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(THP1/07) MHD Stability Calculations of High-$\beta $ Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarators

G. Y. Fu , L. P. Ku , N. Pomphrey , M. Redi , C. Kessel , D. Monticello , and A. Reiman 
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08543, U.S.A.
M. Hughes 
Northrup-Grumman Corporation, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
W. A. Cooper 
Center of Research for Plasma Physics, Lausanne, Switzerland
C. Nührenberg 
IPP, Greifswald, Germany

The MHD stability  of quasi-axisymmetric compact stellarator s is investigated. It is shown that bootstrap current  driven external kink mode s can be stabilized by a combination of edge magnetic shear and appropriate 3D plasma boundary shaping while maintaining good quasi-axisymmetry. The results demonstrate that there exists a new class of stellarators with quasi-axisymmetry, large bootstrap current, high MHD beta limit , and compact size.

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IAEA 1999