radioactive Wastes, facility for Solid Disposal Radioactive Wastes, Structural and Canned Sources and the deposit Central of Special Irradiated Fissionable Material.
Radiochemical Facility Lab (LFR).
Post irradiation Assay Lab (LAPEP)
Detector Physic Lab
Lab of Analysis by Activation
Lab of radiotracers application
Regional Reference centre of Secondary Patrons
Methodology Lab of Radioisotopes Applications
Lab of radio pharmacy
Lab of High Pressure and Temperature (LENAP)
Lab of High Doses Dosimeter
Lab of Handling/Management and Conservation of soils
Lab of Microbiology
Lab of Industrial Applications
In CAE site, industrial plants of two CNEA associated companies are located: Argentine Nuclear Fuels SA (CONUAR SA) and Special Alloy Factory SA (FAE SA). Moreover, DIOXITEK SA operates Cobalt-60 Sealed Source Fabrication Plant meeting local demand and exporting sources with the highest quality standards thus converting Argentina into the third exporter of sealed sources.
Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion Plant
the Enrichment Uranium “Mock up” Pilot Plant (by gaseous diffusion)
Labs for CAREM Reactor Development
Porous Membranes Fabrication Plant
Fluorides Oils Fabrication Plant
Fluoride Production Plant
Analytical Chemistry Lab
The associated companies from which CNEA owns part of the stock are as follows:
· DIOXITEK SA: 99% of the stock participation is owned by CNEA.
· Argentine Nuclear Fuels S.A. (CONUAR SA): 33.33% corresponds to CNEA and 66.67 to the private company SUDACIA SA. It is located in Ezeiza Atomic Centre.
· Empresa Neuquina de Servicios de Ingeniería SE (ENSI SE): 49% corresponds to CNEA and 51% to the province of Neuquén. It is located in Arroyito in Neuquén.
· FUESMEN: headquarters in Mendoza province. Quasi public corporation. CNEA owns 33.33% of the stock, Mendoza, 33.33% and University of Cuyo, 33.33%.
· Foundation Centre of Nuclear Diagnostic: CNEA owns 50% and FUESMEN, the other 50%.
· NA-SA: CNEA owns 20% of the stock, the Secretary of Energy representing the National State, 79% and the Ente Binacional de Emprendimientos Energéticos SA, 1%.
· Polo Tecnológico Constituyentes SA (PTC SA): CNEA owns 20% of the stock and is constituted by the association of technological development institutions with different and complementary capacities. They are located next to Constituyentes Atomic Centre, San Martín, province of Buenos Aires.
The following are the companies and institutions related to CNEA:
· Investigaciones Aplicadas SE (INVAP SE), located in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro province.
· Centro de Medicina Nuclear del Hospital de Clínicas “Gral. San Martín” (Nuclear Medicine Centre of the Hospital Gral. San Martín, located in the City of Buenos Aires.
· Oncological Centre of Nuclear Medicine of the Oncological Institute Dr Ángel H. Roffo, located in the City of Buenos Aires.
· Service of Radiotherapy of the Oncological Institute Dr Ángel H. Roffo.
CNEA has organized its activities of research and technological scientific development in different fields. These activities involve advanced projects related to the nuclear activity and its applications, some of which are worth mentioning:
· Central Argentina de Elementos Modulares “CAREM”, development and construction of the prototype reactor of the first NPP with a technology and design completely Argentine. The site will be Lima, next to the site of CNA I. At present, studies of soil are being conducted and the Preliminary Safety Report (IPS) was submitted in December, 2009 to ARN in order to obtain a license to construct the prototype reactor in 2010.
· Uranium Enrichment Project: its objective is to strengthen the technological capacity as regards the uranium enrichment through the gaseous diffusion technology. Initial research studies are being conducted in order to enrich uranium by laser and ultra centrifuge.
· Since 2002, Argentina has become the unique country worldwide that has developed and implemented technology to produce fissile radioisotopes (such as molybdenum-99 and iodine 131) by using low enriched uranium blanks (<20%). The importance of this achievement is placed on the contribution to reduce the risk of assigning non pacific uses to high enriched uranium originally destined for pacific uses. This achievement complies with non proliferation international policies promoted by USA.
The scope of international cooperation in the area of nuclear energy development and its application is very wide between the main entities that act in the Argentine nuclear sector and in the foreign and international companies, governments and organizations. Said cooperation is mainly promoted an IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).
There exist specific links between the CNEA and the foreign associates in a wide area of Research and Development activities, from basic studies and development with the institutions of the first world.
On the other end, the NA-SA has a special collaboration agreement with the Brazilian company Eletronuclear, sharing Brazilian and Argentine labor during the stops at the nuclear stations in Brazil and Argentina, as well as other issues of interest for both countries.
There are also special links with Latin American countries promoted in part by the OIEA through the Latin American Project Area, denominated the ARCAL projects.
Every year, the CNEA has received an important number of foreign students and/or professionals, mainly from Latin American countries, Africa and Asia, especially by agreement of scholarships awarded by the IAEA, for training in a large number of areas.
In the context of its regulating task, the ARN has a close and varied interaction with national and foreign, governmental and nongovernmental, organizations, as well as with international organizations. This interaction has the following objectives:
· To Promote the exchange of experiences and information and the participation in the development of the international recommendations to manage the matters related to radiological and nuclear safety, nuclear non proliferation, non proliferation guarantees and physical protection;
· To Establish and develop the technical cooperation in the cooperation agreements that may be executed;
· To Promote cooperation in order to improve efficacy and efficiency of the international safeguards system, through the participation of experts and the development of specific techniques in the country.
The training and coaching of young professionals and technicians has always been a permanent activity of the CNEA. The Institution has more than forty years of experience in this area, and an important scholarship system that supports the activity, that involves two main types of scholarships: stimulus subsidies for academic instruction and improvement scholarships for “training on the job”, that constitute the “Learning by Doing Program”.
In the course of the years this Program has evidenced to be not only an educational tool, but also an efficient selection instrument, and a loyalty and commitment generation possibility with nuclear activity for the scholar.
The main guidance concepts of the development policy of acknowledge and skills at CNEA involve a solid basic education, associated to an intense learning process, by means of the insertion in projects, acting under the guide of experienced professionals and/ or technicians.
For the development of the intellectual capital and knowledge there are several institutions and venues:
· Three academic institutions: “Instituto Balseiro”, located at the CAB, “Instituto Sabato” located at the CAC and “Instituto Dan Beninson” at the CAE, created in association with national universities, where physicists, nuclear, mechanical and material sciences engineers are trained, as well as specialists in reactors, radiochemistry, nuclear medicine and technological applications of nuclear energy. Recently the Balseiro Institute was nominated “IAEA Collaboration Centre for the Development of Human Resources for Nuclear Technologies and their applications.”
· Two training centers in the health areas: the FUESMEN and the Nuclear Diagnosis Center Foundation.
· Premises and laboratories, among them: research and production reactors, critical facilities, operation console simulators, warm cells, ultimate generation microscopes, particle accelerators.
· Libraries and availability of books and periodical publications, and access to specialized electronic libraries.
These institutes and facilities not only provide education for professionals and technicians for the Argentine nuclear sector activities, offering training to CNEA, ARN and NA-SA, as well as educational services on specific issues for the Latin American region and for the world.
And, from time to time, according to their needs, NA-SA organizes specific training activities for the new staff at different levels of responsibility and specialization, as well as complementary activities for the permanent staff. This includes short courses for different operative and maintenance functions, specific training in partial scope simulators and regular yearly education and re-training in the total scope simulators.
Due to the requirements associated to the termination and start up of the CNA II, NA-SA opened a welder school specialized in nuclear quality, on the premises of the power plant.
On the other hand, the ARN maintains permanent control on the nuclear activities related to the training of the staff for the award of installation operation licenses, organizing and performing the examinations for the official candidates to obtain or renew licenses or specific authorizations. As complement of these activities, the ARN also performs a yearly teaching program as post graduate level in radiological protection and nuclear security areas.
With the reactivation of the nuclear activity in the country, the imperious need to create communication strategies has arisen in order to offer society the necessary information on nuclear activity, underlining its permanent contribution to the well being and development of the country.
In this sense long term strategies are being prepared and put into practice, within the frame of the development of the Strategic Planning of the National Atomic Energy Commission, in order to reach the political, corporate, professional, teaching, journalism levels, and in general, of opinion leaders, in order to achieve mass and effective circulation of the benefits of the pacific applications of nuclear energy, in the area of energy as well as in health care, and applications in the industry and agriculture.
During several years specific communication programs are in execution within this framework, with reference to the management of radioactive waste and spent fuels, and the environmental restitution of the sites where in the past uranium mining related activities have been performed.
As part of said effort, a Technical Cooperation Project with IAEA is under development, which involves assistance in the definition of a Communication Plan, communicator training, and a series of activities that should produce results at the end of the next month of April, with a first version of the above mentioned plan.
CNEA was created by Decree Nº 10936 in the year 1950. One of its specific functions was the control the nuclear development activities in the country.
Later, different legal regulations determined the competence of the CNEA as Regulatory Authority in the area of radiological and nuclear safety, especially in the aspects concerning the protection of individuals and the environment with respect to the adverse effects of ionizing radiations, the safety of nuclear facilities and the control of the use of nuclear materials. The main legal regulations corresponding to these aspects are Decree Law Nº 22498 of the year 1956 (“Organization of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), the Application Authority”) ratified by Law Nº 14467 of the year 1958 (“Ratification Law of Decree Laws of the provisional government between September 23rd. 1955 and April 30th.1958”) and Decree Nº 842/58.
The above mentioned Decree-Law also determined the competence of the CNEA to issue the necessary regulatory standards and the requirements for the permanent vigilance of the activities related to radioactive materials, and to supply the means of control that are necessary for the existence, marketing and use of the materials related with the pacific uses of nuclear energy.
On the other hand, Decree Nº 842/58 approved and placed the “Regulation for the use of Radioisotopes and Ionizing Radiation” in force, with the object to regulate the uses and applications of radioactive materials and the radiations they emit or emitted by nuclear reactions and transmutations, clearly determining that the CNEA would control the application and sanctions of said regulations. The use and regulation of X-ray generators was excluded from the competence of said standard, belonging exclusively to the area of the Ministry of Health.
As consequence of the constant increase of the nuclear activities in the country, the functional independence of the regulatory branch has strengthened with respect to other activities of the CNEA.
Based on the above considerations, the Executive Power, with Decree Nº 1540/94 has reorganized the Argentine nuclear system creating the “National Nuclear Regulation Entity”, and it was constituted as regulatory authority in radiological and nuclear safety, safeguards and physical protection in the whole national territory, performing all the regulation and control functions of the nuclear activity that until then belonged to the regulatory branch of the CNEA.
In 1997 Law Nº 24804 was enacted (“National Law of Nuclear Activity. Functions. Regulation Criterion”), determining the creation of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) in charge of the regulation and control activities concerning nuclear and radiological safety, safeguards and physical protection, as well as the consulting function for the executive power on issues of its competence.
ARN, as self-sufficient entity dependant from the Presidency of the Nation, has all the legal power to act in the areas of public and private law, as successor of the regulatory branch of the CNEA and the National Nuclear Regulation Entity.
The regulatory system considers licenses for the construction, start up, operation and final closing of nuclear facilities. This system determines the conditions that licensee must comply in each stage.
With reference to the licensing of facilities, the ARN must approve the permission to start construction, and therefore it must demonstrate that the facility will not cause damage to the public or to the environment, backed by the due documentation. Therefore a prior Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) must be carried out subject to the national legislation.
The complete process of the EIE comprises the following essential steps:
· Preliminary Report (PR): as affidavit by the owner of the project, in the cases that may correspond; due to the importance and complexity of a nuclear power plant, this step is avoided.
· Environmental Impact Study (EIS), also in charge of the owner of the project, in the cases that may correspond.
· Revision of the Environmental Impact Study (REIS) in charge of the competent environmental authority.
· Public participation instance.
· Environmental Impact Declaration (EID), in charge of the competent environmental authority.
Figure 3.1 describes the stages of the performance and approval process of the EIE.
Figure 3.1: Stages of the environmental impact evaluation in Argentina.
Once the environmental license has been obtained, the EIE is delivered to the ARN with the object to begin the proceedings to obtain the construction license. The EIE contains great part of the information required by the ARN to authorize the construction license.
The construction license is issued once the compliance with the standards and requirements for the site, basic design and conditions expected for the operation prior to start up have been verified. The applicable standards, in total coincidence with the international recommendations, determine the security criteria to be complied by the design of the facility and define the chronograms and type of mandatory documentation that must be presented together with the license application (Standard AR 3.7.1).
Especially nuclear power plants must comply with the radiological criteria relative to accidents (Standard AR 3.1.3). Once the construction license is requested, a constant interaction between the constructor or operator of the future facility and the ARN begins, constituting an interactive process. Likewise, as from the beginning of the construction, the capacities of the licensee to fulfill his responsibilities are evaluated.
The start up license determines the conditions for the loading of fuel and moderator, operation with power increase up to the nominal value, as well as the verification and testing of the components, equipment and systems to determine if they comply with the design principles. In order to comply with the license, the licensee must appoint a start up committee ad hoc constituted by senior specialists that permanently evaluate the execution of the start up program recommending its continuation (Standards AR 3.7.1, AR 3.8.1. and AR 3.8.2).
The operation license is issued once the ARN verifies that all conditions, standards and specific requirements applicable to the facility have been complied. Said conclusion is the result of the analysis of the technical documentation and studies that have been forwarded, as well as of the results of the inspections performed during the construction and start up and the recommendations of the ad hoc start up committee. The operation license is a document by which the ARN authorizes the business operation of a nuclear facility under the stipulated conditions that must be complied by the licensee (Standard AR 3.9.1). The non compliance of any of the imposed requirements without the corresponding authorization by the ARN implies the application of sanctions that may conduct to the suspension or cancellation of the operation license.
At the end of the useful life of the facility and by requirement of the licensee, the ARN authorizes the ending of the business operation of the nuclear power plant and issues a dismantling license. This document determines the safe dismantling conditions of the facilities, and the licensee will be in charge of the planning and provision of the necessary means for its compliance.
The licensing process for nuclear power plants is shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2: Licensing process for nuclear power plants in Argentina
The Argentine legal and regulatory system contemplates different aspects from the ratification of international treaties for the pacific use of nuclear energy to the different standards for the regulation and vigilance of the nuclear activity in the country.
Bilateral treaties and agreements for the pacific use of nuclear energy:
In 1991 in the city of Guadalajara, a bilateral agreement has been signed between the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil, for the exclusive pacific use of nuclear energy. In virtue of this agreement an agency has been created “Brazilian – Argentine Accounting and Control Agency of nuclear material” (ABACC – Agencia Brasilero – Argentina de Contabilidad y Control de material nuclear), and its essential objective is the implementation of a Common System for the Accounting and Control of nuclear material, with the object to ensure that said material is not used to manufacture nuclear weapons or other nuclear devices.
Once the Agency is created, the signature of the Agreement has been executed between: Brazil, Argentina, the IAEA and the ABACC (four-partite agreement) to consolidate the application system of safeguards presently in force in both countries.
Tlatelolco Treaty: Treaty for the Ban of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean. Argentina adhered to this international treaty and, in this manner, committed to use the material and nuclear facilities under its jurisdiction exclusively for peaceful objectives, and to forbid and impede the use, manufacturing, production, possession and dominion of all nuclear weapons in their respective territories, as well as the participation, in any manner, in this type of activity.
Non-Proliferation Treaty of Nuclear Weapons: Argentina is one of the signatories of the treaty in which it relinquishes the use of nuclear weapons.
Main National Laws:
Law Nº 1919
Mining Code. Approval.
Enacted: November 25th. 1886.
Decree/ Law Nº 6673
Patents and Trademarks – Model or Industrial Design. Regulatory Standards.
Enacted: August 9th. 1963.
Law Nº 17048
Nuclear Damage. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage.
Approved by the International Conference on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, held in Vienna, Republic of Austria in 1963 (amended and complemented by a Protocol and Complementary Convention approved by Law 25.313).
Enacted and promulgated: December 2nd.1966.
Law Nº 21947
Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters, open for signature on December 29th. 1972 in London, Mexico, Moscow and Washington.
Enacted and promulgated: March 6th. 1979.
Law Nº 22455
Convention related to Civil Liability within the sphere of nuclear materials sea transport, signed in Brussels, Belgium, on December 17th. 1971.
Enacted and promulgated: March 27th.1981.
Law Nº 22507
Treaty concerning the Prohibition of Placing Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Massive Destruction on Sea and Ocean beds, and their Underground, signed in London, Moscow and Washington on February 11th. 1971
Enacted and promulgated: October 7th.1981.
Law Nº 23340
Nuclear Energy: Nuclear Weapons Test-Ban
Treaty on Nuclear Weapons Test-Ban in the Atmosphere, in the Outer Space and in Submarine Waters, concluded in the City of Moscow on August 3rd. 1963.
Enacted: July 30th. 1986.
Promulgated: August 19th. 1986.
Law Nº 23620
Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials.
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, signed in Vienna, Republic of Austria, on March 3rd.1980.
Enacted: September 28th. 1988.
Promulgated: October 20th. 1988.
Law Nº 23731
Nuclear Accidents or Radiological Emergency.
Conventions on the Immediate Notification of Nuclear Accidents and Assistance in case of Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, approved by the General Conference of the International Institution of Atomic Energy, in Vienna, Republic of Austria, on September 26th. 1986.
Enacted: September 13th. 1989.
Promulgated: October 6th.1989.
Decree Nº 603/1992
Nuclear Exports. Control System.
Control system of sensitive exports and military material. Constitutes the National Commission for the Control of Sensitive Exports and War Material.
Published in the Official Bulletin on April 14th. 1992.
Amended by Decrees Nº 1291/1993, 102/2000, 437/2000.
Law Nº 24272
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Treaty..
Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, adopted in Mexico on February 14th. 1967, with the amendments introduced on July 3rd 1990, May 10th. 1991 and August 26th. 1992 (Tlatelolco Treaty)
Enacted: November 10th.1993.
Promulgated: December 7th. 1993 (Application Art. 70, National Constitution).
Decree Nº 1540/94
Atomic Energy. Reorganization of the National Entity.
Reorganization of the National Atomic Energy Commission. Creation of the “Ente Nacional Regulador Nuclear y Constitución de la Sociedad Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A” Privatization Process.
Enacted: August 30th.1994.
Published in the Official Bulletin on September 2nd. 1994.
Law Nº 24448
Nuclear Weapons.
Treaty on Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, open for signature in London, Washington and Moscow on July 1st. 1968 (TNP)
Enacted: December 23rd.1994.
Promulgated: January 13th. 1995.
Law Nº 24776
Nuclear Safety.
Convention on Nuclear Safety adopted in Vienna, Republic of Austria, on September 20th. 1994.
Enacted: February 19th. 1997.
Promulgated: April 4th. 1997 (Application Art. 80, National Constitution).
Law Nº 24804
National Law on Nuclear Activity. Functions. Regulation Criteria.
Enacted: April 2nd. 1997.
Promulgated in part: April 23rd.1997.
Law Nº 25018
Radioactive Waste Management System. General Dispositions.
Enacted: September 23rd. 1998.
Promulgated: October 19th. 1998.
Law Nº 25022
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban.
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, accepted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, United States of America, on September 10th. 1996.
Enacted: September 23rd. 1998.
Promulgated: October 20th.1998.
Decree Nº 1390/98
Regulation of the National Law of Nuclear Activity Nº 24804.
Enacted: November 27th.1998.
Law Nº 25279
Safety in Radioactive Waste and Fuel.
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, adopted in Vienna, Republic of Austria, on September 5th. 1997.
Enacted: July 6th. 2000.
Promulgated: July 31st.2000 (Application Art. 80, National Constitution).
Law Nº 25313
Nuclear Damages.
Protocol to Amend the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages and the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damages, adopted in Vienna, Republic of Austria, on September 12th. 1997. (Modifies and complements the Vienna Convention approved by Law Nº 17048).
Enacted: September 7th.2000.
Promulgated: October 6th. 2000 (Application of Art. 80, National Constitution).
Law Nº 25675
National Environmental Policy. Minimum Budget for Sustainable Management.
Minimum budgets in order to achieve sustainable and adequate environmental management, the preservation and protection of the biological diversity and the implementation of sustainable development. Principles of environmental policy. Minimum budget. Judicial competence. Policy and management instruments. Environmental order. Evaluation of the environmental impact. Education and information. Citizen participation. Environmental insurance and restoration fund. Federal environmental system. Ratification of federal agreements. Self-management. Environmental damage. Environmental compensation fund.
Enacted: November 27th. 2002.
Published: Official Bulletin of the Argentine Republic, November 28th. 2002.
Law Nº 25842
Agreements. Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology.
Cooperation Agreement for the promotion of nuclear science and technology in Latin America and the Caribbean, adopted by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Organization in Vienna, on September 25th. 1998.
Enacted: November 26th. 2003.
Promulgated: January 9th.2004.
Published: Official Bulletin of the Argentine Republic, January 15th. 2004.
Law Nº 25837
Agreements. Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
Agreement on the performance of activities related with international vigilance facilities at the service of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, signed with the Provisional Technical Secretariat of the Preparatory Commission of the Organization for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, on December 9th. 1999, in Vienna, Republic of Austria.
Enacted: November 26th. 2003.
Promulgated: February 19th. 2001.
Published: Official Bulletin of the Argentine Republic, February 20th. 2004.
Law Nº 26566
Nuclear Activity.
Declaration of national interest of the activities in order to extend the life of the CNE and CNA I, the completion of the construction, start-up and operation of CNA II, the construction and start up of a fourth power plant of one or two nuclear source energy modules and the construction and execution of the CAREM project.
Enacted: November 25th. 2009.
Effectively promulgated: December 17th. 2009.
Nuclear Regulatory Standards – Nuclear Regulatory Authority
AR 0.0.1.
Licensing of Class I facilities.
AR 0.11.1.
Licensing of Class I facility staff.
AR 0.11.2.
Psychophysical capacity requirements for specific authorizations.
AR 0.11.3.
Re-training of Class I facilities staff.
AR 2.12.1.
Radiological safety criteria for the management of radioactive waste from mining manufacturing facilities.
AR 3.1.1.
Occupational exposure to nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.1.2.
Limitation of radioactive effluents in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.1.3.
Radiological criteria with reference to accidents in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.2.1.
General safety criteria for the design of nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.2.3.
Fire safety in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.3.1.
Design of the core of nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.3.2.
Heat removal systems in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.3.3.
Primary pressure circuit in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.3.4.
Safety in combustible elements for nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.4.1.
Protection and instrumentation system related to the safety of nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.4.2.
Extinction systems for nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.4.3.
Confinement system in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.5.1.
Essential electrical supply in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.6.1.
Quality system in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.7.1.
Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the commercial operation of a nuclear power reactor.
AR 3.8.1.
Preliminary tests and start up of nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.9.1.
General safety criteria for the operation of nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.9.2.
Communication of relevant events in nuclear power reactors.
AR 3.10.1.
Protection against earthquakes in nuclear power reactors. Under revision process, taking into account the “state of the art”. And, the following standards are under analysis process:
AR 3.10.2
“General safety criteria for the location”.
AR 3.10.3
“Safety criteria for the evaluation of external events”.
AR 3.10.4
“Criteria for the determination of potential effects of a nuclear power plant in the region”.
AR 3.17.1.
Dismantling of nuclear power reactors.
AR 4.1.1.
Occupational exposure in research nuclear reactors.
AR 4.1.2.
Radioactive effluent limitation in research nuclear reactors.
AR 4.1.3.
Radiological criteria relative to accidents in research reactors.
AR 4.2.1.
Design of critical compounds.
AR 4.2.2.
Design of research reactors.
AR 4.2.3.
Fire safety in research reactors.
AR 4.5.1.
Design in the electric energy supply system in research reactors.
AR 4.7.1.
Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the operation of a research reactor.
AR 4.7.2.
Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the operation of a critical compound.
AR 4.8.1.
Preliminary tests and start up of critical component.
AR 4.8.2.
Preliminary tests and start up of research reactors.
AR 4.9.1.
Operation of critical component Revision 1.
AR 4. 9.2.
Operation of nuclear research reactors.
AR 5.1.1.
Occupational exposure in Class I particle accelerators.
AR 5.7.1.
Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the operation of a particle accelerator.
AR 6.1.1.
Occupational exposure of Class I radioactive facilities.
AR 6.1.2.
Limitation of radioactive effluents in Class I radioactive facilities.
AR 6.2.1.
Design of fixed irradiation plants with mobile under water irradiation sources.
AR 6.7.1.
Schedule for the presentation of documents prior to the operation of an industrial irradiation plant.
AR 6.9.1.
Operation of fixed irradiation plants with mobile under water irradiation sources.
AR 7.9.1.
Industrial gammagraphy equipment operation.
AR 7.9.2.
Operation of radiation sources for industrial applications.
AR 7.11.1.
Individual permits for industrial gammagraphy equipment operators.
AR 7.11.2.
Individual permits for radiation sources operators for industrial application.
AR 8.2.1.
Use of sealed sources in brachytherapy.
AR 8.2.2.
Operation of linear accelerators for medical use.
AR 8.2.3.
Telecobaltotherapy facility operation.
AR 8.2.4.
Use of non sealed radioactive sources in nuclear medicine facilities.
AR 8.11.1.
Individual permits for the use of radioactive material or ionizing radiations in humans.
AR 8.11.2.
Minimum clinical training requirements to obtain individual permits for medical use.
AR 8.11.3.
Individual permits for specialists and technicians in radiotherapy physics.
AR 10.1.1.
Basic Standard of Radiological Safety.
AR 10.12.1.
Radioactive Waste Management.
AR 10.13.1.
Physical protection standard for nuclear materials and facilities.
AR 10.13.2.
Physical safety standard for sealed sources.
AR 10.14.1.
Non deviation guarantees of nuclear materials and materials, facilities and equipment of nuclear interest.
AR 10.16.1.
Transport of radioactive materials.
The National Commission of Atomic Energy has entered into International agreements on the nuclear area both with other entities and with other countries.
· Antarctica Treatment (Section V). Signed by the Argentine Republic on June 23rd, 1961 and ratified on that same date jointly with the remaining initial signatories thus coming into effect as of the abovementioned date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Under Water (Moscow Treaty). Signed by the Argentine Republic in Washington on August 8th and in London and Moscow on August 9th, 1963, it was approved by Law No. 23340 later enacted on August 19th, 1986 (Official Gazette 2/IV/69), ratified on March 26th, 1969 and thus coming into force in Argentina on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. The Argentine Republic signed it in Washington on January 27 and in Moscow on April 18, 1967. It was approved by Law No. 17989, later enacted on December 4, 1968 (Official Gazette 2/IV/69) and ratified on March 26, 1969 thus coming into effect in Argentina on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco). The Argentine Republic signed it in Mexico on September 27, 1967 with interpretative declaration. It was approved by Law No. 24272, promulgated on December 7, 1993 (Official Gazette 14/XII/93) and ratified with exemption of the referred conditions on January 18th, 1994 thus coming into effect in Argentina on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil. The Argentine Republic signed it in Washington, London and Moscow on September 3rd, 1971. It was approved by Law No. 22507, promulgated on October 7, 1981 (Official Gazette 13/X/81) and ratified on March 21, 1983 thus coming into effect in Argentina on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The Argentine Republic adhered to it in Washington on February 10th, 1995. It came into effect in Argentina on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Open for signature in New York on September 24, 1996. Not yet into effect the necessary quantity of ratifications has not been met. Signed in New York on that date, it was later approved by Law No. 25022, promulgated on October 20, 1998 (Official Gazette 28/X/98) and ratified on December 4th, 1998. Its duration is unlimited.
· Agreement between the Governments of the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil for the exclusive pacific use of nuclear energy (Guadalajara Agreement or Agreement SCCC). It was signed in Guadalajara on July 18, 1991 (Official Gazette 24/XII/91) and later ratified on December 12, 1991 thus coming into effect on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Brazilian-Argentine Agency of Accountancy and Nuclear Material Control in Brazil (Venue Agreement). It was added to the Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil for the exclusive pacific use of the nuclear energy. Signed in Brasilia on August 20, 1991, it was later approved by Law No. 24048, enacted on January 2, 1992 (Official Gazette 9/I/92) and ratified on February 10, 1992 thus coming into effect on March 12 of that year. Its duration is unlimited.
· Agreement on Immunities and Privileges of the Brazilian-Argentine Agency of Accountancy and Nuclear Material Control in Argentina. Signed in Rio de Janeiro on May 19, 1993, it was later approved by Law No. 24580 and then enacted on November 22, 1995 (Official Gazette 27/XI/95). Ratifying notes are still to be exchanged. Provisionally in force since October of that year. Its duration is unlimited.
· Statute of IAEA. In force in Argentina since May 2002 with its four amendments.
· Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of IAEA. Approved by Decree-Law No. 7672 on September 13, 1963 (Official Gazette 29/XI/63), it was later ratified by Law No. 16478 and then enacted on September 29, 1964 (Official Gazette 30/IX/64). The acceptance document was handed down in Vienna on October 15, 1963 thus coming into force in Argentina on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Agreement between IAEA and the Government of Argentina. Through this agreement, the Agency will advise Argentina on carrying out a project related to an experimental reactor and a production reactor (RA-3 INFCIRC/62). Signed in Vienna on December 2, 1964 within the framework of the Agency’s statute, it came into effect on that date. It was amended by the Second Agreement of Property Ownership Transference (INFCIRC/62/Add.1), signed in Washington on December 13 and in Vienna on December 30, 1965. Suspended application on March 4th, 1994 in virtue of the Four Party Agreement coming into force.
· Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Safeguard Application in relation to the Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Canadian Government for the Cooperation in the Development and Application of the Atomic Energy with Peaceful Purposes (INCIRC/251). Signed in Vienna on July 22, 1977 within the frame of the Articles of Association of the Agency which has been binding ever since. Suspended application on March 4, 1994 in virtue of the Four Party Agreement coming into effect.
· Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic, the Peruvian Government and the United States of America related to Enriched Uranium Transference for an NPP of Nil Power (RP-0) (INFCRC/266). Signed in Vienna on May 9, 1978 within the frame of the Articles of Association of the Agency, it has come into force since that date. Its validity shall last as long as the nuclear material is under the Peruvian jurisdiction or control or until the parties convey that no nuclear activity can be used which holds interest for safeguards.
· Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Government of the Argentine Republic for the Application of Safeguards in Atucha II NPP (INFCIRC/294). Signed in Vienna on July 15, 1981 within the frame of the Articles of Organisation which has come into force since that date. Suspended application of March 4, 1994 in virtue of the Four Party Agreement coming into effect.
· Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of safeguards in relation to the heavy water production NPP in Arroyito (INFCIRC/296). Signed in Vienna on October 14, 1981 within the frame of the Articles of Organisation, it has come into effect since that date. Application suspended on March 4, 1994 in virtue of the Four Party Agreement coming into effect.
· Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the safeguards application to the heavy water supplied by the USSR (INFCIRC/297). Signed in Vienna on October 14, 1981 within the frame o the Articles of Organisation, it has come into effect since that date. Its application was suspended on March 4, 1994 in virtue of the Four Party Agreement coming into effect.
· Agreement of Supplementary Supply entered into by and between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Governments of the Islamic Iranian Republic and the Argentine Republic so as to transfer enriched uranium (enriched to a 20%) destined for a research reactor from Iran (INFCIRC/97/Add.2). Signed in Vienna on December 9, 1988 within the frame of the Articles of Organisation of the Agency, it has come into effect since that date. Its validity shall last as long as the nuclear material is under Iranian jurisdiction or control or until the parties agree that no nuclear activity can be used holding interest for safeguards.
· Agreement between the Argentine Republic, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Argentine-Brazilian Agency of Accountancy and Nuclear Material Control and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of safeguards (Four Party Agreement). Signed in Vienna on December 13, 1991, it was approved by Law No. 24113, later enacted on August 27, 1992 (Official Gazette 7/IX/92) and ratified on March 4, 1994 thus coming into effect on that date. Therefore, the application of others agreements has been suspended referred to in the following section. It shall be valid as long as Brazil and Argentina are part of the Guadalajara Agreement (or SCCC Agreement).
· Agreement by means of note exchange between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Argentine Republic so that Argentina could apply the Four Party Agreement in relation to the Tlatelolco Treatment and the TNP. Notes dated November 6, 1996 and January 23, 1997 accordingly. They were exchanged in Vienna, thus coming into effect on March 18, 1997. It will be valid as long as Argentina is part of the Tlatelolco Treatment, TNP or Guadalajara Agreement (or SCCC Agreement).
· Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage. Open for signature in Vienna on May 21, 1963, it has come into effect on November 12, 1977. Argentina signed it in Vienna on October 10, 1966. It was approved by Law No. 17048 later enacted on December 2, 1966 (Official Gazette 16/XII/66) and was ratified on April 25, 1967. It came into force in our country on November 12, 1977. Its duration is unlimited.
· Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972. (London Convention) Signed in London on November 13, 1972, it was approved by Law No. 21947, enacted on March 6, 1979 (Official Gazette 9/III/79) and ratified on September 11, 1979. In our country it came into force on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. Signed in London on November 1, 1974, it was approved by Law No. 22079, enacted on September 18, 1979 (Official Gazette 24/XII/79) and ratified on December 5, 1979, thus coming into effect in our country on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material (signed in Brussels on 17 December 1971). It was approved by Law No. 22455, enacted on March 27, 1981 (Official Gazette 6/IV/81) and ratified on May 18, 1981. It came into force in our country on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material was open for signature in Vienna and New York on 3 March 1980. It came into force on February 8, 1987. Argentina signed it in Vienna on February 28, 1986, and it was approved by Law No. 23620, enacted on October 20, 1988 (Official Gazette 2/XI/88) and ratified on April 6, 1989, with reserves, thus coming into force in our country on May 6, 1989. Its duration is unlimited.
· Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention. Opened for signature in Vienna on September 21, 1988, it entered into force on April 27, 1992. Argentina signed it in Vienna on that date and it is under a constitutional process of approval and ratification. Its duration is unlimited.
· Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident. Opened for signature in Vienna on September 26, 1986, it entered into force on October 27, 1986. Approved by Law No. 237231, it was enacted on October 6, 1990 (Official Gazette 30/I/90). Argentina adhered to this Convention in Vienna on January 17, 1990, thus entering into force in Argentina on February 17, 1990. Its duration is unlimited.
· Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Opened for signature in Vienna on September 26, 1986, it entered into force on February 26, 1987. approved by Law No. 23731, it was enacted on October 6, 1989 (Official Gazette 30/I/87). Argentina adhered to it in Vienna on January 17, 1990. It entered into force in Argentina on February 17, 1990. Its duration is unlimited.
· Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. Signed in Basel on March 22, 1989, it was approved by Law No. 23922, enacted on April 1991 (Official Gazette 24/IV/91) and ratified on June 27, 1991. In Argentina it entered into force on May 5, 1992. Its duration is unlimited.
· Convention on Nuclear Safety. Opened for the signature in Vienna on September 20, 1994, it entered into force on October 24, 1996. Argentine signed it on October 20, 1994, and it was later approved by Law No. 24776 and enacted on April 4, 1997 (Official Gazette 11/IV/97) and ratified on April 17, 1997 thus entering into force in Argentina on July 16, 1997. Its duration is unlimited.
· Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. Opened for signature in Vienna on September 29, 1997, it entered into force on June 18, 2001. Signed by Argentina on December 19, 1997, it was approved by Law No. 25279 and enacted on July 31, 2000 (Official Gazette 4/VIII/00) and ratified on November 14, 2000. Its duration is unlimited.
· Protocol to Amend the 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage. Opened for signature in Vienna on September 29, 1997, it entered into force on October 4, 2003. Signed by Argentina on December 19, 1997, it was approved by Law No. 25313 and enacted on October 6, 2000 (Official Gazette 18/X/00) and ratified on November 14, 2000. Its duration is unlimited.
· Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage. Opened for signature in Vienna on September 9, 1997, it has not come into effect yet, since there is a ratification still pending. Signed by Argentina on December 19, 1997, it was approved by Law No. 25313, enacted on October 6, 2000 (Official Gazette 18/X/00) and ratified on November 14, 2000. Its duration is limited.
· IAEA Statute. Signed in New York on October 26, 1956, thus entering into force on July 29, 1957. It was approved by Decree Law No. 5011 on May 15, 1957 (Official Gazette 22/V/57), ratified by Law No. 14467, later enacted on September 23, 1958 (Official Gazette 29/IX/58), ratified on October 3, 1957 and entering into force in our country on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA. Approved by Decree-Law No. 7672 on September 13, 1963 (Official Gazette 29/XI/63) which was ratified by Law No. 16478, enacted on September 29, 1964 (Official Gazette 30/IX/64). The acceptation instrument was deposited in Vienna on October 25, 1963, thus entering into force in our country on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
· Supplementary Agreement Concerning the Provision of Technical Assistance by the IAEA to the Government of the Argentine Republic. Signed in Vienna on February 27, 1991 within the frame of the IAEA Statute and in force since that date. Its duration is unlimited. (It substituted the Supplementary Agreement concerning the Provision of the Technical Assistance to the Government of the Argentine Republic by the IAEA signed on April 11, 1966 and in force from that date up to the agreement signed in 1991 entering into force).
· European Community of the Atomic Energy (EURATOM)
· Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the European Community of the Atomic Energy (EURATOM) related to the pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Brussels on June 11, 1996, it was approved by Law No. 24869, later enacted on September 11, 1997 (Official Gazette 18/IX/97) and entering into force on October 29 of that year. Its duration is of 10 years and is automatically renewed by successive 5-year periods.
· Co-operation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL) was sponsored by the IAEA. Signed in Vienna on December 4, 1998, it was approved by Law No. 25842, later enacted on January 9, 2004 (Official Gazette 15/I/04) and ratified on March 30, 2004. It entered into force in September 2005. Its duration is of 10 years and extendable by the parties agreeing upon that by five-year successive periods.
· Algeria
Cooperation Agreement on Pacific Uses of the Nuclear Energy between the Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and the Government of the Argentine Republic. Signed in Algiers on November 17, 2008. Its duration is of 20 years and it is possible to renew it in the event the parties agree upon renewal.
Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation (specifically included nuclear energy) between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government Democratic and Popular Algerian Republic. Signed in Algiers on December 3, 1984, it was approved by Law No. 23424, enacted on October 30, 1986 (Official Gazette 26/III/87) and it entered into force on April 27, 1987. Its initial duration was of five years, automatically renewed by successive five-year periods.
· Armenia
Cooperation Agreement on Pacific Uses of Nuclear Energy between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Signed in Yerevan on June 30, 1998, it was approved by Law No. 25285, enacted on December 6, 2000 (Official Gazette 13/XII/00) and entered into force on September 7, 2001. Its initial duration is of five years and it is automatically renewed by five-year successive periods.
· Australia
Cooperation Agreement between the Argentine Republic and Australia on Pacific Uses of the Nuclear Energy. Signed in Melbourne on August 8, 2001, it was approved by Law No. 26014, enacted on January 10, 2005 (Official Gazette 14/I/05) and it entered into force on January 22, 2005. Its duration is unlimited.
· Bolivia
Cooperation Agreement on the pacific uses of the nuclear energy between the Republic of Bolivia and the Argentine Republic. Signed in La Paz on March 19, 1970, it was approved by Law No. 18814, enacted on October 14, 1970 (Official Gazette 23/X/70) and entered into force on February 18, 1971. Its duration is unlimited.
· Brazil
Cooperation Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil for the development and application of the pacific uses of nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on May 17, 1980, it entered into provisional force on that date. It was approved by Law N. 22494, enacted on September 10, 1981 (Official Gazette 16/XI/81) and ratified on October 20, 1983. Its initial duration was of ten years and it is automatically renewed by two-year periods.
Cooperation Protocol between the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil on the immediate notification and mutual assistance in case nuclear accidents and radiological emergencies should occur (Protocol No. 11 of the Argentine Brazilian Integration Minutes). Signed in Buenos Aires on July 29, 1986 and entered into force since that date. Its duration is unlimited.
Nuclear Cooperation Protocol (Protocol No. 17 of the Argentine Brazilian Integration Minutes). Signed in Brasilia on December 10, 1986, it entered into force since that date. Its duration is unlimited.
Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil for the Exclusively Pacific Use of the Nuclear Energy (June 1991) (creation of the Argentine Brazilian Accountancy and Nuclear Material Control Agency, ABACC).
Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil, IAEA and ABACC. It was signed on December 13, 1991. The signers accept the safeguard application to every nuclear material in every nuclear activity undertaken in both countries.
Joint Declaration concerning the creation of the Argentine Brazilian Nuclear Energy Application Agency (ABAEN), signed in Buenos Aires on August 14, 2001 coming into force on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy signed in Puerto Iguazú on November 30, 2005 coming into force on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
Additional Protocol to the Cooperation Agreement for the development and application of the pacific uses of the nuclear energy regarding reactors, nuclear fuels, radioisotopes and radio-drugs and radioactive waste management, signed in Puerto de Iguazú on November 30, 2005 coming into effect on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
Additional Protocol to the Cooperation Agreement for the development and application of pacific uses of nuclear energy in the regulatory and implementation areas between the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil, signed in Puerto Iguazú on November 30, 2005 and coming into force on that date. Its duration is unlimited.
Protocols of the Day of the Friendship. Signed on November 30, 2005 in Iguazú. It includes the following cooperation items:
1. Joint Declaration on nuclear policy.
2. Additional Protocol regarding reactors, nuclear fuels, radioisotope supply and radio drugs as well as radioactive waste management.
3. Additional Protocol in the regulatory areas and the implementation for nuclear regulations.
Anniversary Joint Declaration ABACC. Signed in Buenos Aires on December 12, 2006.
Joint Declaration February 2008. Signed in Buenos Aires on February 22, 2008. It sets the creation of the Bi-National Commission on Nuclear Energy; trains agencies to create a bi-national uranium enrichment company and conducts a Technical Bi-National Seminar in both countries.
· Bulgaria
Cooperation agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria concerning pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on August 1, 2000, it was approved by Law No. 25809, enacted on November 28, 2003 (Official Gazette 2/XII/03), exchange ratification notes are still pending. Its initial duration will be of five years, automatically renewed every five-year successive periods.
· Canada
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Canada for the cooperation on the pacific uses of nuclear energy. Signed in Ottawa on June 21, 1994, it was approved by Law No. 24646, enacted on June 26, 1996 (Official Gazette 28/VI/96) coming into force on that date. Its duration is of thirty years, it is automatically renewed by ten-year periods. (Substitutive of the Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Canada for the cooperation in the development and application of the atomic energy with pacific uses signed on January 30, 1976 coming into force on that date until the signed instrument entered into force in 1994).
· Chile
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Chile and the Government of the Argentine Republic on cooperation in the pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Santiago de Chile on November 13, 1976, it was approved by Law No. 22886, enacted on August 31, 1983 (Official Gazette 14/IX/83) and entering into force on September 1 of that year. Its initial duration was of five years and it was automatically renewed by annual successive periods.
· China
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the cooperation in pacific uses of nuclear energy. Signed in Beijing on April 15, 1985, it was approved by Law No. 23712, enacted on October 6, 1989 (Official Gazette 12/X/89) and entering into force on October 30 of that year. Its duration is of fifteen years and it is automatically renewed by five-year successive periods.
· Colombia
Cooperation Agreement in the pacific uses of nuclear energy between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Colombia. Signed in Bogotá on September 15, 1967, it was approved by Law No. 19505, enacted on February 23, 1972 (Official Gazette 18/VII/72) coming into force on March 27 of that year. Its duration is unlimited.
· South Korea
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Korea on cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on September 9, 1996, it was approved by Law No. 24860, enacted on September 10, 1997 (Official Gazette 16/IX/97) and came into force on September 10, 1997. It is valid for 10 years and is automatically renewed every five years.
· Costa Rica
Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica and the development and application of peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires, on June 18, 1992, it was approved by Law No. 24981, enacted on July 10, 1998 (Official Gazette 15/VII/98). Its initial duration is ten years, and it will be automatically renewed by two-year successive periods.
· Cuba
Memorandum of Understanding on the cooperation in peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed on January 19, 2009.
· Ecuador
Cooperation Agreement on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy between the Government of Ecuador and the Government of the Argentine Republic. Signed in Buenos Aires on April 5, 1977, it was approved by Law No. 21896 enacted on October 30, 1978 (Official Gazette 03/XI/78) and entered into force on June 4, 1979. Its initial validity was of five years, and it was automatically renewed by annual successive periods.
· Spain
Special Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Kingdom of Spain for the development and application of the peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on November 30, 1978, it entered into force on that date. Its initial validity was five years, automatically renewed by two-year successive periods.
· United States of America
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the United States of America on the peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on February 29, 1996, it was approved by Law No. 24862, enacted on September 10, 1997 (Official Gazette 17/IX/97) and entered into force on October 16 of that year. Its duration is 30 years. (Substitute of the Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the United States of America on civil uses of nuclear energy signed on June 25, 1969 and into force as of July 25 of that year until the signed instrument entered into force in 1996).
· France
Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of France for the use of nuclear energy for exclusively peaceful and non explosive purposes. Signed in Buenos Aires on April 21, 1994, it was approved by Law No. 24647, enacted on June 26, 1996 (Official Gazette 1/VII/96), and entered into force on July 10 of that year. Its duration lasts 10 years, automatically renewed by 10-year successive periods.
· Greece
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Hellenic Republic on the cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in Athens on July 13, 1997, it was approved by Law No. 25286, enacted on December 6, 2000 (Official Gazette 13/XII/00) and entered into force on December 12, 2000. The duration is ten years. It shall be automatically renewed on a five-year basis.
· Guatemala
Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Guatemala and the Government of the Argentine Republic for the development and the application of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in Guatemala on May 14, 1986, it was approved by Law No. 24645, enacted on June 26, 1996 (Official Gazette 28/VI/96) and entered into force on March 5, 1997. This agreement was executed for a period of five years. It is automatically renewed on a two-year basis.
· Indonesia
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for the cooperation in the pacific uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on May 17, 1990, it was approved by Law No. 24161, enacted on October 26, 1992 (Official Gazette 02/XI/92), and entered into force on February 23, 1993. This Agreement is executed for a period of five years and it shall be automatically renewed on a yearly basis.
· Jordan
Cooperation Agreement on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy between the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Government of the Argentine Republic. Signed in New York on November 22, 2009, the Agreement is executed for a period of ten years and it shall be automatically renewed on a ten-year basis.
· Libya
Cooperation Agreement in the Peaceful Uses of the Nuclear Energy between the Government of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the Government of the Argentine Republic. Signed in Tripoli on November 22, 2008, this agreement is executed for a period of five years and it shall be automatically renewed for the same period unless either of the two Contracting Parties notifies the other Party of its decision to terminate it six months before the expiry date.
· Morocco
Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Government of the Argentine Republic on peaceful uses of atomic energy. Signed in Rabat on June 13, 1996, it was approved by Law No. 24980, enacted on July 10, 1998 (Official Gazette 15/VII/98), whose ratification notes have not been exchanged yet. It shall be initially executed for five years and automatically renewed on a yearly basis.
· Mexico
Cooperation Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the United States of Mexico for peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on July 4, 2002, this agreement shall be executed for a period of two years and automatically renewed on a two-year basis.
· Paraguay
Cooperation Agreement on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy between the Republic of Paraguay and the Argentine Republic. Signed in Buenos Aires on July 20, 1967, it was approved by Law No. 18436, enacted on November 7, 1969 (Official Gazette 19/XI/69) and entered into force on January 20, 1970. Its execution is unlimited.
· Peru
Cooperation Agreement on peaceful uses of nuclear energy between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Peru. Signed in Lima on May 25, 1968, it was approved by Law No. 18255, enacted on June 10, 1969 (Official Gazette 18/VII/69) and entered into force on July 13, 1969. Its duration is unlimited.
· Romania
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Romania for the cooperation in the peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on November 27, 1990, it was approved by Law No. 24217, enacted on June 24, 1993 (Official Gazette 1/VII/93) and entered into force on July 29, 1993. It is executed for ten years and automatically renewed on a five-year basis.
· Russia (State succession since 1992 from the ex USSR)
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the cooperation in the peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Moscow on October 25, 1990, it was approved by Law No. 24253, enacted on November 12, 1993 (Official Gazette 18/XI/93) and entered into force on November 18 of that year. This Agreement was executed for ten years and automatically renewed on a five-year basis.
Joint Declaration of the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services of the Argentine Republic and the State Corporation of Atomic Energy “ROSATOM” on the cooperation in the peaceful uses of the Nuclear Energy. Signed in Moscow on December 10, 2008.
· South Africa
Cooperation agreement on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Argentine Republic. Signed in Buenos Aires on December 3, 2008. It shall be executed for 10 years and automatically renewed by subsequent five-year periods.
· Thailand
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on cooperation in peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Bangkok on June 7, 1996, it was approved by Law No. 24861, enacted on September 10, 1997 (Official Gazette 16/IX/97) and entered into force on June 25, 1998. It was executed for five years and automatically renewed on a yearly basis.
· Turkey
Agreement on the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for the cooperation in peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Buenos Aires on May 3, 1988, it was approved by Law No. 23914 enacted on April 16, 1991 (Official Gazette 22/IV/91) and entered into force on February 24, 1992. It was executed for fifteen years and automatically renewed for five-year subsequent periods.
· Uruguay
Cooperation Agreement on peaceful uses of the nuclear energy between the Argentine Republic and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. Signed in Buenos Aires on July 8, 1968, it was approved by Law No. 17938 enacted on October 21 of that year (Official Gazette 25/X/68) and entered into force on December 30, 1972. It shall be executed for an unlimited amount of time.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and the Argentine Republic. Signed in Buenos Aires on July 5, 2007. It shall be executed for 5 years and automatically renewed for five-year periods.
· Venezuela
Complementary Agreement on technical scientific cooperation between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Venezuela in the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Signed in Caracas on August 8, 1979, it was approved by Law No 22314 enacted on October 31, 1980 (Official Gazette 7/XI/80) and entered into force on November 17 of that year. It was initially executed for five years, automatically renewed on a yearly basis.
· Vietnam
Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on cooperation in peaceful uses of the nuclear energy. Signed in Hanoi on November 19, 2001, it was approved by Law No. 25776, enacted on September 12, 2003 (Official Gazette 16/IX/03). It entered into force on February 24, 2004. This agreement shall be executed for ten years and automatically renewed for five-year consecutive periods.
Main organisations, entities and companies previously mentioned in Section 2, appear as follows with the corresponding contact information.
Address: Av. del Libertador 8250 - 1429 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Telephone: +54 (0)11 4704-1000
Web site:
Address: Av. del Libertador 8250 - (1429) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Phone number: +54 (0) 11 6323-1770
Fax: +54 (0) 11 6323-1771/1798
Web site:
Address: Arribeños 3619 - (1429) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Phone number: +54 (0) 11 4701-7070
Web site:
Address: Av. Comandante Luis Piedrabuena 4950 (ex RN 237) - (8403) - S.C. de Bariloche - Río Negro.
Phone number: +54 (0) 2944 409300
Fax: +54 (0) 2944 409339
Address: Esmeralda 356 1st floor - (1035) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Phone number: +54 (0) 11 4394-3344
Fax: +54 (0) 11 4394-3543
Web site:
Address: Presbítero Juan González y Aragón 15 - Centro Atómico Ezeiza - (1802) - Ezeiza - Buenos Aires
Phone number: +54 (0) 11 6326-1300
Fax: +54 (0) 11 6326-1490
Web site:
Address: Av. del Libertador 8250 3er. Piso - (1429) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Phone number: +54 (0) 11 4704-1035
Fax: +54 (0) 11 4704-1043
Address: Rodríguez Peña 3250 - Alta Córdoba (5001) - Córdoba
Phone number: +54 (0) 351 470-3653 /3669 /3317 /3553
Fax: +54 (0) 351 470-8143
Web site:
Address: Pbro. Juan González y Aragón 15 - (1802) - Ezeiza - Buenos Aires.
Phone number: +54 (0) 11 6326-1493/1494/1495
Fax: +54 (0) 11 6326-1496
Web site:
Address: Ruta Nacional 237 Km 1278 - (8300) - Arroyito, Neuquén. Casilla de Correo 636
Phone number: +54 (0) 299 449-4100
Fax: +54 (0) 299 449-4199
Address: Correa 1603 (1429) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Phone number: +54 (0) 11 4704-1071/72/73
Fax: +54 (0) 11 4704-1074
Web site:
Address: Av. Madero 942 Piso 1° - (1106) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Phone number: +54 (0) 11 4319-3700
Web site:
President of the Argentine Republic
Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services
Secretariat of Energy
President of the National Atomic Energy Commission
Norma Luisa BOERO
Vice president of the National Atomic Energy Commission
Mauricio BISAUTA
Norberto R. COPPARI (Assistant Manager of Strategic Planning)
Jorge H. GIUBERGIA (Head of Prospective and Energy Planning Division)
Carlos F. REY (Advisor to the Planning, Coordination and Control Management)
Valeria CAÑADAS (Annalist of the Prospective and Energy Planning Division)
Inés TORINO ARAÓZ (Annalist of the Strategic Planning Submanagement)
Gustavo A. BARBARAN (Annalist of the Strategic Planning Submanagement)
Mariela Y. IGLESIA (Annalist of the Prospective and Energy Planning Division)
Susana M. GÓMEZ DE SOLER (Manager of Control, Coordination and Planning Management)
National Atomic Energy Commission
Av. del Libertador 8250
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (1429).
Phone number: + 54 11 4704 1000 (ext. 1566)
Planning, Coordination and Control Management
Strategic Planning Submanagement
Prospective and Energy Planning
Andrea Carolina CRUZ (Radiological and Nuclear Safety Management - CNEA)
Gabriel Norberto BARCELO (Manager of Institutional Relations Management)
José Ernesto GREGUI (Manager of Environmental and Nuclear Safety Higher Management)
Heriberto José BOADO MAGAN (Manager of CAREM Project)
Claudio SOLARI (Manager of Legal Management)
Enrique CINAT (Manager of Radiological and Nuclear Safety Management)
Roberto E. BIANCHI (Manager of Prospecting Management. Raw Materials)
Santiago JENSEN MARIANI (Annalist of the Prospective and Energy Planning Division)
María D. PARERA (Annalist of the Strategic Planning Submanagement)
Diego J. MAUR (Annalist of the Prospective and Energy Planning Division)
Roberto M. ORSTEIN (Institutional Affairs Management)
Facundo DELUCHI (Institutional Affairs Management)
Juan LEGISA (Advisor to the Secretariat of Energy, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services)
Analía DUCO (Secretariat of Energy, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services)
Luis BEURET (Undersecretary of Electric Power, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services)
Juan Gerardo MEIRA (National Director of Prospective, Under secretariat of Energy, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services)
Pablo Mira LLAMBI (Director of Information and Economic Situation, Under secretariat of Economic Program. National Ministry of Economic Affairs and Public Finance)
Alicia BARAGATTI (National Director of Initiatives. Secretariat of Energy. Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services)
Jorge KOSTIK (Secretariat of Energy, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services)
Mónica SERVANT (Secretariat of Energy, Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services)
Gabriel E. TERIGI (Manager of Nuclear Affaire and Institutional Communication Management - ARN)
José Luis FIORENZA and Rubén O. SEMMOLONI (Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA)
Horacio RAPOPORT (Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA)
Symbol | Name | Factor |
E | exa | 1018 |
P | peta | 1015 |
T | tera | 1012 |
G | giga | 109 |
M | mega | 106 |
K | kilo | 103 |
H | hecto | 102 |
da | deca | 101 |
d | deci | 10-1 |
c | centi | 10-2 |
m | mili | 10-3 |
µ | micro | 10-6 |
η | nano | 10-9 |
p | pico | 10-12 |
F | femto | 10-15 |
A | atto | 10-18 |
Table 1. Prefixes
De: | TJ | Gcal | Mtoe | MBtu | GWh |
A: | Multiplied by: | ||||
TJ | 1 | 238.8 | 2.388 x 10-5 | 947.8 | 0.2778 |
Gcal | 4.1868 x 10-3 | 1 | 10-7 | 3.968 | 1.163 x 10-3 |
Mtoe | 4.1868 x 104 | 107 | 1 | 3.968 x 107 | 11630 |
Mbtu | 1.0551 x 10-3 | 0.252 | 2.52 x 10-8 | 1 | 2.931 x 10-4 |
GWh | 3.6 | 860 | 8.6 x 10-5 | 3412 | 1 |
Table 2. Energy conversion factors
De: | kg | t | Lt | st | lb |
A: | Multiplied by: | ||||
kg (kilogram) | 1 | 0.001 | 9.84 x 10-4 | 1.102 x 10-3 | 2.2046 |
t (ton) | 1000 | 1 | 0.984 | 1.1023 | 2204.6 |
Lt (long tonne) | 1016 | 1.016 | 1 | 1.12 | 2240.0 |
st (short tonne) | 907.2 | 0.9072 | 0.893 | 1 | 2000.0 |
Pound (pound) | 0.454 | 4.54 x 10-4 | 4.46 x 10-4 | 5.0 x 10-4 | 1 |
Table 3. Mass conversion factors
From: | US gal | UK gal | bbl | ft3 | l | m3 |
To: | Multiplied by: | |||||
US gal (US gallon) | 1 | 0.8327 | 0.02381 | 0.1337 | 3.785 | 0.0038 |
UK gal (UK gallon) | 1.201 | 1 | 0.02859 | 0.1605 | 4.546 | 0.0045 |
bbl (barrel) | 42.0 | 34.97 | 1 | 5.615 | 159.0 | 0.159 |
ft3 (cubic foot) | 7.48 | 6.229 | 0.1781 | 1 | 28.3 | 0.0283 |
l (litre) | 0.2642 | 0.22 | 0.0063 | 0.0353 | 1 | 0.001 |
m3 (cubic metre) | 264.2 | 220.0 | 6.289 | 35.3147 | 1000 | 1 |
Table 4. Volume conversion factors
To: | US gal | UK gal | bbl | ft3 | L | m3 |
From: | Multiply by: | |||||
US gal (US gallon) | 1 | 0.8327 | 0.02381 | 0.1337 | 3.785 | 0.0038 |
UK gal (UK gallon) | 1.201 | 1 | 0.02859 | 0.1605 | 4.546 | 0.0045 |
bbl (barrel) | 42.0 | 34.97 | 1 | 5.615 | 159.0 | 0.159 |
ft3 (cubic foot) | 7.48 | 6.229 | 0.1781 | 1 | 28.3 | 0.0283 |
l (litre) | 0.2642 | 0.22 | 0.0063 | 0.0353 | 1 | 0.001 |
m3 (cubic metre) | 264.2 | 220.0 | 6.289 | 35.3147 | 1000 | 1 |